ITT: Characters you want to see suffer

ITT: Characters you want to see suffer



>that episode where she wore a mask that turned her into a hideous beast

Mandy doesn't have emotions so that isn't possible

>see self-absorbed, over-confident, little shit suffer

i enjoyed the episode where nergal turns her into his minion

This was the worst episode of anything I've ever seen.

But doesn't she already suffer by being around Billy? Right?

She can avoid Billy like how the other kids aside from Erwin avoid prolonged exposure to Billy. But she chooses not to.

The single fact that she is Bleedman's waifu is more than enough to make me hate her





Any Mary Sue that gets played for laughs like OP.

Star Butterfly too. Because sad genki girls are my fetish.

I agree, though I prefer physical suffering

>the fuckin porn that followed...
Good grief I'll never understand.

>evil mary sue with infinity plot armor

Yeah she deserves it

Virtually all female cartoon characters that are magically smarter and made invincible/infallible due to plot armor. While all the males are retarded.

But those tend to job a lot so the dumb guy can save them and be the hero.

Like this one? She's so fucking bad as a character that the show got cancelled after she was introduced.

A thousand times this. I stopped watching that show for the same reason I stopped watching Spongebob, namely the treatment of Grim/Squidward. Probably a stupid reason to write off a kid's show, but oh well...

She does get some slapstick, at least.

>not knowing the real reason why females are smart and males are dumb in cartoons

Smart=boring,dumb=funny. A Dumb character is most likely to be loved by the fans while smart characters are most likely to be hated, so the male characters will always be more popular than the females.

>watching post-Puff FOP

Mandy gave me a rape fetish.

If you actually think FOP is cancelled you must be too underage to remember when Danny Phantom or even TUFF Puppy were released.

They have been reversing it a few times recently, with stuff like Gravity Falls and Star Vs,



These two regularly suffer.

fucking this

nobody else deserves pain and suffering more than this fucking mistake of an imaginary friend




Why her though?

Nah. They usually get off scott free with everything, and someone else ends up suffering. I think the only episode where they actually faced consequences for their antics was the one where they got arrested for stealing money from a bank machine.

>wanting Wander to suffer anymore than he already has

He lost the Haterbowl to Dominator and his show got cancelled after two seasons.

>name is Bendy
How little little is the world.

>ITT:characters you want to see suffer from your dick

This piece of shit.

She deserves



mandy suffers a lot in her show, which can get pretty hot actually

But everybody hated Mabel

True, but most people like Star.

>most people want to fuck Star and Marco
Pacifica cucked Mabel in her own show.

The ultimate Cuckmaster is Phillip J Fry. He cucked himself.

Not Sup Forums related but I had to post this shit.

Poor Lars.

That movie ruined Jurassic Bark.

It's been a while since I saw the movie. How'd they ruin that episode?

That unicorn roasted her good.

Was there any good reason for her to become a grrl power twat? She dates one scumbag boyfriend and is suddenly done with all men when he fights with a 13 year old.

Boob detected

Fry traveled back in time to resume his life in the 20th century, the dog dint die waiting for him.
Due to movie plot bender has to kill fry and throw a bomb to his dept, the explosion took the dog and that is how it god petrified

They probably just made her become one because she had practically no personality before hand.

The creator of the show said he just wanted to make her the coolest person ever

And that's why she has no flaws to speak of, or at least none that matter?


When half the cast are in jail along with most of the supporting and background characters, including some from Evil Con Carne, and Hector complains, "I'm not even IN this show anymore!" I fucking lost it.

I wonder why people call him a hack.

Read that in Carl's voice.

Everyone who hates mabel is a fucking dipper loving faggot desu

>not hating Mabel for her voice actor
Seriously, two good shows ruined because someone decided that cunt was worth hiring to be annoying.

This self-righteous little shit

She suffers in the show, not as much as grim but she suffers.


Would you pls delete this

This is a bit of a questionable topic.


Amy Rose.


Did you guys even watched the show? She is a massive cunt and the writers try to make her looks like the nicest person ever


It's the only one I could think of, but oh how I'd like her to suffer.

He suffers a pretty good amount and the series shows pretty bluntly he can be immature or a dick and faces consequences for that. He matures though and the pressure of his mistakes make him into a better person.

She suffered a lot but not enough to make me like her, she should at least stay crippled during the whole series


Aang suffers more than he deserves to, and always learns from his mistakes, unlike Korra who seems to commit the same mistakes over and over. She did suffer a lot in the 3rd and 4th seasons though.


Why's that?

Is this a meme now?

Fucking useless piece of shit.

She is a bitch.

All the Hey Arnold girls have suffered at some point.

like Mabel?

>She did suffer a lot in the 3rd and 4th seasons though
Clearly, she did not suffer enough as she learnt nothing.

no he is pure and must be protected

>he is pure
Nah, he's the opposite of pure. Sorry.

>He hasn't seen Helga on the Couch


Found it on Paheal. Artist is MRG. Also the pixiv account name.

Marco is okay for a mexican.

Helga has a reason for being a cunt.


Just hat the fuck was her problem anyways?
Did she get molested or something?

This cunt

Even though she doesn't deserve it

did you miss the last couple chapters? sette has suffered enough

alternately, if you're ashley: please stop making sette and duane suffer

everyone from Family Guy

Except Adam West