Dan Didiot

Why does Sup Forums have such a hard-on for this dumbass?

He likes Flintstones and that's good enough for me.

Anyone have the image of Dan in the different lantern shirts?

He has a nice smile.

he likes countdown more than 52
a true patrician

He gave total freedom to his creatives and he is the sole reason Morrison still works for DC.

The Executives hated him, he failed to turn good work on Profits and allowed Morrison to drug and kill batman when tdk was the greatest thing ever.

Didio is to blame for the raise as a executor Johns.

>the man single-handedly responsible for one of the single greatest periods for DC comics of all time
>the last bastion of hope standing up to degeneracy in an SJW controlled industry
Maybe tumblr is more your speed.

52 was an editorial disaster

He may be dumb and makes mistakes but he's earnest and admits to it and proceeds to go on. And he has decent taste and a soft spot of low performing fan favorites. He's the anti Bendis, apparently in this world the one with the facial hair ISNT the evil one.

I may not always agree with Didio, but I will always thank him eternally for how long he kept All-Star Western alive.

Because he keeps a lot of the smaller books afloat even when sales don't justify it

His executive decision to save Omega Men to be where D.C. Rebirth began for me.

>being a shill for editorial
Hi, DC intern.

>Didio Comics
>one of the single greatest periods for DC comics of all time
Wanna know how I know you're underage?

>Sup Forums is one person

he was going to axe it despite promising 12 issues for all the series until the backlash from the community

He's made his mistakes, but so did Levitz and Kahn. It's unlikely there will ever be a period where DC is firing on all cylinders.

He actually loves comics

Other than his opinions on legacy characters, he has good taste, and shields good comics with low sales from cancellation.

If he's single handedly responsible for Rebirth then he's also single handedly responsible for Pre-Flashpoint era.

Which was so bad higher ups were getting ready to put DC Comics into just reprinting. Which, in comics business speak, means they're dead and 90% of the staff is getting laid off.



No one cares about your opinion, Nick Spencer.

Ironically Jude Terror is taking more shots at Marvel than DC while at Bleeding Cool

he's been apart of some pretty bad decisions but he's done a lot to keep good stuff alive despite ti not selling well
All Star Western and Flintstones come to mind

What's all the hubbub, bub?

He may be corporate but he loves comics and most DC characters. I respect a guy who tries to do his best for something he loves.

Sup Forums is for Sup Forumsntrarian. This is the guy who ruined DC in the last 15 years and everyone knows it, so it stands to reason that Sup Forums should love him.