Heathcliff discusses jeans with Smokey the Bear.
Heathcliff discusses jeans with Smokey the Bear
Because they were constricting him, blood couldn't flow, blood has oxygen in it which is related to fire?
Maybe this'd make more sense if he was weairing hot pants?
Whoever said Heathcliff was actually descending into dadaism was correct.
>Heathcliff is distracting Smokey while his pal the Garbage Ape burns garbage in the forest
So which of the girls is named Doghouse?
Heathcliff is in the doghouse since his girlfriend saw him with Hello Kitty.
I really like the Jeans Saga
inb4 that fag who says "his name is SMOKEY BEAR with no 'THE'"
Heath cliff banged Hello Kitty? I have a whole new respect for him.
Wow, Mike Myers really has lost it.
Chester Cheetah is gonna kill him
>non-licensed, non-descript Garfield
h-hot, now i need a calendar of cats wearing jeans doing sexy poses
After all these years, I finally have a new favorite.
>Maybe this'd make more sense if he was weairing hot pants?
>Maybe this'd make more sense
>make more sense
>make sense
How does Heathcliff have so many celebrity friends? He must be one cool cat.
Sometimes I wonder if he's aware of these threads and does these strips intentionally.
No, these predate Sup Forums's obsession.
Someone post the least funny Heathcliff comic strip ever, i want to see just far Gallagher madness goes
Wait, Heathcliff has sagas?
They're all funny in an esoteric, absurdist kind of way.
It's so bad it's good, and Gallagher is none the wiser.
Well then any in particular that stand out as being more nonsensical?
Man he sure is.
No, the Heathcliff threads started in 2013. The sabering one was from 2015 and the couch one was from 2014.
Well this one isn't funny at all. It's good though.
Has it really been that long? Christ.
Gately created Heathcliff. His strips are a little corny, but generally humorous. It's when his nephew took over that things went off the rails.
I don't get it
Sorry, didn't mean to quote you. Just spouting random opinions.
What's not to get here? It's not garbage night, so Heathcliffe wants to get in his helicopter and find another neighborhood where it is.
>smokey's feet
that's not how walking works
>Has it really been that long? Christ.
It was. Remember this? It was from 2013.
Why would you just say the sentence "Heathcliff opens the milk" out loud in response to Heathcliff opening the milk
Why would you narrate your own life like that
Did someone save that thread? Did we have the automatic archive back then?
I'm starting to understand.
I don't get it
Me neither, someone help
Imagine the smell of that deckhouse.
Probably. I will say this though, when I started looking at this comic years ago I don't think I would ever imagine that I'd be reading this day-to-day.
Why did i laugh?
They're saying that Heathcliff always opens the milk. No one else opens to milk. Heathcliff opens the milk.
Heathcliff opens the milk?
This could be a twilight zone episode.
Holy shit what?
Long before he showed up on Harvey Birdman he used to have a hot air balloon and a monkey sidekick named So-So.
>That picture he's shredding
Would you?
I would.
I have wanted a shirt that says "I'm Bad News" since I first saw this.
It's the first sign of madness. Eventually you will laugh at all of these, like a madman. You'll be laughing so hard that you'll get scared, and that will make you laugh even harder.
Everyone would. There's really not enough quality 34 of Hanna-Barbera girls.
Why does smokey have one anime eye?
And what's wrong with his feet?
Someone post the giraffe on the bench.
how did he get a picture of Jane Jetson when shes in the far off future of 2002?
>he doesn't know
Sounds like you need to read more Heathcliff.
>when I started looking at this comic years ago I don't think I would ever imagine that I'd be reading this day-to-day
Me too. I've dropped every webcomic was following in that day, but still read Heathcliff day to day. What a world we live in.
You say he is in the doghouse then, not that he is a doghouse.
Why is Heathcliff so consistently bad?
user, usually when people say this they're just meme-ing, but I think you might actually be too dumb for Heathcliff.
There's nothing wrong about "Hello Doghouse." They're not saying hello to Heathcliff. It's a shortened version of the phrase "say hello to the doghouse." Both of which would be correct in this situation.
The only consistent bad about Heathcliff is the consistent bad news.
Does the blue light-stick indicate that Beaver is the canonical victor ?
>implying good wins in the universe of Heatcliff the elder god of bad news and ill omens
Shit, what's the comic the cat in the 6th panel's from called? I remember it being really cute.
Okay I'm not a Sup Forums guy, sometimes I just get bored and check catalogs for various boards to see if anything catches my eye. I see these fucking Heathcliff threads all the time. Usually I just ignore them, but I've got to know. What is the fucking deal?
They're to comics what "Le Sacre du printemps" from 1914 was to dancing.
i mey gallagher uesterday
true story. he has a band, they did a show in jersey city on sunday.
he definitely doesnt know about this place but his humor is more intential than you realize. its supposed to be as corny and weird as it reads
Me too. Just because I want to explain it is a Heathcliff reference.
Heathcliff is post-absurdism comedy.
It's anti-humor. So unfunny that it goes full circle and becomes amusing. It's also just plain odd. There are sagas dedicated to bad news, steroids, dog breath, cat breath, bait, the garbage ape, skinny jeans, pest control and hotdog water.
Is this real?
This actually made laugh out loud
Revolver ocelot
Back in the day, we ran them side-to-side with Marmaduke threads.
fucking cat owners I swear. If your animal attacks other domesticated animals you should not let that animal roam unsupervised.
here. now leave us in peace, furfag
There's a texture of Ultra Greed's Body with a beard in folder with delirium forms
Seriously, someone help me out.
Felix the Cat