whats your opinion about it?
Boy's Club
rare pepe
Stoner comic that's good for a rainy day.
Somehow got turned into a white supremacist symbol.
Pepe's the only good thing to come of it.
Just because the mainstream news tells you something is a hate symbol doesn't mean it is.
Yeah but it's hard to argue that it's not to someone who only ever sees racist photoshops of it. Those are the most circulated Pepe edits.
One month of MAGA pepe doesn't mean the past decade of it "WHITE SUPREMACIST". It means people shopped and drew MAGA hats onto him.
That's like saying Momiji and by association all of 2hu is now nazi affiliated. It's a fucking buzzword association to demonize something fun.
Even the words "white supremacist" are just fucking buzzwords now for someone who doesn't understand how differing opinions work.
>An image that is widely known, even amongst the small, close-knit circles of its conception as the "nazi frog meme" isn't a hate symbol because I say so
I can't even remember the last time I've seen a pepe posted that wasn't somehow a shitpost.
>One month
Wrong. It's been done far longer than that and MAGA hats weren't the only things being photoshopped onto Pepe.
>Even the words "white supremacist" are just fucking buzzwords now
>One month of MAGA pepe
One month? Are you serious? How long have you been here?
>doesn't mean the past decade of it "WHITE SUPREMACIST".
The "feels bad, man" meme started back in '11, it's barely been around for half a decade.
>Even the words "white supremacist" are just fucking buzzwords now for someone who doesn't understand how differing opinions work.
And you out yourself as Sup Forums, well conceived shitpost, my friend.
>The "feels bad, man" meme started back in '11
Uh no, you're the new one here lad.
>The "feels bad, man" meme started back in '11, it's barely been around for half a decade.
It's been a shitpost for ages.
Previously it was /r9k/, now it's Sup Forums. Doesn't make it a fucking hate symbol on the same tier as a swastika.
Where are the proofs. There's one good image of him with a luger spattered in blood but 100% of the reason he's a hate symbol now is because of one fucking retarded speech where Hilary decided that cartoon frogs are more of an issue to discuss to the american voter than real issues.
And yes white supremacist is simply akin to calling someone you disagree with a nazi. Do you really think that white people in the US are the only people making pepe edits? That maybe they're taking the piss and having fun with the insanity that is the "rise of kek" and all that shit? No, it has to be some giant shit about race baiting.
It is a cartoon frog, you fuck.
It's pretty good. Also Pepe is a normie and a traitor to robots
>Feels bad man
>Not "sadfrog"
It's fucking winter why are you here.
Just because Sup Forums made some Pepe edits doesn't mean he's a hate symbol. The ADL is full of shit and tried to ruin Pepe, but he shall in our hearts and minds.
The creator wanted Hillary to win and even started a #SavePepe campaign
Right, and I suppose /r9k/ just made a "few" NEET edits?
Just another stoner comic
>Those are the most circulated Pepe edits.
Maybe he's a character that is used in alot of different ways and not something to be interpreted so one dimensionally like any character?
What about Red Son? Does the fact that there is a universe written where Superman is a commie mean that all Supes fiction is suddenly facist communist propaganda? No, of fucking course it doesn't.
He's a fucking cartoon frog.
>implying that's not Landwolf
user please.
In comparison - that's correct.
the Sup Forums edits are the rare exception.
i think he actually doesnt cares, he just hates how pepe is used as a hate smug symbol nowadays, against his idology when he made the comic.
>What about Red Son? Does the fact that there is a universe written where Superman is a commie mean that all Supes fiction is suddenly facist communist propaganda? No, of fucking course it doesn't.
Come on, now, user. That's a dumb analogy and you know it. People know Superman by his most common appearances. People (at least out of this site) know pepe as "that one racist frog my cousin keeps posting on facebook".
Obviously it all started as a harmless stoner comic, but the connotation is what matters.
I agree the linkening of Pepe to the white supremacism movement is stupid BUT you're lying to yourselves if you think Sup Forums (and to some extent /r9k/) didn't oversaturate Sup Forums with their own shitty edits. Shit's fucking obnoxious and since it's pretty much fucking everywhere it's kind of obvious why the media assumed it had become a hate symbol.
Pretty cool.
So 8 or 9 years of stupid lonely/angry/NORMIESREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Pepes mean fucking nothing because the ADL, a non-organization made a statement that has no meaning in the real world?
That's fucking stupid.
An image of pepe wearing an SS uniform or something could be considered white supremacy but a fucking comic about him almost eating Landwolf's frozen shit is not racist by association. Connotation means nothing to anyone but the ignorant who are unwilling to look beyond the surface.
>asshurt shillary supporters still waging war on a cartoon frog
toppest kek
>People (at least out of this site) know pepe as "that one racist frog my cousin keeps posting on facebook".
Weasel words.
What people? How many of them?
You aren't listing any facts to back up your arguments. You're insisting it's so with nothing but your word.
>BUT you're lying to yourselves if you think Sup Forums (and to some extent /r9k/) didn't oversaturate Sup Forums with their own shitty edits
I'm being 100% honest with you.
I really haven't seen that many Sup Forums ones.
Sorry. But I haven't seen this white racist nonsense that everyone keeps referencing. Maybe one or two every once in a long time.
Dude, it's a fucking meme. Connotation is all that matters.
Even when it was all just sadfrog/madfrog/good boy edits, it was still a common symbol of shitposting 'round these parts. Then Sup Forums took it a step further and lo and behold, it got mainstream attention.
Whether you like it or not, the common theme that people associate pepe with is nazi uniform and MAGA edits.
>it's a "Sup Forums whines about Sup Forums within the first few replies" episode
That board ruined you. It has ruined your conscious mind, probably for as long as you will ever live. How does it feel?
Do you have the link to the boy's club dump?
>What people? How many of them?
Enough that the creator created an actual comic about it, .
Also, please stop posting le bait images everywhere. It doesn't make you cool or popular.
So do you care about some fucking random asshole on the streets and his opinion on memes or do you care about people on here, where the meme was created?
Seriously this is the issue. The mainstream assumes shit about everything in internet culture. The connotation of Sup Forums in general is that is a caustic shithole of racism and evil yet anyone who's spent time here knows that it's just a regular shithole and that the racist bullshit is contained to one or two boards. Yes the general consensus among people posting Minions on facebook is that it's a hate symbol because that is the only exposure they've ever had. If you're gonna tell me the average channer knows Pepe as anything else but that fucking frog then you're fucking lying to yourself.
And once again as other people have said in this thread, find me the images.
Find me a pepe wearing an SS uniform or with a Hitler stache and show me how many views it has on imgur or something. Prove to me that this white supremacist pepe is the widely known one and not sadfrog.jpg
>the creator made a comic!
This does not determine or state how many people believe it was a "hate symbol."
It only states the creator believed what Hillary did because of his fervent political bias.
>please stop posting le bait images everywhere.
Then stop trolling.
and with that horeshit arguments said... the comic is a fucking masterpiece, i didnt knew how funny it can possibly be.
is has that "over 9000" feel into it, sick good ol classic internet humor, its something cartoons like Regular Show only gets close to emulate.
wish i had used myspace back then really.
>the common theme that people associate pepe with is nazi uniform and MAGA edits.
Some people do.
A few.
It's pretty shitty.
Do you have the boy's club dump of all the comics?
I wants em.
myspace and facebook really were the same thing.
facebook seems to be going out of use now too.
They did, some commies made some commie edits, blacks made black edits, etc etc.
Anyone can use Pepe and he can mean whatever you want him to mean. When sensitive moral busy bodies try to force meaning onto something without meaning it demonstrates their total lack of understanding.
Gross ass art, glad it's associated with white supremacist Sup Forums fuckbois
Glad you feel that way.
Now I can post this and trigger you because it's a hate symbol.
Is that Ding Dong?
Pepe contains multitudes.
>using fuckbois seriously
Kindly remove yourself from the gene pool
Sup ForumsMBLR!
Pepe enables multitudes.
>Find me a pepe wearing an SS uniform or with a Hitler stache and show me how many views it has on imgur or something. Prove to me that this white supremacist pepe is the widely known one and not sadfrog.jpg
Dude, you've gotta be fucking kidding me. Just googling "Pepe the frog" will net you a swastika on the first page of images. I'm not spoonfeeding you.
The whole Internet except Tumblr is Sup Forums now.
>if you dislike tumblr now you're Sup Forums
What kind of loopiness is this?
>if you dislike Sup Forums now you're tumblr
Really makes you think.
>it's donors
Just did this, it's true, there was a swastika on the first page. ONE, out of quite a few images. Most were perfectly innocuous (as much as shit posting memes can be).
It perfectly illustrates the attitudes of people like you who want to make a him a symbol of white supremacy. You'll look through one page of google images and pick out the 3 or 4 images out of at least 50 at most 100 and yell that its indicative of how the vast majority of people use it online.
You are looking to get offended by something so you go out and look for something to offend you, and lo and behold you find it.