You cried

ADMIT IT, Sup Forums.

I am not Steven Universe.

Maybe you cried here too. Admit THAT, Sup Forums.

i didnt even watch this yet

No. This movie was awful, I zoned out halfway in. Riley a shit.

I've never lied about it, I cry at every Pixar movie I've seen. I even cried during Cars (when I realized I was watching the end of Pixar's perfect streak) and Brave (because I paid full price).

Take her to the moon for me.
You cried. Admit it.

I can proudly say that I sobbed like a little bitch when Bing Bong disappeared and when Riley confessed.

Fuck that movie was good.

If the emotions, like Riley, are experiencing everything from Riley's point of view, how the actual fuck do the memory balls show the event from a completely different point of view focused on Riley? It's like watching a hilarious video for the first time and reliving the event by pretending to watch a reaction video.

Honestly, almost all of my memories are in third person.

Now that I think about that is true. Weird.

I was about to tear up then but the 'Take her to the moon' line ruined it for me.

Yeah. I remember tons of things as though they were in third person. I also frequently dream in third person.

i loved the mom

Never saw the movie. Never will. At least disgust was hot

That's one sexy little girl.

No, it was raining in the theater.

Jesus fuck, I just broke down there...

>I like little girls they make me feel so good

This was the best movie I've ever watched, not even joking.

that line actually started the waterworks for me

I don't know if best movie I ever watched, but one of the best animated ones. Certainly the best of all the Disney/Pixar ones IMO.

I'm still trying to completely recover from the depression this movie caused me.

It actually helped me a lot with my depression.

i don't think his last name is universe

I don't get people who cried more at Bing Bong, which was bittersweet, than Riley breaking down in painful tears, which was absolutely heartwrenching.

No, and I'm a crier.
This movie failed to make me care.

Admit it, Sup Forums. You completely relate to this.

cried about what? literally nothing happened.

I cried at bing bong
shit was sad, and honestly I like to cry

In that most people here on Sup Forums have shit social skills?