Its a

its a
>female bodies are all pretty and cute
>male bodies are wacky and deformed

Other urls found in this thread:

I can't even enjoy it in a train wreck kind of way.

dude on the left is like a generic hot guy

They got that sweet sweet funding from SJW and white guilt investors, then took the money and ran.

And don't you dare send them a message asking if it will still happen, because that would be oppressing a marginalized group and on-par with attempted rape, you fucking CIS lord.

Oh yeah, forgot all about this. The twitter page says coming 2017 so I guess it'll premier this year

Nah, they'll change it to 2018, probably blaming Sup Forums again.

I still remember when one of the creators came on here and intentionally tried to bait everyone into calling it shit because it was "progressive", even though everyone called it shit because it looked like shit. Then they went to Twitter and Facebook with screenshots trying to drum up even more support.

I still do appreciate that the only white guy is a psycho.

does the redhead fall under the male or female category?

i don't see any females in that screenshot

I never knew about this, are there any screenshots or anything of this shit?

>that screencap

dare i ask what's the story behind this?

>giving this show any attention

why ?

the only reason this piece of shit became relevant was because people posted a bunch of shit threads

it's the cartoon equivalent of clickbait

>This isn't happening anymore is it?
It was never going to happen you fucking idiot. It was nothing but a scam from the get-go and everyone knew it.

>They got that sweet sweet funding from SJW and white guilt investors
Did they? I got the impression that it was too obvious even for the SJWs to fall for, hence its utter failure.

An tumblr-SJW oriented show that was announced last year. It was promoted as the big shit but it was never produced and the kike creators got all the shekels they could rip from tumbltards and cucks with cheap merchandise.

tl;dr Liberal show that never happened but actually earned cash, very probably a scam.

People make a remarkably shitty 5 minute trailer for an "upcoming cartoon aimed at the Socially Conscious Generation with the world's first ever animated tranny!" with the intent on baiting Sup Forums into going on an autistic anti-SJW crusade against it so they could cry to tumblr that mean ol' Sup Forums is trying to suppress their creative blah blah blah and that they should all buy their merch for this "upcoming groundbreakingly progressive cartoon which is totally coming out."

It was so obvious of a ploy that Sup Forums didn't fall for it for once, which led to tumblr also not falling for it for once. They probably got a handful of merch sales and donations, but not enough to justify continuing the scam, and then they just went underground and when asked say "yeah, we're totally still working on it. Totally." and then get back to completely not working on it because their viral marketing scheme failed so completely as to not be worth it.

Something too controversial to exist in our time.

The only reason I want anything more from this show is so we can get more edits like this.

Why is Guru Larry narrating this?


Jesus Christ how horrifying

>the first cartoon in the history in the world to feature a trans actor in a lead role.

but that's wrong

I actually just watched the first episode of this due to this relation, and it was probably the cringiest thing I've seen.

I know, But I do remember it came first.
Here's a leaked animatic for anyone that cares. Might be the closest thing to an actual episode of this shitshow.

Holy shit. For some reason yesterday I remembered this and decided to check and see how it was doing (I am a sucker for garbage) I checked the twitter and facebook accounts for this show and it was literally nothing but anti-trump posts, and retweets of the burbank tonight guy's twitter. No information on the production, no teasing bits of story board, nothing about the show or it's creation at all. But it's still updating. So maaaaybe we will get our show that looks like My Life Me but Disney.

just like any other SJW production, the creator took the money and ran

I don't kniw user.
I simply don't know.

but there's also another white guy
that ginger in a dress

TOME is BARELY animated

you cant tl;dr a two-sentence post.

user thats who he was talking about

>the first animated series in the history of the world to feature a transgender actress in a lead role

Bullshit. Pic related.

I thought she was intersex?

She was, but she was raised as a male and decided to live as a woman later in life, which I think technically made her trans.


From what I remember hearing about the production, the reason why the animation was so shit was they had one guy working on it. One guy was responsible for animating it and probably didn't even get paid. Hell, the VA's didn't even record in a booth, it was the creator's office I think. And they probably didn't get paid either.

Wasn't Meowth voiced by a trans male? (trans female? I get the terms confused).

Depends on if you consider futas boys or girls, user.