Yeah, modern Marvel comics suck. You've heard it a thousand times. But what would you want from a Marvel comic nowadays? Which writer and artist do you want to write your favorite character?
Tell us how you want Morrison and Williams III to write a Doctor Strange comic, or how cool it would be for Weisman and Galloway to work on a comic sequel to Spectacular Spider-Man.
Dominic Rodriguez
captain america gasses the jews
Jason Johnson
captain america guns down niggers
Evan Wood
I would want to be entertained. That's it. Modern Marvel Comics are trying to be C-Span lite.
Connor Reyes
Sup Forums poster tries too hard
Jaxson Evans
So Captain America by Garth Ennis and Darrick Robertson?
Adam Cook
Captain America takes a break from his job and travels across America, spending at least an issue in each state. It would essentially be a travel-guide to America, only done as a Cap adventure.
Parker Anderson
Captain America sees the world's largest ball of twine
Eli Watson
I would say a back-to-basics Avengers book by Waid or Robinson, but neither of them are doing too hot right now.
Levi Torres
What would stop it from becoming Superman Grounded again?
Isaiah Johnson
>It's a "Steve draws whatever he sees because he doesn't know how to use a digital camera" issue I'd want it in an omnibus.
Aaron Edwards
Steve can't fly so he doesn't have to promise not to fly only to fly whenever he feels like it. I'm sorry I never actually read that
Logan Smith
Riri Morales and Kamala get a job at Taco Bell
Adam Anderson
Superman takes a break from saving everybody and just walks across America. When people ask him what the hell, he just cites Ralph Waldo Emerson and keeps walking. Every issue was spent on some dumb social issue like "illegal immigrants will benefit us" and "child abuse is bad". It would've gotten worse if the writer didn't quit halfway due to laziness.
Ryan Nguyen
Well Superman really doesn't have an excuse to stop saving people worldwide to do bullshit like that, but Steve can always take a holiday. He's just a guy.
Henry Rivera
So two broke girls?
James Clark
Chuck Dixon, Steven Grant, and Garth Ennis writing a complete reproduction of Punisher's "war journal" with "attached photos" and diagrams illustrated by Mike Zeck, Joe Jusko, Michael Golden, and Eliot R. Brown.
William Sanchez
Spider-Man & Loki, written by Al Ewing and drawn by Rocafort
Noah Anderson
>doesn't have an excuse Superman will live for a thousand years. Human Civilization is better off if he occasionally takes a break for the sake of his mental health. No one wants to see him snap and go crazy due to stress.
Jaxson Sanders
The Punisher stumbles on to a drug trafficking ring and tracks them to South-America. Includes him fighting gangs in Brazilian favelas and Colombian jungles.
Cameron White
Quicksilver book featuring finally a good costume for him
Nathan Collins
make a good double sized per month x-men book with claremont and jr jr back on it
Cooper Rodriguez
Jackson Perry
joe kelly writing spider-man and deadpool in a team up book is honestly all I've ever wanted
I guess remender and hickman being back and continuing or revamping the ultimate-verse would be sweet
David Perry
Honestly I want the same thing I want of all these superhero universes: complete stories in one issue. Villains of the week, just fun adventures that then become bigger.
Oliver Hall
To be shut down and focus on movies and shows exclusively, with a few tie-in books and comics here and there.
Colton Clark
A small scale event.
Marvel Knights: Long Live the King.
The unthinkable has happened. The Kingpin is dead. And in his death, every single thug, mobster, and sleaze east of the Mississippi comes crawling out of the woodwork for their piece of the pie.
Spiderman, Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Misty Knight, and Punisher are the core cast. Nighthawk and Moon Knight get tie ins. Introduces 616 versions of Barracuda and Whiteface.
Basically, an all out super powered gang war, where the most the heroes can hope to do is keep innocents safe in the ensuing madness.
Christopher Lee
Moon Knight, Blade, Morbius, Punisher and Flash-Venom are stuck in Chicago when some magic shit goes down and they have to go monster hunting through the entire city. Basically a Circle of Four, but hopefully better.
Lucas Martinez
Moon Knight by Alan Moore
Isaac Gutierrez
I want a comic where they close the book on the whole Marvel universe and then never make another book. So basically Secret Wars.
Ryder Nelson
champions: not shit edition. seriously I had high hopes for the comic and they were dashed the minute I read issue 1. maybe get into some super world problems like the issues that supergenises have when trying to profit off of their fast growing crop seeds or DIY cold fusion reactors. outside of that maybe get adam warren to do more ironman comics.
Jacob Gray
You mean Sup Forums poster tries too hard.
Adrian Green
X-23 and Jubilee hold hands and kiss for like 20 issues.
Christian Murphy
Ultimates 2 Ghost rider Avengers Uncanny avengers Scavengers Hulk Moon girl (bad sales =/= bad writing) This are recent marvel books that are fun and I'm glad they exist.
Carson Green
Masters of Evil comic in the vein of superior foes following a knock off team that's stealing the name for notoriety.
Nolan Flores
pre-retcon Beyonder vs Adult franklin richards
Grayson Baker
Lincoln Gonzalez
Hickman killed the Ultimates by destroying their entire universe in v4 and leaving the book with the arc unfinished. Why would you want that to happen again? He's a hack.
Thomas Price
All the characters are back to the status quo so the only Cap is Steve, Thor is actually Thor again, no sjw bullshit. No serious issues, just lots of socking bad guys for the sake of fighting crime.
Kevin Thompson
I would want a runaways book with the core team back together and new members operating in LA.
Ryder Bennett
fuck yes
Isaac Walker
And Peter never made a deal with Mephisto, and no Spider-team.
Sebastian Wood
Peter David writing a Quicksilver solo book, with art from Frank Cho. Quicksilver learns he is a mutant after all and Mags is in fact his father. He does other mutant stuff like returning the Teen 05 to their alternate timeline, and finding where the real Madrox is.
Alexander Peterson
Thanos, galactus, and all the avengers vs magus
Julian Rogers
i have an idea for that (where they don't necessarily have to bring back the marriage if they dont want to)
Logan Martinez
>the real madrox
thank you for bringing this up
Xavier Cooper
More SJW, trans people and a lot more lol & kek.
Landon Miller
Danny Rand and Misty Knight team-up book.
Jaxson Gutierrez
Cage! is my dream Marvel comic.
Asher Taylor
au comic about sentry, giant man, super skrull, moon knight, namor, quasar, quicksilver where they are the original avengers, in this universe they all decide that their significant others are career poison and they each proceed to cut ties with terrible people such as wanda and janet (the women all predictably form an evil league to combat them)
Aaron Torres
and this comic would definitely be very comedic like nextwave but also there would be a multiversal kinda feel similar to the exiles or planetary
Jaxson Carter
A comic about a group of normal people in the Marvel universe and how they deal with it all.
Gavin Collins
Spider-Dads: Kaine and Flash-Venom raising their daughters. Frequent appearances of the rest of the extended Spider-Brood
Cooper Myers
Anthony Price
The Apocalypse Wars that never was:
With the Celestial Mantle left open, SickPocalypse comes from the future to collect his due from Hope, Bob returns from space, The Apoc Twins wake up from their dirt nap, and they all try to claim the throne. Evan continues to be a hero.
Plotted by Remender, Bunn, and Carey.
Ethan Harris
apocalypse gets the inifinty gaunlet. Written by claremont drawn by ribbic
Daniel Myers
I'd take 'Apoalypse doesn't job'
Gabriel Turner
I'd read this shit.
Tyler Butler
Pick a currently defunct avengers team or offshoot like New Warriors
Follow the remaining members of Avengers Academy and I guess Nico since she was with them in Undercover. First Arc is about them picking up a psychic echo of Mettle and returning to Arcade's ruined deathtrap because it turned out shattering his body didn't actually kill the guy made out of Iridium.
Then just go on Avengers style adventures but no event tie ins until at least 12 issues in.
Hunter Jenkins
I don't want to get into specifics regarding writers and artists. All I want is to leave series younger than a year out of grand scale events and crossovers, which a) halts their progression b) makes it impossible to enjoy trades as self-contained stories c) if the crossover does not boost their sales numbers, they'll be more likely to be cancelled. Marvel was amazing back in 2015 aside from titles stained by Bendis (X-Men and GotG in particular) and then Civil War II (and the SJW pandering) ruined everything.
Tyler Butler
Phobos, God of Fear Son of War book with Alexander exploring the Marvel Universe
Gavin Brooks
Every day I wish this would happen.
Josiah Foster
The SJW pandering goes back a long way before 2015, user.
Ethan Collins
I've already mentioned this idea in a punisher thread. Punisher is one of the only characters who has not been another race. I thought up a decent way to get a great Black Punisher. Though this is too politics for even Marvel to touch. Black Iraq Vet living in New York is tired of the constant crime, Officals ignoring it, and the police. So he becomes the punisher to try to remedy the problem. And yet he accomplishes nothing after taking out a huge gang, they are instantly replaced. He moves onto going after law enforcement and city officials, believing they are the enemy. To finish it all off the real Punisher comes back out of nowhere and fights black Punisher. It tackles all of the current problems we have with inner cities and then mores
Jack Roberts
It's actually already coming out.
Robert Bailey
>Grant Morrison/Mike Migniola Doctor Doom >Rick Remender/Jerome Opena Wolverine solo >Kurt Busiek/Chris Bachalo Spider-Man
Leo Johnson
Spider-Man with art by Frank Quitely.
John Flores
I'd read it
Owen White
Punisher was black once
Oliver Smith
He was also the Frankenstain
Gabriel Harris
I want mega ultimate cross over events either gone or self contained to special books. It is getting exhausting to read a story that had potential go shitting the bed because a big "things never be the same again till next year" event. I drop the last two Marvel books I was reading because of that shit and I don't see myself giving them money anytime soon until this near cancer insanity of major universe event every year just stops and we can get back to stories standing on their own. Also I like the hero vs hero shit to take a serious break for awhile we have had it for almost a nonstop stretch in Marvel for the last decade.
Jeremiah Sanders
Fuck C-Span! This is Malkovich's Gaming Guilty Pleasures!
Hunter Reyes
He's from the 30s, not the 1800s, cameras were already widespread by then. More likely he sends the batteries to get developed.
Jayden Ortiz
This, I just need GotG to be great again and I'm Cosmic set.
Brandon Ortiz
An Inhuman reboot written by me, and yes, I do mean a reboot, one canon to 616 at that, although we wouldn't start from the beginning, but it would be an opportunity to retool the Inhumans and make them legitimately more interesting and maybe even make them viable as a franchise (from my point of view, anyway). The ongoings would be Inhuman, Neo Inhumans, Ms. Marvel and another one that I'll keep as a secret (you will never, ever guess what's it called, it would spin-off from another book I want to write), plus a miniseries revealing the new history of the Inhumans. Changes I'd make to them include removing the animosity with the X-Men and making it so they're not actually called Inhumans. If it works out I'd be interested in more ongoings and minis like Astounding Inhumans, Inhumanity, eXhumans, Inhuman, Black Bolt, Medusa, Crystal, and Inhumanimals.
P.S.: I hate the Inhumans so if I ever get to write this it will probably turn out pretty cool
Angel Howard
An X-Men book that isn't shit
William James
Landon Jackson
francesco on moon knight is a yes
Levi Parker
Adam Powell
>Flash-Venom raising their daughters
After her father got killed by Jack O'Lantern, Flash said in narration that Andi moved in with her aunt in Jenkintown. However I'm starting to think that may have been a mistake on writer Cullen Bunn's part. Maybe Bunn should have just had Flash straight up adopt her or take her in as his ward. Make it so that Andi had no other family members so Flash decides to take responsibility for her so she doesn't have to go through the foster care system.
Juan Lewis
every marvel character lines up and punches tony stark in the face. One whole page dedicated to each punch. Inb4 he dies after, like three or four people
Adrian Diaz
Also, it ends with spiderman shitting down his neck and 60 pages of lolcats
Jaxson Carter
And it comes with a fold out poster of spiderman shitting down his neck.
Brandon Scott
And the whole thing is done by Grant Morrison and Dave Mckean
Eli Kelly
Top it Sup Forums Protip: you can't
Nathan White
Flash-Venom and Mania book
A Mania mini
Maybe a new Spider-Girl book? Or just a new MC2 book in general?
Parker Morales
i just posted this in another thread, but
>X-Men written by Jason Aaron art by Ed McGuinness
team (iceman, nightcrawler, northstar, colossus, magick, firestar, and some of the younger students like kid omega.)
>Uncanny X-Men written by Chris Claremont art by Paul Smith and/or John Romita Jr
team (a newly resurrected and non villain cyclops, storm, old man logan (finally bringing back the costume.), a redeemed beast, rachel grey, and occasionally classic characters like cable show up.) >Magneto and the Brotherhood written by Cullen Bunn art by Gabriel Hernandez Walta
team (magneto, sabertooth, arcangel, fantomex, psylocke. maybe domino and gambit show up occasionally. although, i'd want mystique as a reoccurring villain.)
and thats it. no solo books, just three main team books with all the writers working together.
Liam Johnson
also, i'd want flat classic style coloring. not half tone dot, but more like the coloring in the remastered omnibuses or masterworks
Brody Campbell
Scott Summers solo series. Grown ass Man this time and still extremist but without Phoenix force crap. Just angry laser beaming mutant taking out all his enemies which would eventually include others humans until he goes out in a blaze of glory. It'd be a better send off than the one he got
Lincoln Hernandez
I want a real Wolverine (not Old Man Logan or X-23) but an actual fucking Wolverine book. I want him to be a wandering samurai/gun slinger type traveling around the world and dealing with small towns from all across the globe being oppressed by random badguys. I also want them to ret-con OUT his origin as James Howlett. I want that to be a bullshit story Scarlett Witch made up because she didn't know Wolverine's actually origins and came up with some BS story.
I want a really working-class issues Daredevil book. Where Daredevil is largely dealing with gangsters. Where he's a civil/defence lawyer for Nelson & Murdock which is barely making ends meat.
I want a Hulk book where Bruce finds out that because of something he did as a child a curse was placed on him to make his life miserable. He has the curse lifted and does some meditative shit and basically doesn't need to Hulk out to still get really strong. Like it's Bruce in the drivers seat not looking like a monster for ages (just like glowing green hands and eyes when he needs to fight). And then something major happens and he needs to Hulk out again and let the Hulk be in control for this really titanic fight.
Ayden Gomez
Not that poster but I like the idea.
Don't do it for "edgy" reasons. Instead it's Cap just travelling around because he wants to see all of the country. He's not trying to "find" himself he just wants to see how things are in the flyover states and get to know the people who live in America.
Jaxon Russell
I usually hate events but I would read this in a heart beat!
Josiah Fisher
Not necessarily appropriate; but I'd like to see another Marvel/DC crossover with the Klyntar and Power Rings switching universes
Jaxon Anderson
>. I also want them to ret-con OUT his origin as James Howlett. I want that to be a bullshit story Scarlett Witch made up because she didn't know Wolverine's actually origins and came up with some BS story.
yes. all mystery
Benjamin Thompson
this is the one that will never happen
Adam Taylor
>Hickman killed the Ultimates by destroying their entire universe in v4 and leaving the book with the arc unfinished. Why would you want that to happen again? He's a hack.
Marvel pressured him to leave the book so that he could do Avengers/New Avengers. Anything about the ending of that story you dislike is all Humphries fault.
Parker Taylor
A Squirrel Girl comic where Guruhiru does the art. The plot can parody One punch man.
Blake Williams
Exactly. Half of Wolverine's appeal was his mystique. No one knew Logan's origin including Logan himself.
Want some immortal knight from the 15th century to show up and fight Wolverine? All good but Logan is just as confused about it as the reader is. Wolverine done right is Momento with capes.
Camden Carter
I'd like to have Rucka back on Punisher and to be given the kind of run that hack Bendis had on Anvegers. I'd also read any Marvel book written by Jeff Parker or Fred Van Lente and as a guilty pleasure another Hopeless Avengers Arena.