This is Toni Ho.
She's perfect.
This is Toni Ho.
She's perfect.
She's a ho
bitch ripped off Stormin' Norman
Not with that hair she's not.
You'd prefer just a streak?
Is she particlarly patriotic?
nah, her dad is Ho Yinsen, the guy who died helping Tony make the OG Iron Man suit when he was trapped in the cave.
No, she's a Chang.
Cho's a ho.
Pick none
I like dark hair really.
So I'd prefer no dye.
Okay so why the motif?
Brand recognition.
>Deal with it or don't I guess
Yea! Take that, stupid white men who aren't buying our terrible comics anymore!
America fucking loves brand recognition.
No, she's written by a horrible writer shilled by Marvel because he brings up continuity so Marvel still has the rights instead of bringing it up and establishing them again.
Toni Ho? More like Toni Hoe.
With Rhodes (RIP), her, Riri, and others... why hasn't there been some sort of Iron Man Corp yet? Like the X-Tacles, only not as crazy...
It'd probably be better than having to do the "brand recognized guy gets replaced by new person, only to come back within a year" thing.
So she's like the 7th smartest female in the world. Since the top 6 are all dark skinned?
>You'd prefer just a streak?
A patriotic streak?
Wait, she must have born before Yinsen and Tony met.
So the name is a coincidence?
>Chinese character is the one who rips off someone else's work
uhh racist and sexist much?
between that and her infatuation for Aikku when she was stuck in POD, Toni definitely has a mecha fetish
She's part of the USAvengers.
Why does she have four barrels if she has only two hands?
So what nationality is she supposed to be? I can't tell from the art. Originally Yinsen was an asian dude from some made-up country, but Fraction retconned him into being middle eastern during his run.
They could've easily just made her a new character.
So is it a consensus that Tony's Ironman suit is the tsuido base blueprint for most mech suits?
Nah Nah
>Letting a lesbian wear a suit of Iron Man armour
This is a mistake
I thought she was gay. Or will she just fuck anything in a metal suit.
yfw she calls out POD's name when she is with Aikku
Asian pussy was made for white cock. She can't help it.
Well considering his history with her dad.
Does this remind anyone else of that asian biologist tagalong from Y: The Last Man?
She is gay, but she'd fuck a robot.
Isn't Aikku about 16 or something?
>female asian gay iron man
Another set of checks on the mandatory diversity checklist, eh Marvel?
>Toni gradually loses interest in Aikku now that she's not part robot
My heart couldn't take it.
He is, though.
I mean, not always, but right now? Utter trash.
she's american you dumb fuck
the word you are looking for is ethnicity