i would like to say we are back but i guess the mods will delete this
Bentley Moore
Carson Martin
Hi mods.
David Diaz
It's good to be home. Let us begin proceedings and discuss Best Gem.
Adrian Turner
Fuck off, pedo
Ryder Hill
Pedo sounds like a nick name for Peridot.
Oliver Brooks
You mean Amethyst of course, right?
Tyler Gomez
Let's do this shit
Mason Diaz
>Best Gem >Not even Best Pearl
Asher Ward
The reason Steven hasn't grown up is because he doesn't know what gender he identifies as. There will be an episode where he realises he identifies as a woman, and that will cause his body to go through puberty and start aging normally again.
Jonathan White
post voleyball game fanart
Evan Thompson
So what the fuck happened to /sug/?
Ryder Wright
There was a decision made awhile ago that /sug/ was flooding Sup Forums. Given the erratic airing schedule of the show, /sug/s were verboten and exiled to /trash/ unless the show was currently airing.
Julian Hernandez
Do you think these two have done it yet?
Evan Morgan
I am curious about this as well. I fear that it is circulating somewhere on the Trash board, desperately trying to get out of that filthy place and back into Sup Forums.
Logan Collins
Which in hindsight was kinda cruel.
Caleb Perez
>89072364 Not really. /trash/ is a far better board, anyway.
Adrian Young
Come on. It's not that harmful if people just scroll past the thread in catalog mode.
Colton Garcia
As is custom with the most popular shows on Sup Forums, the generals are banned unless episodes are being aired on TV, leaks don't count.
But while we're here, how do you think the corrupted gems will be healed? Who will be the first? What do you want the inside of a corrupted gem's mind look like? I'm hoping for a chaotic, nightmare fuel-laced landscape akin to the second phase of Giygas, it's great when te show inserts unexpected creepy stuff - see Rose's Room, On the Run, Gem Drill
Alexander Jackson
>Best gem
You do know that's a pearl, right?
Owen Carter
This is your answer, in a way, it was kinda retarded snice we couldn't discuss the show and the bomb leaked early. At that point the threads were actually closer to flooding the board. I'll be honest though, I miss the random threads since they were less of a circle jerk and got pople talking abuot the show a bit till the hype died down.
It's just that half of Sup Forums is retarded and thinks it's sjw pandering but they haven't see it at all. Which causes the regular threads here and there to be more of a problem than they are.
Jackson Cook
They seem to get along well enough.
Chase Cruz
I'm half way through s3 right now and it pisses me off that even though Peridot officially became a crystal gem (as opposed to Lapis, who just hangs around for Steven) that it doesn't seem like she's actually part of the main cast. They could have at least put her in the opening song.
Hunter Jones
perhaps akin to some sort of hard reset, a clean memory wipe. Perhaps the most tragic of methods, whatever infects the corrupted's mind would also be wiped away along with the gem's memories.
Grayson Parker
Chase Richardson
Jason Peterson
Fucking this
Jordan Green
so is this guy a fan or....
Connor Johnson
He is just some Anonfag with better insight than the majority of Sup Forumsfags here.