I'm looking for a specific cartoon that I came across here a few years ago. It was a French cartoon in a sort of office type setting. Spoof characters of washed up characters from yesteryear would come into an office and speak with an unseen voice opposite them.
It was very raunchy and hilarious, full of adult humor. I can't for the life of me remember it or find it anywhere online.
In exchange, I will dump some drawings of girls I've done. Enjoy!
>Someone openly shilling their art on Sup Forums >Not even /ic/
It'd be one thing if the art was any good.
Brayden Ortiz
so what's wrong with pedophiles? we need ladies like you, small cat.
Justin Wright
Thanks man! (and also for recognizing me)
I'm doing the Daily Girl Challenge and going to figure drawing classes in the city.
Actually I was looking for a specific cartoon. I threw in the art because I know Sup Forums loves their cartoon girls, and I wanted to give something to Sup Forums Life isn't as terrible as you think it is.
Eli Jenkins
It's not shilling if there is no initial accreditation until somebody asks.
Plus, your art sucks and your parents wasted money on your art school education.
t. Ivy League graduate with Ph.D. in biology, and also I bang lots of chicks.
William Morgan
I want that French Robocop poster
Bentley Jackson
>It's not shilling if there is no initial accreditation until somebody asks. You're right, not like it's easy to fake being the one who asked here... Especially a mere 20 minutes after the OP spams the art.
The specific cartoon request could have stayed to the first post, didn't need to share 15 more images. There's appropriate threads for that shit, you didn't need an entire one to yourself.