>£400 million for two movies being filmed back-to-back, which roughly translates to $525 million.


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You sound like a fucking nerd.

Jesus Christ.

>Sup Forums - Comics and Cartoons

That's a lot of money.

Directors also said that they're filming back to back to cut down some of the costs, I wonder how expensive it would've been if they didn't film it like that.

Most of that money would be paid to actors. This is just what happens when you get a lot of expensive people together.

I hope it's okay. All I want is an entertaining film. Doesn't have to be great. Just passable.

Civil War cost $250million.

divide the 525, its essentially 260ish each (which considering the more Cosmic nature implied by Infinity War makes sense being more costly than CW)

this means that, with marketing, its going to cost them about a billion dollars.

And RDJ is taking half of it.

250 million to actors, 250 million to marketing, 25 million for the film.

Marketing costs are covered by licensing deals, and you can bet INFINITY WAR will be licensed from here onto infinity.

Considering it's directed by the Russos I believe it. Their shit looks like a TV show.

That's what they said about Whedon back when Avengers was released, and everyone claimed the Russos would fix it.

Wow, four hundred million pounds? So they're spending half of tumblr's user base?

Avengers looked like a Saturday morning cartoon but the cinematography got better in Age of Ultron. The opposite happened with Winter Solider and Civil War. What the fuck happened?

What happened to the billion dollar budget?

There was never been a billion dollar budget

Damn, I loved making the billion dollar jokes.


That's actually quite reasonable considering the huge cast they're working with and I assume doing it back-to-back will save on some expenses in the long run.

if both movies make even just 400 milllion USD, they'll turn a huge profit, but more than likely they'll gross at least 750mil each.

I think this is pretty good.

Both these films will make over billion, user. And no if both films only did 400mil they would lose money as production doesn't include marketing

source: my ass

advertising is not part of the budget you fucking idiots, advertising is usually ball parked as being the same cost of the film, so in this case it'll cost them 1 billion in total.

I can't post this anymore

It'd be a major disappointment if the last two BIG Avengers films don't make a billion each.

Why do people keep going to this shit movies, give it a rest for fucks sake.