Is Wally West currently the most powerful Cape in the post new 52 verse?
Is Wally West currently the most powerful Cape in the post new 52 verse?
and no
He's a person, not a cape, dummy.
and post crisis supes could take them call
Isn't Barry the fastest speedster anyway?
Nope, Wally
Didn't he get nerfed when he arrived into the New 52-verse?
exactly. Wally cant even touch barry apart from when he want to
Barry is cannon less strong than Wally. Did you even reas the newer comics?
Supes doesn't stand a chance against a speedster.
Fuck Superboy Prime, way stronger than regular Supes, couldn't handle serious speedsters.
No, Barry has never caught up to wally in terms of speed after he was stuck in the speed force.
fucking wallyfags. Barry could beat him easy
I don't know how to reas buddy. Barry is best flash. Get over it
How could he when he is cannon slower and less powerful?
Wally's faster
> jobs to everyone
Hahaha no.
I wonder if Wally remembers Kyle
Ok I have a lot to catch up on. Thanks
Didn't the Godspeed arc end with Barry and nu Wally stealing the speedforce from all of the new speedsters?
Considering the very next issue was Wally 2.0 going "That guy can steal speed, get em!" and Wally 1.0 was talking about teaching him, no.
I believe Williamson's thing was the Speed was all trying to recollect into one chunk, which is what happened with Barry and the other non-killed speedsters.
He doesn't even remember his own kids. If he remembers Kyle that's stupid as fuck.
Barry is the speedforce. He is god.
Why? He remembers the Titans and Barry and I think he remembers Superman too (From the looks of the new TItans book) it's not like remembering Kyle would be much of a stretch, besides Dan Abnett said he downplayed that for a reason. I'm sure Wally will remember his kids with time.
Man I hated the art for that issue. A shame too because the 'Return of Barry Allen' reference was awesome.
Wally is the master of the Speed Force, so he is God's master.
>He doesn't even remember his own kids
but he does
Abnett specifically said Wally does not remember his children and that was a deliberate choice made by him and DC. Fans have been asking about it since he returned.
Just like Barry, when Wally came to life he didn't even give a passing thought about his kids. I guess being a shitty father runs in the family.
he talked about them since his return, that he had kids
That was before he came back. When he was in the Speed Force he had all his memories. The second he popped out he even said he was starting to forget things.
He remembered shit like Roy Harper getting his own apartment but didn't remember his kids.
I can link to the Abnett interview if you really want.
Generator of the Speed Force and don't say that's not a thing anymore since it's mentioned in the recent Flash Rebirth.
I think you guys stumbled upon the real mystery of Flashpoint/Rebirth.
Clark remembers everything from the old universe, but Wally just remembers everyone as adults. It sounds like we thought he was from the old universe but he's really not.
So what if the New 52 was created
Then someone stole time from them.
Then Kedabra wiped Wally from their memories.
What if Wally doesn't remember his kids because he's only remembering the pre-watchmen'd New 52 and they never existed in the New 52?
I mean, it's just a theory, but it fits.