Why is John Stewart your favourite co? What makes him interesting? Or is he the most boring of Green Lanterns?
And more importantly why the fuck does Geoff John's hate him so fucking much.
Why is John Stewart your favourite co? What makes him interesting? Or is he the most boring of Green Lanterns?
And more importantly why the fuck does Geoff John's hate him so fucking much.
Literally who?
>And more importantly why the fuck does Geoff John's hate him so fucking much.
Geoff Johns hates everyone who is even remotely a threat to his silver age fuckboys.
Because the taint of Reynolds Green Lantern movie is still burnt into the brains of fans.
Also the Justice League cartoon might have something to do with it.
He's cool only because of the show. The comics outside of Mosaic really haven't done much with him.
>kyle becomes god multiple times
>does jack shit with it
>hal kills himself so he can control the avatar of death
I hate Kyle because he's so boring. A relatable character just doesn't work with the most powerful weapon in the universe. Give me the daredevil that pulls the craziest plans out his ass and convinces you he had that planned from the start.
What I remember is watching him (and knowing him) in the, I think, Justice League cartoon of the early 2000's. He was a very different character, as, instead of being joly and happily determined like other superheroes and previous Green Lanterns (Hal Jordan), he was a very serious character, somebody who took to heart and soul his duty and treated it with serious caution that made everything feel fragile if it wasn't for his skills keeping shit together. His design is also pretty cool, as black/brown contrasts nicely with green, and his strong frown always shining thanks to his green, flashy eyes. On his voice I remember nothing except that it was a Conroy-Esque voice, deep and commanding.
Cool character to watch/idolize when you are kid who still orders the Happy Meal and plays with JLA toys.
I'd wager most people only like John because of his role in the JL/U cartoon.
Dude's just kinda dull compared to the rest. He's too safe.
Isn't that his charm? He is more by the rules kinda guy unlike the more laid back Kyle, rule breaking Hal and authority defying Guy? Who are all practically different variations of each other. I like that John had a nice change of pace.
He has lots of potential as the JL tv show showed us. I don't see why most writers are reluctant to explore that. Maybe Geoff is just a racist fuck.
>IGN Poll
>61% in favor of John
>2% in favor of Guy
This is not right.
>cartoon version completely boring and dull as rocks
>comics version has only had one good story and it was written by a pedophile
Only person who likes John is Desh
>Kyle higher than Guy
>A relatable character just doesn't work with the most powerful weapon in the universe. Give me the daredevil that pulls the craziest plans out his ass and convinces you he had that planned from the start.
Isn't that because Johns is a Hal fan and wrote him as the most baddass guy ever while Kyle was ignored in events?
>Why is John Stewart your favorite co?
He was the mentor to Kyle in the Green Lantern comics I read as a kid.
>What makes him interesting?
He knows what he's doing. Doesn't have Hal Jordan's baggage. Was never played as a comedy character like Gardner. (Though Guy Gardner is fucking hilarious)
>Or is he the most boring of Green Lanterns?
At their worst, superheroes are ken dolls with no personality, John carries the illusion of authenticity rather well.
Tragically, aside from Cosmic Odyssey where he was written as Guy, John rarely gets attached to big stories. So there's a lack of iconic moments for him circulated in the comics fandom.
JLU obviously gave him a lot to work with.
It's startling to think Common was all set up to play him and George Miller's Justice League movie evaporated.
>Doesn't have Hal Jordan's baggage.
Getting Xanshi blown up and his wife getting killed was some pretty big baggage
He's a black descendant of Egyptian kings and I would let him fuck my wife while I watch.
Yeah, but Hal dated a teenage girl and killed the entire Corps.
Hal Jordan is so boring.
>i'm cocky and arrogant but get a power and have to learn humility
>Doesn't have Hal Jordan's baggage
Xanshi is a pretty big case of baggage. That's his defining character trait now. John "I blow up planets oh god why can't I stop, Katma I'm sorry" Stewart. Not to mention his daddy issues were way worse than Hals.
That sounds more like movie Thor than Hal
Hal Jordan is the best Green Lantern when they acknowledge he's the biggest idiot in the universe.
then it's John, because muh DCUA JL
Then Guy because he's the greatest fucking dick in the galaxy.
Unlike alot of people on Sup Forums, I don't get the Rayner hype.
Simon's been great lately but still too new.
Hawkman is this you?
>That's his defining character trait now
They've eased off of that finally, but now writers don't know what to do with him other than "I was a Marine! Also an architect but I was mostly a Marine"
>Unlike alot of people on Sup Forums, I don't get the Rayner hype.
That's the majority opinion here. A lot of people don't like Kyle for some reason. Fucking HEAT members get off my board
Bro, Hal got possessed by Parallax and killed the entire Corps.
That had to be circumvented by like year of writing to get around.
Stewart barely gets used.
The novelty of Rayner is that he is an artistic creative kid who doodles, and when he gets his powers he can't help but show off and be a little excessive with them.
By comparison Jordan is a pilot which is no longer a fantasy occupation for a lot of people. The space race hype ended long time ago and pilots are taking a backseat to drones these days.
>Hal got possessed by Parallax and killed the entire Corps.
What people always forget about this is that Hal barely killed anyone. The corps was still rebuilding and at that point there wasn't even more than 30 members and of that 30, only a few of them actually died due to Hal.
Alan Scott fans also don't like Kyle
Maybe it's the same for others but I didn't get into actual comic books until I was a bit older and never got too heavy into super-hero ones, so my first exposure to the Green Lantern as a kid was the Justice League cartoon that had John Stewart as GL. I'm in my twenties so it might be a similar experience for others in my age group which would explain his popularity in this poll. Personally I would rather see Stewart than Hal Jordan spending the whole movie conjuring baseball bats with an essentially imagination-based weapon, especially since the flash is already the comic-relief character that Jordan is often used as.
because a green lantern construct sniper rifle is awesome
No, he became Parallax and then retroactively created the Parallax entity.
Black Adam is a literal Egyptian King, not a pissant mudblooded plebian. Get some taste.
You're not wrong, but I'm now convinced Geoff Johns himself is shitposting in this thread
you fucking what?
Late Kyle took an enormous, gratuitous shit on Jade and ruined her for years.
They should never have let Stewart leave The Daily Show
The only thing Raab did that wasn't shit was resurrected Kilowog. Literally everything else he did was shit.
Hal is the best Corps member. Though I may be biased, as Johns' run was one of the first comic runs I ever read.
Kyle was okay when he was the young kid who was learning the ropes, but his solo was always reliant on his love interests to generate stories and it got old. These days he's always being given a special role but writers don't really give him much personality outside that. He's got potential but nobody capitalizes on it.
John gets a lot of undeserved hate from people who think he's boring. He also gets a lot of undeserved praise from people who just remember him from the cartoon. Dude's just there a lot of the time, and is honestly kind of dull compared to the others.
Guy's great.
>but his solo was always reliant on his love interests to generate stories and it got old
Did you only read the Marz run?
You might be onto something, I love Hal and Alan and I don't care for Kyle
No I'm not, shut up, you know nothing of his works.
>Did you only read the Marz run?
Not only, but it is the run I associate the most with Kyle.
It's logical. Both of them were disrespected just so Kyle would look special.
But Alan got pushed extremely hard in Kyle's run.
I like scott more
Everybody in the GL mythos got shit on to make Kyle seem special
Alan had to change his name so Kyle could be the only GL
>Why is John Stewart your favorite co?
John Stewart isn't my favorite.
and yet he continually got more exposure through that book than he was prior to becoming Sentinel. Just cause the name changed doesn't mean he wasn't there.
I think John Stewart is the choice, not really by fans. When the JLU cartoon came out, it was then for diversity. I remember hearing and reading accounts Hal Jordan was supposed to be the pick for Green Lantern but colour exposure had John picked over Hal.
I would argue that John isn't that good of a lantern and anyone could essentially do a better job than him, even Guy. But the cartoon was done well, so people mistake that for his skill as a lantern and his persona as a person.
Kyle was the 90's Lantern and a lot of millenials who want to be GL fans use that as an excuse when most can't or don't really remember the stories that he was in. It's just more hype.
Again, if you're going to do something right the GL to pick would be Hal.
Yeah that's true, just seems kind of bullshit that he had to arbitrarily give up the name he'd had for fifty years because Kyle had to be the most unique
Also I fucking hate what they did to Jade because of Kyle
If you're gonna blame anyone, blame Ben Raab. Winick spent the better part of his 3+ year run getting Kyle and Jade to be lovers forever going so far as to have Kyle propose to her. Then Raab turns it around by not only having Merayn leave John to get some dick, but also has her convince Jade that it is the right thing to cheat because Kyle's in space. Everyone likes to blame the character and not the writers at the helm causin the shit.
John had this thing where he doesn't construct whole items made of light, but constructs and assembles each component. That's pretty badass and supposedly made his constructs better than average as well.
>Why is John Stewart your favourite co?
He isn't.
>What makes him interesting? Or is he the most boring of Green Lanterns?
People like that he was in the cartoon and he's black. That's it. Kyle has come into his own over the years, Hal has his whole conquering fear thing, Guy is the patrician's choice for best Lantern, and the newcomers Jessica and Simon have built a fanbase as rookie Lanterns trying to come into their own. But John is just John.
>And more importantly why the fuck does Geoff John's hate him so fucking much.
Nobody does anything with him because he's boring.
I just blame both
Hal shines when he is dumb as a brick. Guy is competent but is too self absorbed of a dick to function properly.
John's is the better successor out of the two and carried the GL title before Crisis on Infinite Earths.
Rayner's stories were cliched but kinda fun. I love that he is genuinely creative in his constructs while Stewart is the exact opposite. I loved their contrast.
I love Guy the most these days but honestly feel like Stewart is being heavily neglected by writers. You just need a good writer for him to shine man.
Because he's black and its one step closer to having a trans robin
what does John Stewart have to do with trannies