How does it feel that this is getting its second season before F is for Family?

How does it feel that this is getting its second season before F is for Family?

Don't mean anything if one turd hits the water before another turd.

Great, I love this show. It's seriously one of the funniest cartoons I've seen in a while

Not bad at all. It's the best cartoon on Netflix.

I just want Frank to be happy! And Bojack.

Dreamworks Batches are more regular. F is for Family has got another season coming this year likely towards the start of Summer.

I think part of Dreamworks' deal is that they get a guaranteed delivery of episodes for each show.
Probably 52 on average.

I really liked the Home cartoon though.

Anyone else surprised Tip had a white Grandad though?

I'm really not sure. Turbo only got three seasons while King Julien is getting five.

Turbo was the first and so it ended up getting a little short. I think since then and the establishment of the serialized show they've got their show cap at about 72 half hours or something they want each show to run.

Any porn for the girl on the left, yet?

Turbo's first season was 26 episodes mind you.
The other two were 13 each, so 52.

Are you fucking kidding? That bombed movie with zimbabwe guy alien got a cartoon series? Why? How!?

Well, Dreamworks' batting average has been so low lately, Home is actually one of their few stand outs that have done good, relatively speaking.

It's not super terrible. I wouldn't go out of my way to watch it, but if it aired on CN or Nick I certainly wouldn't feel the need to turn the channel or be angry about its existence. Did they cut down on the yelling at all? I watched 3-4 episodes but couldn't keep going because of that.

>they actually acknowledge in the show that Tip's voice is annoying

Am I getting tricked?

I wish.

Best cartoon on Netflix is a bit much, but it is surprisingly good. Like how King Julien was the most annoying character in Madagascar and the show was very watchable.

It helps that they replaced Bazinga with an imitator that's actually better, and the guy who did Flapjack was involved.

I think that's just the shows brand of humor

>"This is not better than a fancy candle."
Decent punchline.

The show is easily hundreds of times better than the movie. And the humor is full of adult references. I'm guessing Netflix doesn't have to go through the same level of standards and practices a cable show does

Personally, I'm ready for another season of Dragons, I feel like that should be somewhere close by at this point.

I feel fine. F is for Family was horrible.

I refuse to believe half of these exist.

As long as this masterpiece gets 2nd season, I'm fine

It seems they scored a very lucrative deal that gives them freedom to just try anything.