What does Sup Forums think of the Simpsons Movie?
What does Sup Forums think of the Simpsons Movie?
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coulda used more underage nudity
Disjointed mess of scenes cobbled together.
You killed this thread in a single post. Good job, asswipe.
It managed to save the simpsons while ruining marvel with Spider Pig
If you don't think Spider Hog is a reference to a reference you're inbredder than fuck.
If you mean Spider-Ham he debuted in 1983.
If you mean something else I have no clue what you're on about.
I though it was kino
They only brought him back because spider pig captured the hearts of normies worldwide.
It was okay but not very re-watchable.
I don't want to start a new thread but I've just started watching Simpsons, at what season does the show stop being good?
Season 10
As a stand-alone movie it was okay. As a Simpsons episode it was garbage.
Scratch that, it sucked as it's own movie as well.
An acceptable piece of garbage
Not very good because Fox made them severely dilute the script to appeal to casuals who don't watch the Simpsons.
Also it was made 10 years too late desu.
Still waiting on 3 hours of deleted scenes
>They cut hank scorpio as the main villain
>green day
>forced spider pig meme
>shitty under the dome parody instead of it's own thing
>nude skateboard scene
>Shoe horned environmental messages written by Lisa worshipers.
It was a steaming pile of shit.
I liked it but it probably doesn't hold up as any kind of good.
But I'll never forget the day it came out. July 27th, 2007. My dad had met some girl at a bar and was trying to give her a ride home, but, as our house was on the way, she asked to stop by and use the bathroom. Well, my dad let her in, and she stole my mom's wedding ring and engagement ring and pawned them. We never got them back, and I woke up to the angriest screaming I've ever heard the next morning. As my dad goes asking around the next day, turns out she's some "well-known" whore named ReneƩ. Only good thing from that day I remember is getting to watch a cool documentary about rogue waves. They're spooky.
Nice story, I only remember eating donuts because of a promo.
>Having Arnold Swartz being the govoner of california rather than Reinier Wolfcastle
>it has the pacing of a three-part episode rather than an actual movie, meaning virtually nothing in the first two thirds contributed to what happened in the final third beyond excuses to move Homer from A to B
>the writering wasn't better than your average simpsons episode
>case in point, the simpsons was once the most quotable show in the western world. The only joke anyone remembers from the movie is the spider-pig song, and not because it was good but because it was in every single ad
Imagine if they'd shown Lisa's coin slot instead...
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