Who did it better?
Who did it better?
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>No Megamind sequel
>Despicable Me has DMDeux and soon DMTres
Despicable Me by default
Megamind is vastly under rated. The first |Despicable Me is good, but not great, so I'd say Megamind.
MegaMind, he was way more successful at what he did and the battles were cool.
Gru turned into a pretty shitty hero and of course there are the minions which are 200% more annoying than Minion.
DM gave us the Minions.
I never saw Megamind, but just the character design alone looks... I dunno how to put it, but unappealing. Something a kid wouldn't find interesting, and something anyone that isn't a kid would think looks too dumb. I'm open to hearing its positive qualities though, from those that have seen it.
I saw Despicable Me with my sister, she loved it, I thought it was okay. It had a coherent story and I feel like the movie didn't treat its audience like they were idiots, which is always nice. Gru was probably my favorite character. Wish we had gotten a prequel about him instead of the Minions.
My vote goes to Despicable Me.
>Because no movie with a sequel is bad
Your logic is flawed.
Though Despicable Me got sequels because it made lots of merchandise money, Megamind was a one shoot deal, but was definitely a better movie
Megamind was more memorable for me.
Megamind and the first Despicable Me seemed pretty even. DM's sequel(s) get demolished after that, though.
>tfw you will never get Despicable Me 3 with an older Edith deciding to try evil and defaulting on it the same way Gru did
>Saw one, didn't see the other.
>Gives one a vote any way.
Plz man.
Gru needs more PRESENTATION
felt like megaminds backstory was more heartfelt and wasn't played off for laughs so much like gru's was
Both were pretty similar but Mega's was more fleshed out, especially considering everyone thought he was a joke and didn't take him seriousl since day one even though he originally just wanted to impress people with his inventions.
He's reasons for why he is what he is comes down to him hating everyone, especially the hero for one-uping him at every turn, and just wanting attention and approval
>I never saw Megamind
>My vote goes to Despicable Me
Kill yourself
He's probably an Academy voter.
I enjoyed Megamind much more than I thought I would and it looked gorgeous in 3D. Even had a few cool action scenes
>and of course there are the minions which are 200% more annoying than Minion
You must find David Cross far more irritating than I do.
One’s about the relationship between hero and villain, while the other’s about super villain internal politics.
The only part of Megamind I didn't like was that Metroman survived. Several things bug me about this but mostly that it makes Tighten's powerset so OP there's no way he should ever have lost and also that the stupid jackass in retirement refuses to help stop the most powerful threat to the planet.
Megamind was funnier and had better written characters in general.
Even when the first one came out I never really got it. Gru and his nemesis had some funny lines but it was just mostly cutesy crap for 90 minutes with no real good jokes. It wasn't terrible but if it weren't for the ingenious marketing of the Minions I would've forgotten all about it.
Is this a meta joke about the Oscars or are you really this terrible?
They both did it well. Megamind is just a better movie.
That's more about Illumination's creative bankruptcy.
I prefer Megamind, but the original DM wasn't too bad. The bastardizing of it over time though has tarnished some good will toward it though
Despicable Me is a pretty stupid collection of movie, really pushed towards a kiddie audience. Megamind is very typically of Dreamwork's movies, trying to be hip and cool for teens and adults while maintaining plenty of noise, bright colors and the other crap that fixates kids.
Megamind had a more traditional Comic Book/Comic Science plot/trajectory, so since you're thinking, presumably, about bad guys portrayals, I would say it did it better.
Neither will ever be viewed as a great film twenty-five years from now.
Megamind hands down.
The action choreography alone has it over DM in my book but adding in the soundtrack and character chemistry makes it not even fair.
Just because he faked that doesn't mean he doesn't have a weakness. He's not just going to announce what really will kill him, but he absolutely knows what he's weak to. He just never made use of that. Metroman's crafty as hell.
That's how voting works, idiot. When you go into an election booth, did you do your research on every single candidate, including third parties? What about the other board of elections? You know any of them or do you just straight vote? How about the fucking shit awards in school? Do you do your research on every candidate or just vote for your friend?
Niggas in here acting like voting has ever been a good process. It's always been inherently flawed.
He trusted that his best friend would be able to handle it.
Did I do research on the candidates? YES! Yes i did! Don't act like you're normal for not doing that!
DM was a cute family film.
Megamind was better overall.
>you shouldn't shame someone for making an uneducated vote because it's normal
Those kids in dipicable me were great but the problem was it was like watching two or three movies fighting each other. Sevral great ideas don't equal a better idea.
Megamind did one only one thing well and it showed as a better show overall.
Voting is a retarded process to begin with, so shaming someone for participating in a shit process that is heavily abused by 99% of people who engage in it is stupid.
It's like shaming someone for being mean on an anonymous image board when it's very nature determines it's going to fucking happen.
despicable me obviously
one of the few dreamworks movies that reached pixar levels
despicable me is not dreamworks
really? huh
Welcome to the Oscars.
Those character designs are a lot uglier than I remembered
Anyone else find Megamind hot?
Despicable Me creates all that minions shit. So
Since Dreamworks is owned by Comcast, Crossover when?
Megamind has more memorable moments (alliteration not intended) and just sticks in my mind as a more interesting film. While being an incompetent goofball, Jonah Hill's character was enough of a menace to add actual stakes to the conflict, which Despicable Me never quite managed.
Also, Despicable Me spawned the Minions golden calf, and I'm not quite objective enough to separate that particular gaping void of creative bankruptcy from the film completely.
what does a oscars judge in Sup Forums?
What?! Are you telling me you don't find Sing to be the most original and least pandering IP property this century?!
It's got anthropomorphic animals living in a city damnit, what more do you want
its weird how dreamworks CGI in this aged so much and the final battle of the incredibles hasn't.
> incredibles hasn't.
you are very naive if you believe that
It's more about the style than the CGI. Megamind, as much as I love it, has a thing about big, goofy heads on its characters, and that's not just Megamind himself.
The Incredibles style works with its CGI to the point that it'll probably still look good for years to come (at least until the sequel comes along and taints the whole experience).
hasnt aged because this is more on the cartoony side, and lighting its far superior sorry. has still aged a bit but not as much as megamind
My God, what a fucking retard
i am starting to appreciate 2D more now.
Let's face it, if Despicable Me had JUST been Grue and the Girls, no Vector/Bank of Evil plot, it would've been FAR superior.
As it is, the only reason people like the movie is because the girls are cute.
Megamind is clearly the better movie. One of the best in animation history
>better humor and action
>better at pulling your heartstrings
Despicable me
I only vote if I feel certain about it, I don't vote if I didn't do my research.
t. Citizen of an actual working democracy
What makes you think voting is retarded?
>inb4 circular reasoning
Megamind was better, but Despicable me was more touching.
You're only digging your hole deeper showing how retarded you are
I enjoyed the banter and petty oneupmanship Gru and Vector had.
The movie would have been far better if it was Gru balancing the girls and his petty rivalries with over villeins and the humor that entails
>did you do your research on every single candidate, including third parties?
Of fucking course. You're what's wrong with democracy.