>If a new report is to be believed, Liv Tyler will reprise the role of Betty Ross in Avengers: Infinity War next year, while another member of the Guardians may have been confirmed to appear!
>"Brie Larson of 21 Jump Street fame is expected to play Captain Marvel, while Liv, daughter of Aerosmith rocker Steven, is rumoured to be playing her Incredible Hulk character Betty Ross. Inverness-born Karen [Gillen], 29, is reportedly preparing to star as galactic supervillain Nebula."
>Brie Larson of 21 Jump Street fame >of 21 Jump Street fame
Okay, I'm triggered. She has a fucking Oscar for Christ's sake
Charles Richardson
Luis Garcia
Literally nobody cares. The only thing worth coming from this is a joke making fun of Whedon's stupid romance sub-plot in AoU and even that falls flat.
>Nebula confirmed to survive Noice.
I guess Yondu will bite the dust.
Levi Ward
>the worst actress in GotG >returning for Infinity War FUCKING FUCK
Nicholas Brown
Shut the fuck up faggot, I care.
Ryder Wright
>Brie Larson Googled her. Generic looking literal who starlit.
Parker Sanders
Not a valid argument since (you)r opinion literally doesn't matter.
Luis Gutierrez
That was gamora.
Henry Jones
Will she have a scene with Black Widow? I wanna she her just punch widow in the face
Isaiah Price
No, it wasn't. It was that cunt from Doctor Who without a question. She's so fucking awful its like a twelve year old's impersonation of what a robot would sound like.
Justin Cox
David Walker
Hope this means they get rid of the shitty Natasha/Bruce romance.
Ayden Cook
She'll just show up to give them her blessing.
Colton Morgan
Use altavista next time you idiot
Eli Gray
>Go on Bruce. You can buttfuck her in the pussy.
Dominic Hernandez
>>the worst actress in GotG >Karen Gillian
Just fucking kill yourself, you tasteless scumbag.
Jayden Reyes
>literal who starlit
Watch a movie once in a while, troglodyte.
Aaron Perez
>Avengers: Infinity War next year This is really finally happening.
Christian Price
They referenced it in Avengers
Brandon Collins
I'm really glad that the Russos are tying up the loose ends of the Hulk film. Hell, we might even get the Leader out there too!
I still find it kind of weird that we have all these other phase 3 films, and Infinity Wars is the only one working on fixing loose ends.
Austin Cruz
>b-b-b-but __Insert MCU title here__ isn't canon!
Owen Rivera
Don't forget that they're also behind Avengers 4. So there's a whole other movie for them to do Hulk shit with.
Joshua Green
How can you call her bad when she was barely in the film 5 minutes?
Samuel Wright
Since when? They directly reference Banner Hulking out in Harlem and IM2 shows news coverage of the Hulk fighting the army at Culver University.
Luis Butler
>literal who Thing is, Literal Who's are who you should be getting in your long lasting MCU roles because they're more likely to keep coming back for your films. Where as if you get a major actor, then you'll have to constantly shuffle your schedule to fit them in.
Christian Sanders
Useless if Daddy Ross isn't in it too, and he had better turn into Red Hulk.
Jackson Wilson
I really hate that people just assume things aren't canon when they clearly are. I mean, fucking Ross in Civil War.
William Wood
>>Infinity Wars >>Room for everything except Thanos.
Gabriel Rogers
Why do people keep thinking TiH isn't canon? Where did this mindset even start coming from.
It can't be because "it wasn't referenced" because that's blatantly untrue
Eli Rogers
It was a joke, dingus.
I was making fun of all the dumbasses who claim that Incredible Hulk, the Netflix stuff and Agents of Shield are non-canon.
Brayden Turner
I always hoped they'd bring her up again but cramming her arc into IW... I dunno... Maybe Ruffallo's contract runs out at the end of Phase 3 and they want to tie that loose end up ASAP so that she can take his place as She-Hulk.
Nicholas Ortiz
oh shit youre right
Leo Martin
I think it was the recast. And the general muddiness of it's continuity. The narrative subtly implies to casual movie goers that it's a sequel to the Ang Lee movie.
Leo Brown
But what about Blonsky?
Asher Morales
>from LoSH to this
Samuel Jackson
Thunderbolts. Slap 'im in the Atlas suit.
Joshua Taylor
>Slap 'im in the Atlas suit. >Atlas
You realize that he is nothing like Atlas in any way what so ever, right?
Oliver Cox
Capeshit plebs don't watch films without explosions, it would be pointless to mention Room.
Luis Howard
She's a better actress than 95% of the MCU main stars though.
Connor Martinez
>big >strong >nothing like Atlas Give him one of Stark holograms and you're set.
Adam Powell
Brayden Torres
>Atlas, known for his powers of growing >Anything like Hulk-lite
Stop being dense, user. You're trying way, way too hard.
Landon Carter
>BIG >STRONG How's this hard user?
Austin Gutierrez
>oscar >literally who
Matthew Hernandez
YESSS love this chick
suck farts. we care.
Kayden Cox
When did Abomination ever grow 60 feet tall?
Oh right. Never.
Abomination cannot do the very thing that makes Atlas, well.... Atlas.
Dominic Cruz
This is Sup Forums not Sup Forums, cuck.
Anthony Walker
Do you even know what that word means?
Parker Murphy
Why is Betty still relevant after Bruce decided she didn't matter anymore and started sucking face with Black Widow?
Robert Thompson
>This is Sup Forums not Sup Forums
You know there are animated movies, right?
Adam Edwards
It's just an archetype, user. Team needs its muscle. Atlas is a name that denotes power. A guy as BIG and STRONG as Blonsky, maybe with a lil' makeup, could totally pass as someone who'd use Atlas as a supername whilst and conveniently fill that role.
I think you overestimate the vital importance of D-list IPs' finer details. They did an Ultron movie with no fucking Pym, and all the cascade effects that implies. Ensuring the literally who from the literally what has the exact correct power is a fair few tiers below that, frankly I'd think getting a Busiekbolts movie featuring a guy called Atlas at all is very optimistic.
Dominic Diaz
>It's just an archetype, user
No. Atlas is literally the guy who grows huge. That's his fucking schtick.
You're saying basically saying: >I want a Thunderbolts team that is nothing like the Thunderbolts in any way what so ever, outside of name.
Stop being so dense.
Jason Turner
>Ensuring the literally who from the literally what has the exact correct power is a fair few tiers below that, frankly I'd think getting a Busiekbolts movie featuring a guy called Atlas at all is very optimistic.
So you don't actually like the Thunderbolts? Got it.
Jordan Clark
MCU Red She-Hulk when?
Jackson Ortiz
>nothing like the Thunderbolts in any way what so ever I never said anything of the sort. Now YOU'RE just being dense. The fact that one of the guys could grow wasn't an inherent part of Thunderbolts themes or character or melodrama, keep the elements that were actually fucking important.
Not to mention there are like 6 different fundamental ways Thunderbolts have been done anyway, don't make me laugh with that NOT MUH shite.
I like them enough to know that being super pretentiously picky with the casting defeats the entire founding point of the team.
Eli Lopez
She might be regular She-Hulk. Ultimate Universe, dude.
Henry Moore
>They did an Ultron movie with no fucking Pym
Yes they did and it was one of the worst MCU films and Ultron sucked in the film because they made him act like Stark, since he was his creator and not Pym.
Cameron Ortiz
>I'm really glad that the Russos
Those idiots are just yes men, they don't add shit to the movie, other people do
Colton Perry
Irrelevant. They did it, had done it before, and will continue to do it. Also come on man you'd be shitting over an accurate Ultron just as hard for being yet another bland stoic grrrimevil baddie.
Andrew Thomas
I actually didn't know about Ultimate She-Hulk (though I think I have seen pic related on the internet before) so thanks.
Andrew Price
>The fact that one of the guys could grow wasn't an inherent part of Thunderbolts >being this casual
>Not to mention there are like 6 different fundamental ways Thunderbolts have been done anyway Let me guess, Danial Way's Thunderbolts is your favorite?
>I like them enough to know that being super pretentiously picky with the casting defeats the entire founding point of the team. This might be true if you don't actually like the Thunderbolts.
Oliver Scott
>being this casual Enlighten me then. How was it absolutely integral to the secret-supervillains-become-superheroes concept? You can tell that story without discount Giant-Man. >Let me guess, Danial Way's Thunderbolts is your favorite? M8, I want the Busiekbolts. Just not necessarily all of the exact precise team of absolute nobodies, that would defeat the purpose. >This might be true if you don't actually like the Thunderbolts. I like the concept, I like the dynamic, I like the (good) characters. I'm just shocked and confused people are so defensive over the sanctity of the title "Atlas". It's fucking Atlas. Zemo sure Songbird I'd get Moonstone at a pinch but FUCKING ATLAS?! Why's this a hill worth dying on?!
Jose Evans
The whole point of Infinity Wars is to be a sequel to a bunch of other movies. Most of the other Phase 3 movies are meant to be jumping in points.
Evan Nelson
This is the exact same mentality people here have with Marvel comics. It seems that everything from the previous 60 years of stories should be explicitly referenced all the time in every fucking issue for people to know that stuff is still canon. It's hilarious.
Blake Powell
>M8, I want the Busiekbolts
Based on the fact that you're shitting on the very concept of Atlas, this is a bald faced lie. You aren't fooling anyone.
You probably just discovered the Thunderbolts during their current run.
Brandon Diaz
>Zemo sure Songbird I'd get Moonstone at a pinch but FUCKING ATLAS?!
aka >only the characters I like count/are essential to the concept
Just fucking kill yourself, casual scum.
Wyatt White
Fuck you, I haven't wasted time on that shit. Also I notice you still haven't provided any reason to care about the big fucker. Did you refuse to recognize the Avengers as Avengers too because they didn't have Wasp? Yeah. Contract AIDS. :^)
Michael Rodriguez
>Not to mention there are like 6 different fundamental ways Thunderbolts have been done anyway
And only one of those ways is the true Thunderbolts, faggot.
The entire theme of "Thunderbolts" is redemption. Its not just villains disguising themselves as heroes. Its the idea that those characters actually choose to be true heroes and shed their previous villain tendencies. That they're trying to better themselves.
Abomination doesn't fit this idea even remotely.
Go ahead with your >b-but muh villains-as-heroes
Carson Perez
I find it weird how they're condensing so much in Infinity Wars. You'd think they use the 4 films before the movie to get more of this plot stuff out of the way. I mean, almost all of the MCU GOTG onwards seems to just be hyping up Infinity Wars and Infinity Wars is looking like it'll have leftover plots to deal with in its own film.
Nathan Brooks
>Abomination doesn't fit this idea even remotely. He does WHEN YOU FUCKING WRITE HIM THAT WAY Fucks sake EVEN THE COMICS put Abomination through a bigass redemption phase, you stinking casual,
Zachary Smith
>I find it weird how they're condensing so much in Infinity Wars
You have no idea what the hell the story of Infinity War even is yet. Nor do you have any clue as to how much screen time these characters are getting... or even if they're actually going to even be in the movie.
Remember, these are rumors, not actual casting announcements.
Hunter Sanchez
His entire fucking character is "I want to be the best fighter ever, at any cost."
Writing him any other way... why even use Abomination? Why not just pick a different fucking character that actually fits the role needed?
Adrian Nelson
Don't bother guys, I had this argument before. He also wants Tinkerer as Fixer and Justin Hammer as Mach-I. He's not going to listen to you
Joshua Murphy
>He also wants Tinkerer as Fixer and Justin Hammer as Mach-I
I'm just going to say it. That's fucking stupid.
Noah Green
This is true. But the films are going to be packed. You'd figure that they would use the other films to lessen the burden on IW.
Justin Flores
Again. You don't even know what the plot actually is. So what "burden"?
Thomas Hall
Kevin Feige fucking sniped this user, guys
Aaron Lopez
Nice. Good to know that Feige reads Sup Forums.
Carter Lee
>He also wants Tinkerer as Fixer and Justin Hammer as Mach-I
I don't get why people are so instant that to do a Thunderbolts movie, the characters have to be previously established.
Why couldn't they just be dudes/dudettes that were former SHIELD lockups or something? And the movie has a recruitment montage.
Hell, just model the structure of the movie after Ocean's Eleven.
Jonathan Morris
Why introduce a new villain when you already have existing villains lying around? >His entire fucking character is Ah shit yeah my bad it's not like people CHANGE or characters DEVELOP or anything. Especially after A DECADE IN PRISON. The Busiekbolts weren't all predisposed to lives of heroism either until he plucked their names out of a hat and made it so. They weren't anything special, that was the crux. But nah let's introduce these specific nobodies just so that it can specifically be them because gosh darn hasn't the MCU been an absolute slave to the source material.
Adam Hernandez
>Why introduce a new villain when you already have existing villains lying around?
Elijah Allen
People these days forget that 2 hour films used to build characters all the time. Apparently now they think it can only be done in phases a-la marvel.
Ryan Robinson
It's true. Dumbasses like that are everything that are wrong with Hollywood right now.
Angel Clark
Sell to me why Fixer and Beetle are remotely important and I will fuck right off. Because all it looks like is a whole lot of OCD. X-Men wasn't the OG X-Men, Avengers wasn't the OG Avengers, Guardians wasn't the (full, DnA) OG Guardians, what gets something as low-key as Thunderbolts special treatment exactly? ...ESPECIALLY when being made up of whoever's available is a big part of Thunderbolts' gimmick?
I like the surprise element. Busiek was a continuityfag and the reveal was half the fun. Skwading it neuters a lot of the charm and begs the question of why they should even bother, IMO. And at least the DCEU has the excuse of being a messy rushed dumpster fire. Marvel's got 10 years of structure and prides itself on the long-form continuity.
Benjamin Gutierrez
Nice, we'll finally stop that garbage NatashaxBanner romance Whedon was retarded enough to put in Age of Ultron
Charles Ramirez
But user, it makes sense, Natasha and Bruce are both monsters. One is a rage-fueled toxic monster and the other is a woman without a uterus.
John Gutierrez
>Sell to me why Fixer and Beetle are remotely important and I will fuck right off.
>not liking Fixer or Beetle
Holy shit. Get a load of this faggot.
Ryder Thompson
Why the fuck would anyone do that? That movie was a complete and utter train wreck. Again, mirror Ocean's Eleven for the story structure.
Set up an issue > have someone go recruit the dudes>training on the their new gadgets and how it works to accomplish issue established in act 1 (i.e. them recreating the vault and planning in Ocean's Eleven) > execute plan
Could even Pulp Fiction it and show the sequences out of order to preserve the reveal that they're actually villains in disguise.
Liam Wright
>Could even Pulp Fiction it and show the sequences out of order to preserve the reveal that they're actually villains in disguise.
I could totally see the intro of the movie be something like terrorists taking over a building all Die Hard style and the captives think Captain America or Iron Man are going to save them.... instead, the Thunderbolts show up.
Cut to intro credits, which is overlayed over all the news articles/news broadcasts of the Thunderbolts and the missing Avengers, etc (obviously this would take place after Avengers 3 or 4, when the Avengers seemingly don't exist).
Then cut to the Thunderbolts back at base. The leader (could be Citizen V, doesn't have to be, though) has a momentous speech about their latest accomplishment. Unsmasks, revealing villain identity and then flash back to establishing the team.
Zachary Cooper
But in my opinion it's not that the DC movies were rushed just that they make terrible plot decisions else where. The only "rushing" i think was in adding doomsday and superman's death to the end of BvS and not having that be the unifying force for the JL to come together to beat doomsday at the end of the JL movie. Other than that we don't need separate movies to understand that flash, cyborg and arthur have lives of their own; that can be their solo shit later. Not every character in every movie needs to have some 30-minute-to-2-hour back story.
Han Solo's back-story is being created as we speak and it's going to be fucking terrible. Wolverine's backstory severely hurt the character in many people's eyes. They aren't always necessary or beneficial.
Jeremiah Rodriguez
>Those Based Russos are just yes men
Which is why their entries in the MCU have been so good.
Blake Turner
>But in my opinion it's not that the DC movies were rushed just that they make terrible plot decisions else where.
This. Its not MCU, but look at X-Men First Class. THAT was rushed. They were filming shit and editing it in the same day.
And that movie turned out just fine.
Josiah Torres
I would personally like to have the OG Thunderbolts, but I don't see why some people act like it absolutely has to be a movie in early phase 4. Some of the characters could easily be introduced in other movies over a somewhat longer time. Maybe even as nameless henchmen, to keep the surprise of who they are/that they're doing a Thunderbolts movie.
Or maybe say they're making some Avengers spin-off or other team movie, then suddenly have the T-Bolts appear in an earlier movie and have the reveal there and then reveal that the movie previously announced is actually T-Bolts.
Or if it is REALLY important that the audience is surprised, introduce a nameless team (or like, the Champions or something) consisting of Goliath (with a costume similar to Foster, but with Ant-Man style facemask), American Son/Darkhawk, Deathlok, Motormouth and like Doctor Spectrum/Captain Universe/whatever and then have it turn out to actually be Erik Josten, Abner Jenkins, Paul Ebersol, Melissa Gold and Karla Sofen who, after the reveal, take on their comicbook personas.
Eli Bailey
I like this. This would work.
Jason Ward
>Or maybe say they're making some Avengers spin-off or other team movie, then suddenly have the T-Bolts appear in an earlier movie and have the reveal there and then reveal that the movie previously announced is actually T-Bolts. >Or if it is REALLY important that the audience is surprised, introduce a nameless team (or like, the Champions or something) consisting of Goliath (with a costume similar to Foster, but with Ant-Man style facemask), American Son/Darkhawk, Deathlok, Motormouth and like Doctor Spectrum/Captain Universe/whatever and then have it turn out to actually be Erik Josten, Abner Jenkins, Paul Ebersol, Melissa Gold and Karla Sofen who, after the reveal, take on their comicbook personas.
Both of these are good ideas. I'd be down for either of them.
Joseph Martin
The recast.
also Iron Man 1 isn't canon anymore due to having a different Rhodey.
Julian Morris
Avengers 1 had a different Thanos and Thor a different Fandral. Of Phase 1 now only Iron Man 2 and First Avenger are canon.
Aaron Hernandez
Love Triangle
Natasha >>> Bruce
Jackson Robinson
That sounds an awful lot like a "I got nuthin'" senpai. :^)
Seriously though I've derailed this thread enough, I'm willing to drop it for today.
That's what "I don't get why the characters have to be previously established" implied to me, sorry. Point being, the DCEU starts some 20 years into Batman's career, so there are a lot of supervillains around and ready to use. The MCU doesn't have that excuse; Iron Man was the first bonafied superhero since WW2, and we've been along for the ride every step of the way since. Introduce an all-new cast in the T-Bolts movie itself and it begs the question, why the fuck HAVEN'T we seen these guys before?
I'm 100% on board with this too, one or the other. Haphazardly introducing Fixer, Goliath, Beetle etc. and then awkwardly announcing there'll be a Thunderbolts movie invalidates the very idea of a Thunderbolts movie, change either half of the equation and you preserve the spirit of the team a ittle.