What would your ideal SCP series/prenise be? The possibilities are practically endless considering how much you can extrapolate from the setting.
An anthology series. One overarching arc would be out of place for the setting. Each episode would follow different groups/single individuals.
One episode would be about a Task Force hunting down a Keter SCP.
One episode would be about scientists trying to figure out how this weird Euclid SCP works.
One episode would be about a normal person becoming an SCP for no knowable reason.
And so on.
>Series follows a new SCP employee in his early days at a containment facility
>First season is essentially a monster-of-the-week, introducing the viewers to the world and the characters of the facility
>Second season moves on to "field work," where the MC goes out with agents to retrieve SCPs that have been located outside the facility
Not sure what could go on after that
I dont care what the rest of the show would be, but there has to be an episode about the racist alien coming to our dimension to meet his scientist friend only to discover that they are human and be awkward about it
then they fall in love
afterwards some sort of arc would be fitting. like one the Foundations rivals and enemies starting shit
Mystery Inc season 3.
Isnt there a manga adaption of SCP? I havent been to 4-2chan for a while
basically Friends but with a bunch of scientists and security guards and their 'pet' D-Rank. Most of the time they are sitting in the cafeteria swapping stories, occasionally there's a flashback, someones one of the characters will want to check out something another one told them about, the actor playing D-Rank changes every episode but no one ever openly acknowledges that the last one died and they just grab a new one from the barracks because they really do see D-Ranks is interchangeable, even as far as companionship is concerned.
Give it the overall tone of Garth Merenghi's Darkplace
I was thinking maybe some supervisor using different SCPs for his own purposes (dealing with rivals, acquiring more SCPs, making money) and the MC slowly uncovers what he's doing until it reaches a point where the MC and other agents confront the supervisor in his own makeshift facility. There could be a three-episode special about them navigating this strange underground holding area filled with unrecorded SCPs until they finally confront the supervisor.
22-minutes of cuddling 1473.
Episode one opens with the Foundation making contact with that other universe. Episodes focus on various items, have to include the fun ones like 50-ae-j and the bro-tier inanimate objects and the scary ones. Final episode would be the parallel universe attacking for infecting them with the diseases.
You want to cuddle a printer?
>Halloween special
>something goes terribly wrong and a lot of the monsters are free
>it basically plays out that MC and a squad of guys are the only ones to escape alive
>the last shot is of the grizzled commander who helped save them all as it shows that one of the monsters have actually taken over his body
It would be interesting if mc a normal dude who likes paranormal stuff and he just get glimpses of how big this really is
>story about agents, a scientist, and a D class
>the agents and scientist are friends and like to keep D class around
>D Class dies almost every episode but get's cloned every time. D Class even acknowledges this
>storys would be about agents adventures, scientist adventures in the lab, and D class trying to not die again, even getting close with certain SCPs
We're talking about SCP and you act like thats the strangest thing that he could want to do
I think SCP-2935 would be better for EP 1 intro Then we get a former agent explaining how shit got bad for him.
Episode starts with A armed man running from something hunting him. He see's the exit and runs for the door that took him into scp- 2935. The entrance explodes and collapses with him saying "nonono" and his hand reaching close to the exit only to follow with blackness. The following scene then follows with some music youtube.com
sorry for bad spelling i am sleepy as fuck
Each episode is set up like a report on one SCP, no carry over characters to really hammer home the expendable nature of the human personnel.
Absolutely none of the retarded self insert bullshit that infested the site and ruined an otherwise pretty great little idea dump
I'd kinda like the Foundation to be shown as a kitschy 50's MIB organization with the series more about all the weird shit rather than focusing on all the world/universe ending whatevers.
Open up with something like this: youtube.com
And end with everyone scrambling to prevent an XK and came up out of nowhere.
Kondraki and other major scientists as recurring characters but none as the mc?
Do 2 series at the same time. One a gritty horror series told from the perspective of a Euclid SCP trying to evade ruthless SCP agents. The second a light hearted comedy following a SCP facility and containment teams. Halfway through the season merge them together when it's obvious they were always the same show.
I wish just one of these SCP fans making these videos actually had a decent voice, I want to like some of these videos but their nasally shit tier voice over ruins ever single one.
Scooby doo/Ghostbusters
Has anyone listened to the Magnus Archive podcast? It's basically SCP in podcast form.
have you played the game?
like that but animated and with better writing
or simply and agent dealing with all that crazy stuff
almost like a monster of the week thing, also have some small plot involving an enemy organization trying to fuck things up
just small clues like a random breach, some ""normal"" scp gets lost, someone is acting strange
How similar is it?
It's about British organization collecting reports of and objects that are supernatural or weird. It starts out with unconnected stories but as it goes on it references previous entries that might be related to each other and then towards the end of season one there's an overarching plot. Each episode is about a half hour.
D class is called Kenny?
Pretty much an xfiles meets warehouse 13 meets men in black type thing.
If it was gonna be Sup Forums worthy then it'd look a lot like the MiB cartoon.
This was drawn by a furfag wasn't it?
The fur is too clean and not at all made mangey nor frazzled as one would expect from a monster desinged to frighten.
I'd rather an adaptation of that one story of the interdimentional creepy old man SCP going out on Halloween
Show about a task force of agents trying to capture and contain a wide variety of SCP's while maintaining secrecy. Episodes ranging from the agents gearing up and going full operator mode against spooks to going full greyman in highly populated area's, trying to contain an SCP as covertly as possible with nothing but a few cell phones and concealed handguns.
Yes, I know the safety is on and the bolt isn't moving on the pic related.
cmon, 682 is referred to as a lizard or 'that crocodile thing' a whole bunch, who thinks its some shitty dog?
I loke the idea of a rookie agent gradually becoming more and more jaded as time goes on. Which is that SCP that's a young girl who gas to be raped and tortured in order to keep the world from ending? That should come near the end of the series and throw him off.
The only think I ask for is this as a running gag
Strelnikov has to make a cameo at some point too
That is one weird as fuck SCP
What game?
I like the idea of that SCP actually being a blue whale, because to be honest it being a little girls sounds bit too edgy.
>If it was gonna be Sup Forums worthy then it'd look a lot like the MiB cartoon.
SCP containment breach nigga
I like this one.
Have it like Tales from The Cryptkeeper where it's just an anthology of short stories centered around the Foundation. No 'main central cast' but have some occasional reoccurring characters (like have an agent who died in one story be alive in another one that took place before he died or a researcher who's good at x be mentioned in or show up in stories that involve x). Some stories would be scary, some would be funny and others would be sad, it'd be a good way to capture the tone of the setting in that not every SCP is there to eat your face.
Every once in a while you can have another Group of Interest tell their own stories like GOC, Serpent's Hand, CoTBG or MCD.
You can have an overarching plot by just dropping links and hints across the stories to what's going on like the Scarlet King or the War of The Flesh being the endgame.
Is that game still completely busted?
Last time I played it the player would reach a point where they were required to be caught by SCP-106, and win the coin-flip of being teleported to his pocket dimension instead of instantly dying, in order to be able to find a key card with the right authorization to progress further into the facility...
There should be a few recurring easter eggs.
Those kind of anthology series haven't really had much success since the decline of syndicated television. Also the tension and stakes that come from the more dangerous SCPs would benefit from developed, fleshed out characters that the audience has grown attached to. You'd be better off doing something like American Horror Story.
>it is not human
>you are being watched
>hostile being
>symbols have been compromised
This one is the best interpretation.
I don't remember if this was directly related to SCP but wasn't there some simple indie game/demo or whatever where all you do is go down this long dark staircase?
Neat, thanks
You bastard
>Pray while shooting
Every little bit helps.
i think the main character, if there is one, should stay as far away from the action as possible.
maybe make it so that he's there to investigate records and find anything anybody else needs, while telling the stories of the record.
maybe at one point, in the middle of a story, alarms start blaring and he has to keep himself safe, and there can be a tense moment where he hides and something horrible walks past his hiding place or starts searching the room he's in.
How about have the MC be an in house therapist and all the monster of the week episodes be based around the stories their patients are telling them.
there is a scp that can only be hurt if you pray and believe it. a d class destroyed raambo style
What if we have a bunch of lesbians and a faggot kid and have them capture these creatures? Perhaps using a bubble of some sort.
>The possibilities are practically endless considering how much you can circlejerk the mods into letting your fanfiction allowed into their club
i for one cant wait for the episode where the scp's super power is making people rape it, but not knowing thats its super power
or the episode where MLGPRO murdermaster caine, murders so hard, they hire him for murders, so he doesnt murder them
I myself can't wait for the SCP-CU specal episodes
>so he doesnt murder them
>but he murders them anyway!
bro you missed the dramatic twist
>SCP-CU episode
>turns out the dog or whatever is actually an SCP mind controlling everyone
>i for one cant wait for the episode where the scp's super power is making people rape it, but not knowing thats its super power
Don't worry, Dr. Clef will make sure m'lady doesn't suffer from any further sexual transgressions.
Cuz it's his daughter
Well the SCP-1548-CU of the dog is really a parody of the normal SCP-1548, with their entries being all the same (except for the cute parts) so it's not imposible to work around that.
Of course he wouldn't, he is many things but he is not into incest
>Grant Morrison's SCP series never
This, basically The Twilight Zone but in a more unified setting.
Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits, draw heavy inspiration from those shows, keep things within the confines of the SCP locales, and have a fuckin' ball.
I'd give my a variety of my own body parts to see a successful, well written, long running series based on SCP stories.
Imagine the existential mindfuckery they could pull with 085 and 343. The shenanigans they could pull with 294. The bloodbaths with that Goddamned fucking indestructible lizard. And yeah, yeah, I guess 173 and 106 for horror episodes.
>that whole thing
Man, the SCP community has really gone to shit, huh.
That letter is way too casual, and the whole "the strongest evil in the mutliverse" screams retarded fanfic shit.
The SCP are weird unexplained spooky shit with some guesses on their origin, not a Marvel comics big bad.
That's pretty standard for tales and better than some of the garbage that was originally made.
Honestly I'd watch an entire series of them using the vending machine and seeing what they get.
I'm still fucking mad that they retconned that one, so it can no longer dispense "something that can kill SCP-682" anymore. The fact that such a substance would be so volatile that it destroyed an entire facility when they did do that, was the perfect reason as to why they didn't just use to kill it. I like the idea of the Lizard being the upper limit as much a s the next guy, but limiting other shit, for no reason is dumb. As long as you give a reason why a thing wouldn't be a viable solution to use against 682, I see no reason that it can't still exist.
At least 96 is dead so I'm ok looking at that picture.
Stranger Things: The Animated Series
The SCP community cannot write. They think they can, but they absolutely cannot. They're alright at writing reports because dull, literal scientific reports aren't too hard to make. But they fall flat on their face whenever it comes to actual writing, as you see with their tales. The annoying thing is that they think they're really good at writing. They're incredibly elitist and they're constantly throwing their shitty ideas at each other and building off each others weak foundations as if any of them had any idea what they were talking about. And they keep making more of these shitty fucking tales.
People stepping in to tone down other SCP's so theirs is best is kind of why this shit fails. It becomes an ego match.
I'm glad that they at least had the decency and hindsight to remove all the embarrassing, cringeworthy admin RP from the articles. Except for Dr. Bright. The fuck made himself an SCP so now he's grandfathered in and stuck there forever.
Lmao of course he is, look at any pic of it if you want senpai
Hopefully an unpopular one, so the article falls into obscurity and disrepair.
so how about you write one
How would SCP-811 be depicted?
Did they reject your stories, bud?
Not that guy, but this is the most pathetic form of "arguing" when addressing criticism.
I agree with this, but to be fair isn't criticism. At all.
It's just artist interpretation of 682 image (what is decaying whale corpse).
>isn't criticism. At all.
>Guy claims the community can't write for shit
>muh people aren't allowed to criticize unless they can do better
>you must be a chef to tell my food is shit, go away hater!!!
Either provide arguments or fuck off to whatever hugbox that taught you how to be this much of a cancerous faggot, worse than being wrong is not trying at all
Didn't know bitching counts as criticism now. But I guess I shouldn't be surprised, since you think throwing strawmen actually substitutes for having an argument
Take your hurt feewings and go
Sealab 2021
the only real way it could work
Isn't that the coffee machine? I was talking about 261.
As someone who has written for the site quite a bit in the past, I find the major issues plaguing the site these days are more a general lack of quality promotion, nepotism and an overarching absence of a defined canon.
Not all SCPs are created equal, and it's a sad fact that many wonderful entries fly under the radar because they weren't made by a select few authors on the site. Once the initial posting time has passed it's rare for a tale or SCP to get more than five upvotes a year, and unfortunately upvotes are used as a metric for how "good" of an author you are. This, of course, does not usually apply to longterm members like Bright or Clef, which you could argue is their reward for sticking it out so long if it wasn't for the fact that these authors can write about literally fucking anything and get more notoriety than anything a lesser known writer creates. Compounding this is the fact that their strict adherence to "there is no canon" means that every serious, scary SCP exists in the same world as every goofy, retarded SCP. Members of the site who have been there awhile might get the "no canon" thing but general readers typically don't, which means it's harder for them to swallow the idea that the living shadow monster is being held in the same facility that's also holding a duck caveman cyborg.
This is obviously just content criticism, I know the complaints with the staff are a whole different ballgame (I was on staff so I've seen both sides of the complaints leveled against them).
>its an SCP-439 episode
as in the aftermath of his driving or would you actually expect to see happen in some way shape or form? off screen included
weird. I was just laying in bed unable sleep trying to cast the perfect SCP Netflix-cast a la stranger things
I wish Gunter Meisner was still alive
is "dr clef" the biggest faggot on the site
that's what i'm gathering
Depends on the context.
Site content, he's tied with Bright.
As far as staff goes, no one is a bigger faggot than thedeadlymoose.
warehouse 13