Hacks is living up to his name- instead of actually using established story elements and creative writing in order to solve Bubbles' problem, he introduces the Magic Fix-Everything Creepy Robot, who has never interacted with the cast or even been tangentially hinted to.
Faye will never fuck the robot The robot will become the MC The robot will move to San Francisco 100 new characters will be introduced and this will all take until 2025 to happen
Tyler Williams
sadly never.
Lincoln Hernandez
After a few halfway decent moments with Corpse Witch, Jeph yet again completely fails to depict a character being intimidating. I propose the name Edgebot.
Ayden Lee
Is this robot non-binary? Note the use of pronouns here.
Gabriel Ortiz
Is this comic ever going to be about Marten again?
Lucas Campbell
>We're what wakes them up screaming
Shit, I cut myself on all that edge.
John Lopez
What the hell are you talking about?
Dylan Hughes
he already fucked the tranny, what else is left for him? We really should be seeing if Marigold will fuck that preteen girl
Grayson Nelson
liquidmark, get the fuck on this
Ryder Mitchell
because the robot never refers to itself in the singular, just to the agency or group in large, hence the plural
Aaron Mitchell
Every weekday I wake up, have a normal and productive time, but then I see something when I come back home that I should have stopped reading years ago and now only check out of habit. I go to bed with my eyebrows furrowed and a newfound sense of wonder as to how fucking dumb a creative work can be. Thank you, QC, for demonstrating that abysmal mediocrity in almost every aspect of your field can still net you a living wage in the U.S.
Dylan Roberts
>can't recognize the use of a royal "we"
Aaron White
bitch doesn't look like it's wearing a monocle or drinking tea, now does it?
Jordan Morgan
He's been doing it for 14 years, now.
I've seen artists improve more in two months than he has in these past 14 years of drawing comics.
Carson Ortiz
>what else is left for him becoming a porn star like his dear ol mam
Jayden Flores
>Every weekday I wake up I call bullshit
Easton Lee
If you want to get all bitchy about it, you can call it a nosism. Individuals representing organizations or groups of people, like CEOs, government agents, and those holding public office, also commonly use that form of the word "we."
Jordan Thomas
You can tell because it's wearing a suit and tie. In the wonderful world of Bizarro-Hipster Cambridge, that means somebody is evil as opposed to employed
Jackson Harris
I wish it was a lie, my dude.
Jaxon Morales
why does she need memories she purposely tried to forget?!!!
What sense does this make?
Colton Butler
suit and tie isn't indicative of being British
so far there's no indication of the 'bot being from any official organization, though given the source material, it's probably some super secret black ops cyber robot task force thing
Nathan Lopez
Because while she wants to forge hem, she doesn't want them gone.
In terms of actual logic made manifest in language, "because of reasons."
Questionable Content takes place in the immediate surroundings of Smith, Harvard, MIT, etc.
Matthew Fisher
lol geography
QC (and Smith) is in Northampton
Jack Murphy
>Ignore QC threads for ages because who the fuck reads QC >See weird thumbnail in catalog >There's fucking Robot Lucifer now
Ethan Peterson
there ya go, because of reasons
which is fine for a week long story or a one off joke
but this is like the last year of the story, besides money there's no good reason to keep this going after he fucked the tranny. There's been no character development here for years now
Tyler Sullivan
I can't take this. I'm going to read Gunnerkrigg archives for robots that aren't just pallet swap people. I honestly thought this was his other shitty webcomic from that thumbnail
Tyler Torres
Hacks just spent like 10 years ruining Marten's life, why would we ever go back to him? There's nothing left to break by now.
I'm a bit confused about why he's wrapping up all this drama around his new MC so fast though. He could've milked that for YEARS.
Lucas Watson
What kind of person do you think Jeph is?
QC is his only notable income stream, and he doesn't have the ability to transition into a new career due to his lack of job experience or actual marketable skills, aside from churning out mediocre comic pages. He's locked in at this point, and will be making this comic until he retires.
James Adams
>You know that old adage about how androids dream of electric sheep?
Except that's not an adage.
Lucas Cooper
>spend years sort of alluding to some nonspecific but unremarkable conflict
>it all comes to a head and gets wrapped in like a month
>by a literal deus ex machina
Jaxon Robinson
Honestly I think the biggest mistake Jeph ever made with QC was suddenly making human-sized robots. They were far more interesting and entertaining as tiny intelligent pets acting as counterparts to their respective owners, now they're all just boring metal humans.
Ethan Walker
I had low expectations and he still manages to limbo underneath them.
A deus ex machina, seriously?
So he was going nowhere with the police robot lady.
Andrew Hall
His mum's not in porn, she's a dominatrix. It's kinda more like a hooker, but without the actual sex part.
Joshua Howard
I come here for lewdbots, are there any? I see that hacques didn't change shit, still no robofucking.
Brandon Wilson
That's splitting hairs by hookers and johns who don't want to admit they are involved in prostitution.
If you are exchanging money for someone to perform physical services which please you sexually, you are involving yourself in prostitution.
The sexiest robot, Corpse Witch, is only alluded to in this page.
Cameron Jenkins
She did porn as well, just not the kind involving sex with other people.
Austin Lee
>It's okay. Your daughter has put my penis in her mouth.
Marten used to be one savage motherfucker when he wanted to be.
Bentley Martinez
It always amazes me that this comic used to have jokes.
Lucas Cruz
>Faye finishes her sentence in the middle of a private conversation >Edgebot is suddenly standing right next to her, leaning against the wall as if she's been standing there all along, and is able to seamlessly respond to Faye's comment
So were they just having this conversation with this creep standing right fucking behind Faye or what? God, this dialogue should be taken out back and shot.
This shit reminds me every day that no matter what I do, it will never be worse than QC.
Liam Harris
I given this comic so much slack, due to shipping but this is just too much.
Hudson Turner
Thought I missed a page or something. This is getting cringey even by Hack's standards.
Christopher Taylor
Ummmm, pretty sure that's not a robot...
Ian Davis
Jeph was actually trending towards something deeper with Marten for a while. Like, there were a bunch of strips about how he wasn't really content where he was in life, and how his job at the library felt unfulfilling and how he seemed to settle into a rut in that quirky little hipster town of his. It seemed like Jeph was actually going to shake things up.
But instead he started dating Claire, and that's his character now. He's the guy who's friends with all the other cast and who dates Claire. Every other character in the strip has something going for them; if you had to, you could get a week of comics out of "The Average Day of [X]" for just about everyone. Claire herself has more than enough going for her at this point to pull that off. But you can't with Marten; he just pops up to be a sounding board with everyone else's plot, and he dates Claire.
Easton James
He had the band going for a little bit, but they were never even seen playing a show or doing anything but "practicing" (ie; fucking nothing.) I couldn't even tell you whether or not the band is still a thing at this point or if they broke up or what.
It's not like band stories are hard to write, he could have picked that up and done a hipster metal band storyline with them trying to get shows and shit. But nah. Marten becomes a background character in his own comic. What a way to go.
Juan Johnson
I don't recall any recent music jokes, so maybe Jeph just feels too old to engage with readers on music references anymore.
Henry Nelson
Yet he's still writing a comic about 20-something hipsters.
He clearly wants to stop doing QC and just do his sci-fi comic, the character designs are even leaking into QC now.
Elijah Green
>You know that old adage about how androids dream of electric sheep?
It's not an old adage you talentless fuckwit it's the title of a god damn BOOK.
Brody Reyes
This is sad. I kinda used to like this comic, back when Marten was a likable character. I blame Marten's death on the removal of Steve. His friend, that was his name right? I feel like he hasn't had a major role in the comic for years, not to mention Dora, ever since Faye got fired.
But that's Jeph Hacks for you. He really can't write, so he'll just keep making new characters to pull him out of the situations he put himself in.
Okay, but for real, would the comic have been better or worse of Hannelore's original design stuck?
Adam Morgan
The best thing Jeph could have done was remove Marten from the comic. Like, not even permanently; have Marten decide he needed to move back to California for a while to sort his life out and then take him out of the strip for a while. Let the rest of the comic develop without having to drag him along for the ride. Then, when you have an idea of what to do with him, reintroduce Marten to the strip.
Dominic Sullivan
Well he gets like 10k a month via Patreon to draw 5 shitty comic strips a week that probably take him about an hour each considering the art quality, so yeah I'd say he's going to keep doing this and living the high life until he dies.
As to what kind of person, he is severely depressed and mentally ill and once stabbed his drawing hand in some kind of psychotic fit. Pretty much the same as all the other tranny-lovers.
Jayden Hall
Oh shit this was actually kinda funny.
Lincoln Evans
To be fair, this is some futurey setting, right? It might be old by then.
Or maybe he's just a hack and slapped cliches into the mouth of his walking cliche there. Probably that one.
Samuel Hernandez
Why do I always make up plots for mediocre material like this that make sense? Like Edgebot being the avatar of a Mind-grade AI that gets involved when situations get past mere mortals, but it getting involved tends to have repercussions.
Aaron Cooper
So this is why you fucks are trapped here The comic used to at least have good pages, and was 1000 pages long Curious, when did things start going down the shitter?
Nathan Lopez
when Jeph kept forcing drama between Marten and Dora
Josiah Price
Those fucking dead eyes.
Nathan Johnson
When he stopped drinking and realized you can't be a hipster your whole life.
Josiah Sullivan
>hannelore's original design
You mean her characterization as a kind of tough girl smoking cigarettes and dolling out sound advice at a bar? Never, Jeph's progressive fans only like female characters that are quirky and inseucre, except for times when their femininity is challenged in which case they suddenly turn into strong, independent womyn (frequently of color or even just fat, til Jeph discovered the gold formulka and made his last two waifus both)
John Perez
It was always teetering on the edge, it basically fell in and got diarrhead on after the library interns (including worst girls Claire [>girl] and Emily) were introduced
Gabriel Flores
Pink Robot is still best girl
Asher Collins
Probably when Dora and Marten broke up in order to create drama.
Hunter Sanders
it was still funny at that point though
>pint size presenting with a fleshlight taped to his back
Justin Bailey
Why do I still read this shit? I haven't even liked it in 3 or 4 years, yet I still check it daily.
Mason Perez
Oh. Of course the latest new character you pulled out of your ass is a fembot with stupid hair who can magically fix the problem at hand.
The master at work.
Henry Thompson
Why does everyone say that is a fembot? It has no lines where the joints meet and it's text bubbles are circular instead of rectangular.
Xavier Walker
Because I want to fuck it
Jacob Taylor
Its skin and eyes are too unnatural looking to assume it's human, and the only non human characters in this strip are robots.
Jackson Young
Stopped following this long time ago. Did the trans got an operation or still pre-op? His "her" boyfriend a cuck? Did JJacques stabbed his hand again? His he still pushing the feminazi agenda? C'mon Sup Forums give us the dirt.
Isaac Morgan
Hacks never said whether Claire was post or pre-op, because people would get mad at him no matter which it was, and when people get mad at him, he stabs his hand.
Anthony Miller
I need elaboration on stabgate. What happened?
William Price
Hunter Morris
dude got drunk and stabbed his drawing hand.
a few months later did it again to the other hand. somewhere there's an image of his hand in the cast with "hand-ellore" or something on it encouraging him to stab it again.
people complained on tumblr that one of the characters wasn't fat enough or something.
Isaac Bell
Well, that was fast.
Hudson Cox
He stabbed himself because tumblr said someone wasn't fat?
Noah Rogers
The fattest member of his cast at that point wore a swimsuit in a few pages, and tumblr flipped about how she didn't look disgusting enough for her weight, and so Jeph drank himself into delirium and stabbed his hand, because he's a fragile-minded child.
Adam Brown
I miss Original Hannelore.
Ayden Cruz
Keep in mind that people in-comic had stated outright that the character in question wasn't actually fat and just had self-esteem/body-image issues.
Camden Robinson
It's old now. It just doesn't fit the definition for an adage.
William Butler
this one was the death of the comic as we knew it. after this it's been king cuck Marten and his tranny 3rd place medal
Grayson Fisher
Here's the page.
Bentley Morgan
here's the story
Joseph Adams
Do not read Questionable Content.
Angel Diaz
Oh wow.
Like, I don't really have a problem with that tumblr post, I guess. I see where they're coming from. It's okay to criticize webcomic writers, but holy shit.
There must have been some other reason besides someone not liking his comic. That's insane.
Jonathan Green
Easton Richardson
What's the harm, so long as you use adblocker on the site and don't give to his patreon?
Its just a bad soap opera.
Daniel Morgan
He's been known to have drinking problems too, and he never handles criticism well. I've suspected that that wasn't the only negative comment he received at the time, but it's the one that gets reposted.
Logan Carter
Like I said, fragile-minded child
David Morales
Like the weirdest thing is that one time I criticized the Shortpacked guy over some stuff (kinda in the same ballpark as that tumblr post) and he took it really well.
Explained his position, defended his art. As far as I'm aware he didn't break his jaw using a toy or something.
Liam Mitchell
>he is severely depressed and mentally ill and once stabbed his drawing hand in some kind of psychotic fit. actually he stabbed his hand in TWO separate episodes. he's one fucked up hipster.
Matthew Foster
In this context, Bubbles is a proper noun, not a plural, so it should be Bubbles's, not Bubbles'.
WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON? One second we're in Marten's house, then we're in the coffee shop(or very large cardboard box, I can't fucking tell) being interrupted by the walking Masquerade Violation.
Elijah Price
yup, here was the first time
Benjamin Young
I read this comic out of habit, you know? Had thought it would be solved by some complex plot...deusexmachinaed by edgy cybersatan.
Dylan Foster
for all it's faults it's one of few consistent daily webcomics out there. that's why i read it anyway.
Cooper Carter
There's something to be said about an audience, upon seeing an awkward nerd girl character attempt to come out of her shell, rebel and riot because she's not repulsive enough.
I still have a head-canon that all the coffee shop/slice of life tripe is some kind of VR holographic thing, and the real cast is trying to survive a robot apocalypse in realspace.
Landon Gomez
I don't care about these damned robots! I just want to see if the trannie's brother boinks the autisic girl.
Blake White
if anything Jeph panders to his shipping fanbase. he apparently only has three rules: Marten can never be with Faye, and Hanners and Sam can never be with anyone. I fully expect the tranny's brother to get with the autistic Syian refugee and Faye to get with NotGarnet