
What are we supposed to make of this OPfag? That any movie has flaws or that you hate these two movies specifically?

>watching Nitpicking: The YouTube Channel
why would you subject yourself to this shit?

Watching Cinema Sins

I hate how CS's comment section has to agree with all the points they make like sheep

It's funny if you don't take it too seriously. He's said himself you shouldn't actually use it as a review channel, it's just neat for spotting technical errors in movies.

I think that's a sin on the video he sins his own channel.

is this channel about making a crappy critical remark and then increasing a counter for them

>punching women is wrong
>wow that's sexist
What the fuck happened to him?

>>Gives sins for positives they mention
I don't get it.

I hate this channel because it encourages others to nitpick everything.

They don't even do many technical errors anymore. They just repeat the same shitty jokes.

It's a channel that parodies channels that nitpick movies and call them reviews. CS very rarely digs into the quality of a movie, or offers his opinion on them.

The problem is people, like the ones in this very thread, don't realize that.

I understand maybe he "ironically" nitpicks but it doesn't fix his feminism bullshit.

Its all a joke

>telling jokes
>on the internet of all places

CS should be hung for his crimes

Did you watch the Deadpool one? He removed a sin for Deadpool's contemplation of whether or not he should kill a female mook.

Its a joke

This user would be great at CinemaSins.

Wow. How strange for a Youtube channel

No, is a lazy attempt to make their videos longer, they were a lot when they keep the videos under ten minutes, and actually had valid nitpicks.

they were a lot better when they keep the videos length under ten minutes*