Do you guys like Fem Thor now?

Do you guys like Fem Thor now?

Why not just call her Jane? It's not like we don't know who she is.

Man, she is going to be so disappointed when she doesn't die in battle

Did something change? If not, then no.

nice tits


*Valhalla intensifies*

Basically this.


You can't be racist to white people. You know the rules.

Who uses codenames anymore?
You say Tony, Steve, Clint, Carol, Jess, Wanda, etc, not Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye, MS/Captain Marvel, Spider-Woman, Scarlet Witch, etc.


She's got a great design though.

I don't like any version of thor

Beautiful pure aryan goddess.

Cool design, never read any of her outside of a rare few (that I read, that is) Avengers appearances.

>You say Tony, Steve, Clint,
>not Iron Man, Captain America, Hawkeye

That's because those names now belong to Riri, Sam and Kate user. Get with the times. Get on the right side of history.

I don't know anything about her beyond her identity and appearance, neither of which I have a problem with.


Ironheart, dual usage but is called "Sam Wilson" anyway, usually called Kate Bishop

No, and I refuse to call Jane by the title of Thor.

how come this isn't cultural appropriation? I know nobody around here gives a damn but it seems like the crowd they're aiming at would.

t. Scandinavian

Jane Foster is a descendant of that ethnic group. She just lives in United States.

I would be nice if it did not have to come at the expense of just about everything established that we know about Thor.

>Like Odin always being able to beat Thor in a fight, or having total control over Mjolnir
>Or Odin not just making a new hammer for Thor or Jane like he has done three times in the past for other people who lifted the hammer
>Odin has to be ineffectual and dumb, Thor has to be some weird loser,

Here's what I need to like Fem Thor:
-She needs to stop acting Asgardian. She's not, so it's weird. Bill didn't act any less like a space cyborg horse when he had the hammer, so it makes her seem like a poser.
-Brown hair. Her hair turning blonde is also weird. Again, Bill didn't get a flash of blonde locks when he turned Thor.
-The cancer thing needs some kind of resolution. The idea of someone being a superhero at the literal expense of killing themselves in arguably both the most mundane and disturbing ways imaginable creeps me out too much.
-Whatever this stupid riddle that made Thor unworthy is better be good or at least have good payoff
-Just better, more interesting stories in general and less "WHAT IF THOR... WAS A HUMAN WOMAN?" stuff
-Probably shouldn't be called Thor anymore either. That's that dude's name, and no amount of waffling by Marvel can unmake it so.

>-Whatever this stupid riddle that made Thor unworthy is better be good or at least have good payoff

Few years later, do you think Marvel remembers this, or even cares about the whole whisper thing at this point?

Because white people have no culture. You know the rules.

Mjolnir is the lifeform in charge and she is simply a host, disconnected to find someone it could manipulate easier and came to the diseased and rebuilt in their ideal when it became awakened.
Thor Odinson's unworthiness comes from a massive existential crisis about being made from the belief of people yet very existence of him seems to make them worse off that has been eating at him for a while, compounded on Nick Fury using Watcher powers to objectively state it and bring Mjolnir back to self-awareness as a storm.

She's goin' super saiyan, bro. Hence why she goes from brown hair and brown eyes to blond hair and blue eyes.

It has never done that before now.

I mean, Aaron flashed back to it in the latest Unworthy issue. So it hasn't been completely dropped, just dragged out way past the point of being sensible

Because it is a retcon in the story. Beings made out of myths are malleable.

It never made any goddamn sense. Even in doubt Thor is still Thor. It also somehow manages to also defy Odin.

That is a really stupid retcon. I'm not saying it's the most stupid retcon, as there are worse, but it's up there.

Odin has been on tilt for a while. It will go back to the status quo eventually.

It's funnier to think that the hammer didn't grant her the All-Tongue and she's just putting on her best Asgardian "accent" to speak for fun.

She did hang out with Thor a lot so seems like trying to mimic his mannerisms would work.

Ya, a woman called Thor is like calling a man Laufey. One of those weird things you could only tolerate one at a time.

I don't mind mixing up the status quo sometimes, but there's a difference between 'shit changing' and 'now we're writing our fan fic' and we've been in fan fic territory ever since Civil War.

So why is Jane worthy again? If its literally from the cancer then fuck you thats pathetic

That has been a consistent thing.

Fuck you, that's how.

Actually, even Earth X Thor still went by Thor, despite being a female. Admittedly it actually -was- Thor, only he'd been turned into a chick by Odin, because that'll show'em, right? Stop channeling Greek mythology, weird, alien, Odin. Ya creepy fuck.

The same. worthy testing is mutated and not longer beneficial to the organism, but registers as self

I didn't before. Now I'm starting to.

How the hell does she not know Gladiator?

He's an alien from another galaxy that rarely comes to Earth and when he does it's to deal with the X-Men, and no one cares about mutants.

Could have been worse,

Mjolnir could have been picked up by a black girl and then each and every Thor story revolves around the Asgardians acting like 1970's Jefferson's neighbors by being incredibly uncomfortable and not knowing what to say around Thor all the time.

>Wait, Thor is Black!?! I uhh....I mean African American...or African Asgardian, what do you people call it? Oh shit@! I didn't mean YOU people as in blac...errr African umm....uhh...

Meanwhile Odin keeps going "Not in my house!!!!" over and over again looking like an old fashioned racist from a Spike Lee movie.

The hammer defying Odin and Odin not being able to do anything about it, or even defeat Thor in a fight is really ignoring every aspect of the character in history.

I don't know that's sounds pretty fucking funny

For decades Odin was the one who judged the worthyness. It was always what his personal definition is for worthy.

Jane getting the hammer when Odin was against it, hates it, and demands it does not happen is pretty fucked up.

>those bikes next to the table

How does she see out of that helmet?

I think this was a movie.

I'm probably a super minority here but I have always liked it. Yes there were some questionable writing but when focused on story and not arguing with the internet it has been pretty solid. I would say she and Unworthy Thor are my top 2 Marvel comics, followed by Gwenpool and Wolverine.

Fuck off Bo

I like her design and elements of her comic.
I don't like her character. She's terrible.

How could they have done it right, Sup Forums?

Yeah, because in the Hostory of Magic Items in media not ONCE, have they ever grown beyond the power of their maker....never ever.

That's sarcasm btw

As the rep of the Sup Forums hive mind we must inform you they no one can do anything right ever.


Make the female Thor the one from Femizonia, remade after the most recent Ragnarok into an 8 foot tall goddess of storms and battle. Has an older sister kind of relationship with current Thor despite being younger.

Last week o read the God butcher storyline
It made me dispose her so much more

Design wise, I love her. But Odinson and Sif have better costumes

always liked her. there is a reason she sold better than old busted Thor

Why is Jane fighting Gladiator.

>The cancer thing needs some kind of resolution.

I'm pretty sure the cancer is mostly being made into a plot-point so there's convenient excuse to kill her off either in time for the movie or when the sales need a boost from her inevitably heroic death.

Hell I remember there was a comic that was supposedly set in Marvel's future coming out around the same time Lady Thor was first run was finished that basically said that she's got an expiration date and won't last. But knowing Marvel who knows if that's even true anymore.

Because his Gods told him to go kidnap that white bitch.

Yeah, because of shilling. It's fucking stupid.

thor was never that interesting to me in the first place, so when all the jane thor shit was going on, i didnt really care. im just tired of marvel giving other people the powers of thor and calling them that. his name is thor odinson. (i know about his human counterpart from the old origin, but it was retconned that odin put him there and whipped his memory, making him think he was a human)

No. The whole "whisper" thing from Nick Fury is fucking retarded. We know there's going to be the worst reason possible and it won't even make sense.

Also, Mjolnir ignoring Odin's commands is stupid as fuck.

Then there's the whole [UNSOLICITED OPINIONS ABOUT ISRAEL] Like, you're trying to keep this comic somewhat realistic, what the fuck does this Norse God know/care about a shithole like Israel?

Finally, there's the constant shilling and just pushing of her to fucking everything. She sucks. She's a shitty hero doing shitty things and just pushing a stupid fucking agenda. Want to be more diverse? Fine. But don't try to come in and ruin a current ongoing big comic because it'll sell well with fat lardwhales.

I've honestly stopped buying from Marvel. I'll see the movies and that's it, I'm sick of giving faggots like Whedon money. I'll maybe start again when Thor comes back. I've never been more upset about a comic since Ultimate Peter died.

Since when do the Shi'ar have gods? The manifest kind, I mean.

Speaking as a cartoonist; I'd write/draw the fuck out of her given the opportunity
Speaking as a reader: Jason Aaron?
Lol no.

A friend of mine predicted this ages ago; I predicted it would suck.



that was a different book, different writer, different artist.
keep pretending you read Sup Forumsmics

>I'll see the movies and that's it, I'm sick of giving faggots like Whedon money

"I'm tired of giving this dude money, so i'm going to go see his movies."

Its easier to type. Also secret identities are dumb.

nah it's still pretty bad

Almost the same thing. Same agenda, NuAsgardian girl, Bor (or a figment of him) delivered the line.

Probably bait, but go fuck yourself anyway. Yes I'm "triggered".

It's only the same because you need it to be to support your theory.

I have a huge hardon for all the Chrises, sue me.

Whedon is a faggot, I stand by that statement.

The character is the same isn't she? Still a stupid shill by Marvel because they wanted revenue from fat kissless girls on tumblr.

Imagine if they shilled to the fat kissless guys here on Sup Forums what they'd come up with.

This gif makes me want to reach through my computer and strangle her.


A l-little, I guess~


and no, they're not the same at all. Which you would know if you read the comics instead of just scanning through story times for shit to get mad about.

If there was one thing i've hated from this run, it's how shitty the reveal on her identity was.
They eliminate Jane as a suspect in like the first two or three issues, plant all clues that it's that shield agent to instead just be like "LOL NOPE was jane all along, your so stupid for not seeing it."

I'm not the actual user you were talking to before.
Just saying, it fits the thread just as well.

The character actually wasn't the same. The line was delivered to Angela.

Angela isn't the same as Femthor at all, she's more Gaiman's fuck you to McFarlane
"I'd rather give my character to the mouse than let you profit off her."

Is she killing muslims?

I don't think FemThor even showed up in that book. The only Thor appearances were by Odinson

She did. Last two issues. Interestingly enough, FemThor matched angela in both agility and travel speed in their fight.

I still don't buy that Angela is anywhere near as strong as Thor. She'd be Baldr level (Freya is actually an average strength asgardian and Baldr is also a son of Odin).

Also, Hela's realm doesn't really work the way the author suggested it works. The author may have been thinking about when Hela's realm and mephisto's domain were fused for a period of time, but Hela's realm is pretty simple-- go in, go to Hela talk to her or fight her or both. It was a needlessly padded comic.

Since yesterday

I have no strong feelings about her one way or the other. Never did.

It was hilarious to see the Sup Forums meltdown about her though.

Do you remember in Civil War 2 they have Jane fly Miles back home, but then Jane is still in the panel when Tony's side teleports away? No, you don't, because you didn't care enough to notice she was there twice.

No one cares about Jane. She's a nice design wasted on a boring character.

Has *MYSOGYNIST RACIST THINGS* from Thor been posted yet? Because I think that sums up Fem Thor more than any page in her run so far.

I agree.

I swear if that Sup Forums rumor of her getting in MvCI is legit, then all hell will break lose.

Why wouldn't she be in there? "Captain Marvel" is there. Jane is the current "Thor". We're talking Current Year Marvel here. Do that math.

If that's the case it would've been Riri instead of Stark.
Carol's going to be in the MCU

>Why wouldn't she be in there?
Because she's not Thor in the movies. Carol is there because Carol is getting a movie. Every character with a Netflix show has a higher chance than Jane does. And I seriously doubt Thor 3 will end with her becoming Thor, just because I assume Natalie Portman hates doing those movies.

>Sup Forums
>acctually reading comics


isn't it about ethics in hammer wielding?

I want to tongue her thunder clitty