Is this any good?
Is this any good?
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Are these men your friends, Diana?"
>"No, they are my sidekicks mother"
What feminist bullshit, don't watch it
Yes. The action's decent, the jokes are good, the character designs are like updated versions of Bruce Timm's work in JLU, and Zatanna is almost tempting me to cave in and have a waifu. It's like if JLU and BatB had a baby and they raised it on upbeat Silver Age comics. They even poke fun at how serious Batman is.
Best capeshit cartoon at the moment
This. It's feminist trash.
Maybe try watching that scene rather than shitpost in every thread.
Like clockwork
>These MEN are your friends, Diana?
>More like sidekicks, mother.
The show is pretty awful, not helped by bullshit like this. Whoever started this Xena knockoff crap needs to be shot.
We all know it's you
no need to pretend being different people
This show has freaking Cain on it
all bets are off
and I love it!
>Space Cabbie and Lobo in the same episode
It is clear the creators are true comic fans
Pretty good, I'd say it's almost Brave and the Bold tier
Büt is it gûd?
It's fun. I appreciate all the lesser known heroes and villains getting time to shine in another series. The only thing that could throw people off is if you watched BatB, the Batman episodes could literally be the 3-minute openings for a BatB episode.
I'm happy with it, though. It does what I wish TTG would do and mix action with comedy. I hope it does well but I don't see CN promoting it well. They didn't even promote the showings for that DC Super Hero High School show.
How do this not turn you on, though? If you're so upset by it, wouldn't you want to "punish" her with your fat, throbbing cock?
It has a lot of fun smears
When is the next episode? This show is currently the only way to get any good stories about the supernatural part of the DCU, and I need my fix
I'm actually starting to believe you make these theads yourself.
It's mediocre. There a lot of things i like about it. The diverse pool of characters, the character designs, some of the jokes and so on.
But the fact that they focus too much on the trinity is a big error. You'd think they'd use Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman to showcase other characters. One episode you've Superman introducing the super-family, one episode you've Wonder Woman teaming up with Etrigan, one episode you've Batman team-up with the Question or something, but nope. Most of the episodes with Superman also star Wonder Woman in an attempt to make them an item, so we can only see Wonder Woman if she's with Superman and their episodes have very little of other characters. Batman's the serving as a gate-way for other characters to show up, but most of his episodes focus on the Vertigo-y characters. Characters like Green Lantern, the Flash, Hawkman, Captain Marvel and so on hardly show up.
Some of the episodes humor are really hit and miss, and some of the characterizations are really off. They're not fun in anyway. Wonder Woman, who was based on the shitty Nu52 version, suffers a lot. The 11 minute thing also hampers a lot the show.
Is Lysandre from Pokemon based on this guy?
Does it also have Matt Cable and Anton Arcane?
Not really.
but not for this reason
it's DC, what do you think?