Tell me about the lieutenant

tell me about the lieutenant

Cooler concept than all the rubber forehead staple-species that star trek is known for. She is also a kitty.

>the acter who played Chekhov in nutrek is dead
>Ether way we won't get Arex or MRess in nutrek

Lieutenant M'Ress was a Caitian Starfleet operations division officer who served aboard the USS Enterprise under Captain James T. Kirk during the final two years of his five-year mission.

I've heard rumors that the white-skinned chick from Beyond might replace him.

Enjoys whole milk and raw fish.
Has 8 nipples.
Likes long walks on the beach, and gentle belly rubs against the grain.
Give her a baggie of catnip, and she'll agree to anything.

They were the two chicks with tails Kirk was fucking.

she's a qtpa2t

This is a Caitian as far as nutrek is concerned.

Still pissed she didn't even make a cameo in the Abrams movies. With today's tech and even makeup, they could have pulled off a good M'ress.

Cats hate to have their bellies rubbed. I mean hate as in would take your hand off if you tried.

You say that as my cat is purring wildly as i rub her belly.


My cats love it. Your cat just doesn't trust you.

Didn't they have a couple of people from her species appear in them? And they looked like shit

That doesn't look like a cat at all.

she's purrfect

That can't be nutrek, I'm not seeing any lensflare

>cooler concept
>literaly a beastman

The only interesting thing in Star Trek: The Animated Series.


Naw STTAS was rad

"The Slaver Weapon" was good. I mean, it was lifted straight from Niven's "The Soft Weapon" by the man himself but it's still good.

Children's Cartoons are a cesspool of fetishes. Good grief, no proper alien species would bother with humans.


What if they have a human fetish?

Additional Fact: Yes, Kirk had sex with her. It's Kirk, a cat isn't just "fine too", it's one of the tamer things he's stuck his dick in. He'd fuck the Enterprise if he found a hole the right shape and size. He frequently did.

That's almost worse than the Wing Commander movie's Kilrathi.


Yeah, that one before was shopped, this is the original....

>He'd fuck the Enterprise if he found a hole the right shape and size. He frequently did.
Kirk was a gentleman, he'd never fuck Scotty's waifu

Pity them.

Why?We bother with aliens.

Kirk was the one who acted like the Enterprise was his love or his wife. Scotty treated the Enterprise like his daughter, he's essentially like those people who baby their cars.

Is TAS worth watching?

is that her only good angle?


Well should I watch all the episodes or just a few good ones?

that's what happens when you hire a cheap animation studio

also, no

There aren't that many episodes, just watch them all

Yesteryear and Magics of Megas-tu are the best though

I thought she fucked Scotty. I mean, that's supposedly the reason /trash/ seems to respect Scotty the most out of the original crew.

They flirted in an episode

10/10, would be her scratching post

Beastman > wacky forehead
I think that's a pretty straightforward statement.

Go away, Garrus

If they were going to be so lazy with the design, why even call it a caitian? They could have made it anything at all.

"Kirk fucks a woman with a tail" is as wild as normies are willing to go, I guess.

>These 3 frames of animation represent the only 3 frames of animation she had in the entire series.

Good ole Filmation. In every episode, but only with 3 unique poses.