Detective Comics #948 Preview
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Isn't this kind of just retreading Elegy? It's never a good sign when the only good story a hero can produce is their origin. Superman had that issue for a long time where over half his rec list was different retellings.
The art in this beautiful I hope Ben Oliver draws Kate eating out another chick in this
The Batwoman show .
It seems more like filling the gap between Go and 52.
Of course, DC also loves Year One stories.
Thank you
Dat smudge.
Real glad I dropped this title last week, what's the arc that's following this one? I'll probably pick it back up when the bat woman begins bit is over.
Cass arc with the League of Shadows and Lady Shiva I think
Nice, I will defdently pick it back up for that.
Nice cover.
And nice art inside.
another mediocre book saved by good art.
Fuck Batwoman begins.
Ah, an arc to skip. How many issues must I wait?
Just 2. Cass's arc starts next month.
>The first villain is pic related.
Would he get her hand /co?