Something something Patsies
Something something Suicide Squad
Something something THE MAIN MAN
Something something Patsies
Something something Suicide Squad
Something something THE MAIN MAN
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In all seriousness, this event has been such a treat.
You're on a roll. Thanks again for the storytime norrin. Have you been enjoying this series so far? I thought issue 1 was great, issue 2 was a little disappointing with the execution of the whole face off and issue 3 was decent. I like the idea of Maxwell Lord's team. Hopefully the rest of the series is good
nice pencil work and colors in this variant cover but I'm not a fan of the flash's costume design. Too many unnecessary lightning bolts
What can I say? The character interaction, the characterization (sans Batman), the return of characters in Max's squad...
It's fun.
Wow this interior art is just not palatable.
I'm going for the Finch cover myself, although it's my favorite Conner cover thusfar.
This was probably my favorite issue so far.
Wonder Woman really did a number on Max's spine.
It's a weekly comic. That's the thing you sacrifice over delays. I haven't read it yet though so you may just have shit taste but you're probably right.
Yes that's right. You just reminded me of something I wasn't a fan of. Batman's moralization and telling deadshot that he can never redeem himself seems so strange.
>smash it with a vehicle
oh simon
Welp. Looks like I have to start reading Supergirl.
>The Flash is the easy hero
How incompetent is Barry?
Aahahahhahah fucking Digger.
I hope Max and his team have a pretty bad ulterior motive, because killing Waller seems like something that shouldn't really be prevented.
unleash eclipso
Aaand the Harley shilling continĂșes.
Wonder Woman can't stop breaking peoples spines.
Superman looks like he has a double chin in the first panel.
Lobo... I'd let you fuck my sister.
Man, I'm sure glad Killer Croc is a part of this. Where would we be without him?
But seriously, he's one of my favorite DC characters, and hasn't even had a line yet.
we need to see more simon driving car constructs into battle.
He should be drifting into battle every time.
He should be the triple X of the lanterns, utterly ridiculous, kinda stupid, Needlessly complex in the pursuit of looking cool, excessive in every way, yet utterly lacking in self awareness.
Bat of Manslaughter
Fuck me, I finally understand why Sup Forums hates the Joker so much, this is bullshit
What Diamond? something from gemworld?
Son, have you READ Humphries GLs?
Oh nigga no!
why is flash so slow
mediocre cover
Wondy gonna give Max some sweet loving.
Now who will snap the neck?!?
Support the official release, friends!
I expected it to be shit, but it's actually been pretty decent.
Simon, you can't solve all your problems by throwing trucks at them!
You are a Green Lantern not a Japanese mangaka
You think Max will have Wonder Woman choke him while they fuck?
Well. It's time to wait and see how Batman will take out the league this time. This is like what, the fourth time he's had ti deal with them?
Action Comics: All-Star Batman: Detective Comics: Dumplings, hell yeah:
both of these variants are kind of eh...
it's especially disappointing when the last issue's variants were so awesome
Is that a motherfucking jojo reference?
This is Punisher looking at penance stare and going away unscathed tier.
Thank you for the storytime, op
To be fair every Lantern has something they throw at problems.
Hal: Boxing Glove and lasers
Guy: Baseball bats and beer
Kyle: Giant Robots and titty ladies
John: Did I ever tell you about my time as a marine?
Eh if she doesn't percieve his face the normal way it doesn't work. Like Dr. Midnight could no sell it
Johnny Sorrow and Lobo could clown the JLA. No reason for the others to even be there.
Boy I can't wait for more upcoming batwank.
Johnny Sorrow is a scary dude.
Jessica is so cute
Well yeah, not only can he kill you by looking at you, he can't be hurt and can summon demons
now I have to pick up Supergirl damnit
Supergirl is crap though. Saturn Girl hasn't appeared yet and Superman isn't a recurring character either.
Saturn Girl hasn't been in that yet.
She will be soon though and I'd like to be caught up when that happens.
There's an Overwatch joke here somewhere...
This doesn't even make sense.
Jesus Katana is BUILT
I know right? I'm genuinely surprised by how much fun it's been.
I just like that it's only 6 weeks. All events should be like this going forward
>all this fucking LoSH teasing
I'm ready DC.
Weird that Saturn Girl is going to be in Supergirl. I've been reading it and there hasn't even been a hint at anything LoSH. Plus isn't she locked up in Arkham as a Jane Doe?
Did you catch the legion ring in the last titans issue? I think there's more than Saturn Girl
And this was a great way for DC to make the Legion relevant again
>self contained event
>only lasts 6 weeks
>extra 15ish pages
>only $3.99
Thank you based DC
Lobo can grow back his head, right?
I was holding out on this event not being that bad but this just dropped it to worst shit. This whole event is now a 1/10 complete garbage tier event.
>Wallers fat ass out running Lobo
I could complain but I'm just glad Waller has a fat ass again
Fuck me, this is retarded.
Oh for fucks sake, why?