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Phoning it in Edition

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Cuckoo for Dooku

Best girl coming through.

>watching AOTC bloopers on youtube
>scene where portman falls down and her panties are clearly visible for a split-second
so much for the whole "no underwear in space" thing eh george

shut the fuck up you stupid nigger
stop posting this ugly piece of shit dressed with black leather. end you're are self kekekek niggerfaggot

Daily reminder that Ezra is a buttslut

Not saying I want this, but it is definitely a possibility.

What if instead of getting Hayden back for *, they just use his likeness, but have Matt Lanter voice? Or don't even show him at all and just have his voice? Matt's been Anakin longer, and frankly is the voice many of us hear when we think of Anakin's voice or read something Anakin says.


It'd be weird to have Matt's voice coming out of Hayden's mouth. Plus I don't think Hayden would be happy with that.

>i post the same 5 reaction images of a piece of shit doing the same evil face XD everytime haha

>ywn buy an old A-Wing, remove the speed limiter and paint it in GeeBee colours

Is pic related the best thing that came out of Star Wars since Empire?

it has a lot of kino moments but it's 80% action scenes

Somebody sounds triggered

No, TCW is

If the final fleet was finished, if the Death Star with it's accompanying SSD's were finished, then the Empire and galaxy would finally have been united in a single, all encompassing, final government and put and end to all the endless wars and destructive conflict of the petty drug lords and civil wars.

it would have been beautiful.

Just finished the new issue of the main series. What do you guys think of them canonizing Yoda as an amazing pilot? I mean all strong Jedi already are...but that was never really looked at in the movies. Him in particular anyway.

>le triggered
back to plebbit, ssfag

I recognise this place...

He kinda looks like Castro

No. While Genndy's style is always charming and energetic, that particular series overall is pretty devoid of meaningful substance. Certainly his most over-rated work.


Naw, man. TCW has some highs, but the lows are horrendous.

I love SSD's but man is it derpy.
Lets just trow a normal sized bridge form a regular star destroyer on top of it and call it a day.
Its so weird looking.

>First half is nothing but shitty over the top battles that make no sense
>Second half has some decent moments between Obi-wan and Anakin, but then goes right back to shitty over the top battles

The only thing good about this series is the qt3.14 Shaak Ti and the female wolves.

>An entire galaxy
>Main focus on Jedi and Sith, the family tied to it, and the fight for the galaxy's fate
I love Star Wars and all but it'd be cool if they put out one shot stories of other aspects of the galaxy. Does it always have to involve lightsabers? Rogue One was a good push from the usual.


No, I think I stay. You keep being buttmad though.

>Savage Opress


Also, I'm pretty sure nightsister magic is in some way use of the force

>Disliking Savage
>Not understanding the force

>What is Revenge of the Sith

I like that more than throwing a giant bridge and tower on it. Makes it feel bigger and at least somewhat sensible.

Star Wars is about the Skywalkers. There will never be a piece of media that doesn't connect back to a Skywalker.

>I'm pretty sure nightsister magic is in some way use of the force

It is. They've been trying to convey for a while now that different cultures/Force groups have their own ways of using the force from the Jedi and the Sith.

>The Chosen One will never dance for you
Why live?

>we will never see Ventress in action again paired with her TCW voice
Why live

>post ugly as fuck chick with no personality
>literally a Mary Sue sith
>only died because Maul had to hold her there to be stabbed
>didn't progress as a character
>didn't progress anyone else as a character
>only like 7 or 8 good screenshots of her
>just posts same 3 every thread

People like you are why /swco/ is the laughing stock of Sup Forums

Look, you big government empire cuck, this would all have led to those fat cats in Coruscant legalizing abortions in every system, but every unborn twi'lek has a right to live.


please, continue


Yeah, one of my favorite things about the mythos is the different interpretations of the force. Like even Zeb's people think of it differently.

There was a guy on /wsr/ asking for that pic but his thread is gone now

Daily reminder that you unironically advocate for pedophilia in a childs cartoon.
Normies definitely know Hayden's voice better.

Why are these posters/poster not banned on sight?

How do we get the mods attention about these cancerous pedos? Seriously.

That image made me KEK hard.

Reminder, the Force has been reduced to girl power vs toxic masculinity.

And it came from a tree.

That's only some rumor, man.

It's been that way since the mortis arc. Also the dark side is cooler so I have no complains to be honest.

Trees being a central icon in creation myths is nothing new, user.

Hail Mandalore!

Sabine dying when

H'ai'l Man'd'a'lore!

Indeed he is.

but it's space legal ;)

Set pics credibility of the Falcon and the tree give it some credibility

No they don't. Anyone can string together a rumor and then validate it by mentioning leaked set photos.

>implying the A-Wing, even with the limiter off, could match an M50
It's a Merlin at best.

Until the movie's out, it's just a rumor
I don't really understand how a tree can be the source of the Force. We are talking about an energy field that binds all life in the galaxy, that has to be some fucking tree

Coming through best girl.

>Normies definitely know Hayden's voice better.
I'm betting the majority of people that will watch the next Star Wars movie don't even remember half his lines, much less what he sounds like.

>TCW introduces Brother and Sister as anthropomorphic personifications of Dark Side and Light Side
>Shattered Empire introduces a magic tree



Damnit, you cheeky little sleemo.

Never, nobody from the Rebels crew will die. Maul will turn Ezra and they'll take off to the outer parts of the galaxy, Kanan will follow them and this will be an entire spin-off set during the timeframe of RO and the orignal trilogy, you heard it here first.

That Pole has some issues.

Some lines are unforgettable no matter the amount of rum.

>incomptent shriveled up lemon
>best girl

It can't be, mainly because we already saw the source of the force in the clone wars, and it was an entire planet that connected the physical plane and the ethereal realm of the cosmic force.

This is several shades of pathetic.

This one's literally called "nothing personal"


>mainly because we already saw the source of the force in the clone wars
The planet where the priestresses were? The tree may very well be there

>the source of the force in the clone wars, and it was an entire planet that connected the physical plane and the ethereal realm of the cosmic force.
That's not the source of The Force



>Implying SS doesn't look cute as fuck.
Kanan you blind fuck, get out.

This is a level of edgy I thought I left behind in 2009.


You're human garbage.

>The Old Republic collapses.[13]
>Mandalorians raid the Jedi Temple and steal the Darksaber.[13]
>Darth Bane establishes the Rule of Two.[14]
>Several solar systems unite and found the Galactic Republic.[15]
Wait, so in nucanon Old Republic and Galactic Republic are two completely unrelated factions?



Are there any examples in canon or the EU of a planet having multiple nations existing within it?

The Galactic Republic came out of the destruction of the Sith Empire (Brotherhood of Darkness) after Ruusan, since it had no real rival anymore and pronounced itself the unifying government of the entire galaxy, which wasn't literally true but who was going to throw a fit about it? Hutts? The Republic that existed prior to Ruusan is only referred to as the Old Republic after the fact to differentiate it from when it was basically just a Coreworlds club.

That's Legends m8. He's asking about canon.

Sort of, though they seem to be divided less by borders of nationality and more by species.

I'm not aware of any change made to that fact. We know there was a Ruusan, we know there was a post-war restructure, and we know they only ever talk about the Old Republic as something that existed before Ruusan.

[spiler]what color were they[/spoiler]

Gold, of course




>I'm not aware of any change made to that fact
That's not how it works.
>We know there was a Ruusan, we know there was a post-war restructure, and we know they only ever talk about the Old Republic as something that existed before Ruusan.
Yet we don't know of any connection between Ruusan and Jedi/Sith war or reformation of the Republic

Naboo could count since the Gungan's have their own government

given planets like tatooine and coruscant, which have up to 40% non-majority species

it seems to be a mix of divided by species and just by planet of origin

>tfw there will never be a Boba Fett spin off

>mfw there will never be a Boba Fett spin off


I hope she doesn't die.

how does /swco/ feel about Hera?

Reminder that you can't trust baseless rumors.