>5 SU threads
>5 Avatar threads
>5 waifu/fetish threads
5 SU threads
Other urls found in this thread:
This board isnt yours,fuck off
You can have them.
The board as a whole needs to be nuked. Bring it back in 2 or 3 years.
>the same Star Vs threads
>0 waifu threads
what did he mean by this?
Ans they all belong to me
Boo hoo
Sup Forumsmblr was a mistake.
>fart thread on first page
>boo hoo, I want a safespace
and now there are 6
great job user
you truly make the best threads
i can see you used all your brain power
Six what? Six SU threads? Six Avatar threads? Six waifu/fetish threads?
Why is your image making me feel disturbed?
Better than Sup Forums and his 4 blacked threads, 6 about little girls,7 about last night golden globe speechand just like 3 about really dicussing movies
>4 blacked threads, 6 about little girls
all three, this thread is about all three.
Still better than Sup Forums.
all three
Sup Forums has built in filters you cunts and if you want to get the botnet 4chanX you can also use that to hide threads you don't like
>everything i don't like is a botnet
Hi Sup Forums
Bullshit, I just went to check and they don't have any little girl threads.
Don't you have anything better to do than whine and complain?
Yeah, because seeing a board with every thread hidden is a great way to browse the board.
Not that user, but just wait there a lot of them and some about farting?
Maybe you should leave Sup Forums if you don't like most of the threads that are on it :^)
He was right
Does anyone?