>Atomica (a Hispanic female character) was crushed to death by Lex Luthor's foot
>Frankenstein took Black Canary's severed head and sewed it to his chest
>Batgirl beat up a LGBT villain
>Wonder Girl has big gross breasts on the new Titans cover
>DC put out a contest asking artists to draw and sexualize Harley Quinn while she's commits suicide
>DC brought back the sexist and impractical boob window on PowerGirl's costume
>won't let Batwoman get married
>Talia al Ghul is shot and killed
>Platinum's only trait is that she's cock-hungry for Magnus's dick
>Cute Starfire is now Slutfire
>the problematic story, The Killing Joke, is still canon
>introduced a black female character in Batman Eternal only to kill her off
>Bette Kane is brutally injured and put into a coma by The Hook
>Catwoman eagerly has sex with Batman on a rooftop and exposes her ass and boobs on a cover
>Amazons are rapist murders
>there was an attempted gangrape in Sword and Sorcery
>Hardly any female members on the JL
>Knightfall's family was killed a man 'for the lulz'
>Priscilla Kitaen (Voodoo) is a stripper and sexualized
>Put out a series of sexist bombshell covers treating women like sex objects
>and many other things
What is with DC and its treatment of women? Does everyone at DC just hate women? Is the MRA in charge of DC now? Why can't they have more books like A-Force, Rat Queens, or Lumberjanes? Or be like the Legend of Korra?
Atomica (a Hispanic female character) was crushed to death by Lex Luthor's foot
You think Atomica shrinks her boobs slightly less than the rest of her body when she reduces her size for a self esteem boost?
Been a while since I've seen this pasta user, where ya been?
Would you?
>Lousy bait thread
>"Women cant be evil or show bad things happen to them" meme
Reminder that hispanic genes from spain don't make beaners brown, it's the aztec indio genes
Typical sexist rethoric from the sexists of /coe/
Captain Marvel would be ashamed of you!
Batwoman beat Batman in a fight. Harley Quinn beat Johnny Sorrow. Wonder Woman beat Superman. Batgirl beat Jason.
The list goes on...
I dont have to argue with this kind of racist filth!
Oh, so you're sating only through violence women can be better than men. Wow. Ed-gee!
Probably yeah.
On the Marvel side of things Pym could make billions selling Pym Particle laced lingerie.
When are you going to kill yourself?
Quality moderation as usual, by the way.
Boy I can't wait for everyone to fall for this bait and into the waiting jaws of another fucking 500+ off-topic shit thread.
Where's the Porn!?
This thread is supposed to have Porn in it!?
I don't care what a facist thinks
That's not what they meant
Marvel's CEO works for Trump
*mic drop*
Have you MET a woman? They are wonderful and also awful.
I bought an Atomica action figure for myself.
And then my friend got me a figure of her for my birthday.
I have two Atomicas.
HentaiBro, I know it's been a while but it's your time
also OP forgot to do the
>>Frankenstein took Black Canary's severed head and sewed it to his chest
>When did this happen?
I've never seen it put so well.
Last time I did it mods banned me, but didn't touch the thread. Why bother?
I mean, I can do it but still.
Oh, and I regret not having any good Junko Enoshima doujins.
Oh, and remember to sage
And we're ashamed of Carol, so it all works out.
Clock > everyone > Origami
Just think I'd throw it in here.
you taught them that controversy sells
did you really think they would only sell to you?
>Frankenstein took Black Canary's severed head and sewed it to his chest
Is this True?
Captain Marvel is trying to arrest black teenagers who have committed no crimes.
Thanks Rebirth for erasing all of that
In an alternate future book that was almost as painful to read as Countdown, yes.
>Batgirl beat up a LGBT villain
Wtf? Stop spamming your kiddy porn.
It didn't actually happen in the end. Only in the first issue which is when they go back in time to prevent.
an artist crossdressed as Batgirl and started ruining her reputation.
it was never actually implied that he was trans, but people got mad because the way the issue was originally written Babs was shocked that a man was the one pretending to be Batgirl.
Without Futures End there would be no Convergence, and there would be no Superdad
And that's its worst sin