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Are these all Seth Macfarlane episodes?
I think I get it now.
The reason Johnny couldn't score was because he was about 15-20 years early for Monster Girls.
Well...gotta fuck SOMETHING.
>monster girls
Most of those girls are 100% animals.
It's canon that he's not a virgin. So he has indeed had sex......the question is, with what?
But does Johnny ever had the sex or is he 4ever a virgin?
You'd think his looks would have carried him through high school at least.
Does his hands count?
He was offered to a volcano as a virgin sacrifice, but he got spit out, so at some point he did.
One of the first episodes he was sacrificed to a volcano God by a group of Amazons, as a virgin sacrifice. The volcano rejected him
Johnny isn't a virgin, show basically confirmed it.
>You'd think his looks would have carried him through high school at least.
Apparently the canon story behind his looks is that he started pumping iron in high school to impress a girl, but the girl ditched him and Johnny kept pumping iron regardless. So he may not have had the looks back then.
He can get girls any time he is not actively trying. Jane Bond could not stand him at all at the start, but in the end she kissed him on her own and Johnny made her almost faint.
My guess? He bagged a perfect 10 as a one night stand, and all of his machismo and strutting comes from that proud moment. He's probably gone full Boomhower at this point- hitting on literally any female and failing 99 times out of 100. We just missed the success.
That was due to a gadget.
It's like the second episode of the show. It's probably on youtube.
He was a skinny wimp with no friends and self-esteem issues. His nerdy friend was/is better than him and kept his cool while Johnny just got buff but never really grew as a person. Johnny would wither into old age and off himself, if he wasn't trapped by the laws of the toonverse. 10/10 show.
One of these.
Goddamn. I'd completely forgotten about this episode, but seeing this screen reminded me of the weird feelings this scene gave me as a sexually frustrated boy.
Is Johnny a furfag?
Did he at least get some deerbait?
He bates to deer. It's a little different.
Fuck yourself.
I...I can DO THAT?!?
Actually I think animals are Johnnyfags.
because he's a beast, hoo hah
>Johnny Bravo:"...Virgin?!"
Can we get a list of all the animal waifus from johnny bravo? I'm bored
how do we have the same image in the same filesize both as jpgs but yours has a larger filesize?
anymore moose pics?
Top kek.
That nurse did have the hots for him
They can talk so they're monster girls
>this webm again
One time he wished for chicks to be attracted to him to a leprechaun and a storm of chickens came over, that has to count, right?
>being this retarded
There is 2 kinds of monster girls, ones are actual female monsters and the other, more popular in the Imageboards context, is the weeb shit called "Mamono" that is only "monster" in name since they are just Anime girls with monster props glued on.
i sure hope that guy washed the egg afterwards
God. Every time I see this, I can't help but feel like someone should have made a monster girl H-mag of this exact scenario by now.
what episode?
In bed, yowza
Well, you CAN fuck a chicken
Or maybe that was symbolic of him not even being allowed to enter mother earth's smoking hot mudhole. Frittata
It would be extremely erotic.
The island of Mrs. Morceau
If I was Johnny I would have fucked those animals hundreds of times already.
It's not funny if you want it.
this show was one hell of a ride
You forgot .
That was nothing compared to moose episode. This is the only one that makes me uncomfortable (as in, "are they really joking or...?").
for you
Johnny was also gang raped by a bunch of house wife elephants too
You forgot:
>Giant ape
>Several elephants
>Cow from Cow & Chicken (in promo)
Johnny ruled the animal kingdom.
/k/: A magical place
>Nigger do you think life is a fucking cartoon mate
It's at that line that I always crack up.
Deer molesters, coyote fuckers, cougar fingerers - /k/ is fucked
Supposedly, they're also furries. But unlike Sup Forums it's not just because they want to fuck that cartoon rabbit, they acually -dress- like that cartoon rabbit. You know, fursuits and stuff.
Then there was the brownie incident.
it's a soldier tradition
Those who say "I want to fuck that unicorn" or...?
Always hated the giant, what, smile lines? Whatever those are called at the corners of the mouth. It was really common in the house Spielberg style at the time, though I guess it varied based on the studio.
Protein brownie
idk what he's talking about but you can always trigger /k/ by posting all the really shitty MLP-modded guns
i think those AR-15s with MLP-themed safety/fire selector engravings though can be pretty rad
Germany still does it too
like everything in tiny toons, the designs are lifted off golden age loony toons except they got a lot of stuff wrong either because they didn't get what they were for or how to use them.
that includes, bouncy animations with very shitty cadence to the actions, the utter rape of the slapstick by overusing the same gag and sound effect, and the in-your-face pop culture references that weren't funny enough to stand by themselves, or worse, spoken out instead of being an actual gag.
They were imitating Chuck Jones. It was a poor imitation.
This is a furry thread now. Everyone else get out.
I can't remember the last time we had a serious Johnny Bravo thread.
Surprising amount of furries in Russia.
why did you think replying to me with a housepets comic was acceptable
I was that combination of replies that made me remember it.
What, one? Russia is barely on that map (though I think that all is lumped together, due to the shadow being dark).
Looked up the website, guess that was unclear.
Germans are eccentric because when you work hard you must party hard. Same as Japan.
no, Germans are eccentric because they're the blight of all races
There is the occasional waifu raifu thread on /mlp/
>implying that wasn't the case with most greek monsters anyways
Russia is the 2nd highest country with mlp porn searches.
Do I want to know what that is?
It's your favorite rifle.
Don't forget getting their dicks stuck when they literally fuck their guns, and the guy who got a part of gun stuck in his ass.
first time seeing this filename
It was the other way around. Greek monsters are mostly beasts with random human parts.
Come on, 200 years ago it was the French who had all their clocks set to "Destroy Europe".
The exact same human parts that the animu monster girls have. The only difference is your wording.
Hmm... you have a point, now that I think about it, but entire lower-halves isn't exactly "just a prop".