What's the deal with this?
/co's opinion on it I mean
What's the deal with this?
/co's opinion on it I mean
It's ok
I like the reaction faces
It was really good until the end of ghost train arc, then it got painfully average when they got into school shenanigans.
Wacky school shenanigans is going on too fucking long. I wish he didn't just dump exposition on school factions (illegal school shop, shadowy student council, teachers), and took the time to do it at a piecemeal.
Blind lady from the Cousinhood and Doctor coupling could have been developed better. We're supposed to have this big touching moment where a cynical doctor is starting trust people again, but we don't have all the details. There's no pay off because all we have are hints at what has yet to be shown. Is it supposed to be emotional pay forward? Where we're supposed to have this relieved for the characters now, so we can get attached later? That's not how storytelling works.
> tl;dr it's good until end of train arc
It really should only focus on kids and Mr. Spender, who is a manchild.
50% of the characters are completely boring.
Hard to relate to middle school kids. Especially since at the comics pace you quickly out grow them
Used to be really good.
Then the Ghost Train Arc ended, and it all went to shit.
Forget all these useless fucking secondary characters.
Forget this school council, mind-control infiltration, bullshit shipping, and stupid Isaac drama shit.
Get back to what we stuck around for. Kids doing cool shit with spirits, with decent enough art.
Nobody wants to know if the black blind lesbian who everyone inexplicably likes will hook up with the middle-eastern muslim lesbian who watches too much anime.
sucks a fat turd straight out of a butt.
I wish to dick Cody.
Sup Forums used to like it, then it had a mediocre, overlong arc around the same time Zack started having the dreaded LIBERAL OPINIONS, so now it's shit apparently.
Never bothered to read through it, but I do check the threads here.
In a recent one, I legit could not tell that the girl, Violet I think, was... Well, a girl. I thought it was just a slightly effete dude wearing pink. Because she looked identical to the boys aside from her slightly longer hair. I guess maybe the skirt is supposed to make it clearer, but that's really not a good excuse either.
She looks a lot better, and actually like a girl in the OP picture. In fact everyone looks better. What the fuck happened? Did the author have some kind of weird stroke and the art took a dive as a result?
It plugged along gradually introducing more and more of a core cast of characters and establishing a lore and tone.
Then suddenly Zack seems to have decided that all the incidental characters who were good just being side details should take the spotlight, but attempted to cram ALL of them into one arc that felt bloated and disjointed.
And he followed that up by oversaturating us with another pair of relatively new characters who only really appeared in the tail end of the train arc. It's fine and all that they get developed but Zack is just outright dumping character traits and exposition on us in a way that makes me feel like their focus was something decided on haphazardly.
The story is just off the rails and completely alienating to fans at this point. The only ones who enjoy it are the sort who only care about their opinions being validated by whatever subject material they glance at, and once Zack throws them a bone they'll either clamour for something else or abandon him completely.
>started as a half-serious parody of cliche shonen manga a la One Punch Man
>BECAME a cliche shonen manga
Good concept, characters are fun, there's clearly an underlying story.
But it's completely outweighed by the author's constant breaks coupled with an ABYSSMAL pace where things get done too slowly.
It'll be good to read in bulk, but at the moment there's nothing to keep interest with the way the current arc keeps bouncing and refusing to end.
I remember getting really bored with Gunnerkrigg court and shifting over to this series and loving it.
Now it's so dull, is Gunnerkrigg good now? I dropped it around when the whole revelation about some interspecies romance between a girl and an elf long ago came up. I don't necessarily have a problem with it but the execution just felt very droll and preachy and flat.
new page
>that olive is a grape and that beverage is water
Yes. You've missed out on a lot, especially if you didn't finish that arc (which is finally reaching a resolution this chapter after being sidelined for years).
There's already a thread over at .
Started off promising and then wasted all its potential on pointless filler, useless exposition and unnecessary characters.
In a perfect world I think anyone making a webcomic should be force-assigned a project manager or storyboard consultant or something, because Paranatural is by no means alone in these faults, but they kill my interest in a creative work pretty much 100% of the time.
>years have passed irl
>still on their third day of school
what the fuck is this bullshit
Everyone inexplicably likes her because that's literally her supernatural power, dumb-dumb.
Zack at the beginning had goals of no side characters being unimportant. Unfortunately this means a lot of focusing on shit that plain doesn't matter. It was also always kind of predictable.
Things we knew were coming:
Teach having 2 spirits
Johnny getting Forge
Dimitri being a spectral
Things that will happen:
Suzy becomes a spectral (Frosty pink pencil from chapter 2 (?))
Unfortunately while it had its charm, it's simply wearing off. Even the forced stuff like a blind, gay, body-positive black woman was predicted when he started preaching bout muh values, and muh Bechdel Test.
The comic may suck now but you have to admit it's a good page.
>Zack at the beginning had goals of no side characters being unimportant. Unfortunately this means a lot of focusing on shit that plain doesn't matter. It was also always kind of predictable.
That's the problem. If he wanted that he should have kept them all relevant in a more consistent way.
Not dazzle us with the core cast for a very long time, and then inundate us with a dragged out arc where they're all abruptly shoved in our faces again. The whole thing reeks of Zack bandaging things together when he realized he'd fucked up spotlighting these characters.
If you're skilled you can balance a big cast and make it compelling easily. I think it probably would have simply been a matter of not having all the other kids problems stem from school. We could hang see what their lives are like outside of school instead of having the extent of their characters center around a dumb shounen anime political drama power struggle parody.
It really says something when I find his girlfriend's webcomic more interesting at this point.
It was cool.
Became a mess.
Artstyle became bland.
Takes forever to get to the point.
Shoehorned "alternative" characters after the author got in couple with Taylor.
I don't know. I really liked this comic but now it's just "meh " to me. I hope it gets better.
My initial thought here was to just write my lament spoofing Gotye's "Somebody That I Used to Know" - the change of pacing and palette, the Flanderizations...
>PNAT's now some comic that we used to know
...but I've decided against it. Is even it worth it now? No matter how much I and everyone here complain, it's sure as hell the comic won't be better at all. Zack's probably too stuck in his head drawing, to even check for feedback. (I bet nobody dared to even spill to him of nothing else other than affirmation of how "perfect" his work is...)
It's an obsolete piece of memory in my brain since months ago. Since I've searched of life beyond the interwebs even...
General opinion: still good, but worst than it was before. The artstyle is slowly decaying and Zack doesnt want to aknowledge it. Story-wise, Zack has no idea what he is doing anymore, or if he does there is a Huge issue of pacing.
Oh, and the tumblr bullshit is ignored by the most part here, it's discussed only when Zack makes it so awkward that it's in the way of storytelling.
>In a recent one, I legit could not tell that the girl, Violet I think, was... Well, a girl.
Haven't read the comic myself.
I actually always thought Suzie was a boy. I'd see his pic passed around with the blond curly hair and thought damn that's a cool looking kid. Weird and disappointing to learn later he's a she.
>he's a she
You know nothing, user.
Poor man's Mob Psycho 100.
It's still good though.
Nigga, how did you get a boy out of those pigtails Violet has?