I just realised that the only people that hate this guy are noodle arm worshiping, Steven Universe loving, "I watch Avatar BUT ITS TOTALLY NOT ANIME YOU GUYS" Sup Forumsmblrinas
I just realised that the only people that hate this guy are noodle arm worshiping, Steven Universe loving...
And Billy West.
Go to bed John.
You need sleep to work on Cans Without Labels.
And all the Kickstarter backers he ripped off.
is this the guy who made yogi bear?
Didn't he molent his disciple?
some of us remember Adult Party Cartoon from when it came out, user
This is bait right?
Oh man, can someone post that screencap?
user, how the fuck did you reach that conclusion?
I need sleep.
Also people with taste. He hasn't made anything watchable since the 90s. His R&S reboot was a disaster, he tried desperately to cling to relevance by hanging out with Miley Cyrus, he's better at complaining about "kids these days" than at writing something that anyone connects to. His era is done man.
I don't really hate John K but I do think he's a crazy fool who doesn't really merit paying much mind to
I remember, I guess I must have been six or seven when I first saw Ren & Stimpy in, what, '91? It was awful. And I didn't even know what anime was at the time.
John K.; The Mike Doughty of animation.
The first thing Sup Forums hated him for was his calling Animaniacs a cheap shitshow.
Are you implying Avatar is anime?
Never mind, I found it
What if I just think it is silly how overblown his opinions are in relation to how his actual products are?
But hey, his shtick works to bang dumb college girls, so who am I to judge.
Jesus, he looks like such a fucking prick there
>But hey, his shtick works to bang dumb college girls
Well, not really.
>that big ass wall of text
ngl but I really like seeing Billy dish it out to John
John can't meet deadlines because he lives in a fantasy world which shields him from the fact that network TV cartoons are not 1940s Warner Brothers theatrical shorts.
Except not even that because Bob Clampett and Chuck Jones still had to complete their cartoons on time/budget, which John is completely incapable of doing. "Oh no, I don't like how these two frames of animation came out. Let me spend the next 3 months redoing Stimpy's arm."
He made two "Adult" Yogi Bear shorts
>adult yogi bear shows
>His whole fixation with hell dads and boys and torture and punishment...well, I've made millions of people laugh, but I don't get what's funny about endless repetitions of that crap that he dotes on
John has so many daddy issues it's not even funny.
It just gets angrier and angrier as he goes along...
Pretty sure OP is b8 but since we're talking about John K now, has anyone actually read "Sick Little Monkeys: The Unauthorized Ren & Stimpy Story"? Looks like it has some glorious drama and dirt and I'm intrigued.
>When I go to work for somebody, I NEVER bring my personal problems to the table. The creators of most of the shows I've done don't seem to either.
He's never worked for Chris "Wincest" Savino. :^)
They're working together again so I guess none of that matters/ didn't happen
Yeah fuck quality control
AFAIK, Cans Without Labels is based on some childhood anecdote of his that he finds funny, but most people would just think is child abuse.
Poor John. He'd planned this since she was 13, waited years for her to turn 18, and he never ever got to tap her.
>tfw I'll never have Katie Rice on my face
She's now a huge man-like bovine and also a SJW, but I guess when she was 18-20, she was pretty fuckable.
Can I get some context? I'm too dumb to google it.
Anyone got a link to that interview from the early 90s where he talks about his father being the manliest of men blah blah blah. The shakiness and daddy issues tone in his voice is comical.
seconding asking for the link, this sounds funny as fuck
How bad are his daddy issues?
It's pretty juicy, user
John.K a shit
R&S is still one of my favorite cartoons, give it some time and you'll figure out just how crummy of a guy he really is
>Katie Rice was a fan of R&S when she was 13
>she wrote in a letter to John K or something
>he visited her house and decided to take her under his wing
>of course he expected more than just mentoring an aspiring young cartoonist
>he waited a couple years until she was 18, but she wouldn't fuck him no matter how much he begged and pleaded
>eventually she left his tutelage to do webcomics and stuff
people hate him because he has the work ethnic and personality of most (good) webcomic artist
Katie also really doesn't like talking about her time with John, even though she does acknowledge that she learned a lot about cartooning from him.
I wonder how many times he groped her underage ass.
Probably none becaus he's a beta cuck
I listened to a couple episodes of billy wests podcast. I get the sense billy is an entitled asshole with a huge ego.
Can't say he's ever voiced a character I was particularly fond of.
John's obsession with grossout jokes and weird sex kink has always been extremely off-putting to me.
What the hell is he doing at 40 seconds in?
>tfw I'll never have Katie Rice
He's a good teacher and animation historian to be sure, but as far as actually running a show, he's totally hopeless.
0:40 is just Fritz Freleng mumbling some senile nonsense
He sounds so autistic holy shit
I remember seeing a post on his blog about Bill Tytla's work at Terrytoons, and how liberating it must have been to create looser animation than the work he did at Disney. Ironic that the guy infamous for not making deadlines praises cartoons where its clear that they didn't have any time to make changes.
Adult Party and that Simpsons couch gag he did were embarrassing. He seems to have completely forgotten how weight and gravity work.
>Fritz Freleng
>born in 1905
>died in 1995
It kind of blows me away how much technology has changed animation in the last 15-20 years. FF started his career in the 1930s and at the time of his death animation was still hand drawn frames with cel inking. Sixty years and barely anything changed. But since 2000...damn.
>literally needed Kickstarter to pay for his back surgery
I guess John must be making about $12,000 a year right now.
He thinks he's the second coming of Chuck Jones even though Chuck would probably slap him in the face.
AFAIK Chuck did say he liked R&S.
John's cartoonist idol is Bob Clampett I thinl.
Yeah but Chuck was like 80 when R&S was airing, he was probably pretty senile by that point, also he never had the misfortune of actually working with John like Billy West did.
Didn't he call everything that wasn't Ren and Stimpy that was made in the 90s shit?
R&S was definitely a very, very influential show on an entire generation of cartoonists, even if you want to argue that Chuck Jones was a little bit senile by 1992, it doesn't change how many young cartoonists at the time were influenced by the show.
honestly the ebegging isn't even what kills me, it's that instead of just doing a gofundme and offering some signed merch like a sensible asshole, he made some huge bullshit about making a new cartoon and scammed the few people left that still care at all about him.
That's probably because he's the closest person to being "THE" voice of modern cartoon characters.
Just as a personal observation, he was 66 when this picture was taken but looked well into his 70s. All dem liver spots.
He claims Cow and Chicken was the best '90s cartoon, though he may have said that because David Feiss worked for him in Ren and Stimpy prior to doing Cow and Chicken.
I guess the K in John K stands for Kuck
There's a difference between quality control and literally taking 5 years to make a half hour short.
Here's 1960s-era Bob Clampett. He looks really aged although he was even younger here (in his 50s). Of course he also didn't live that long compared with Chuck and Fritz.
So is John K. but atleast Billy still get jobs
Must be the SoCal sun. Also they lived back when health care wasn't as good as it is today.
Tom Kenny could kick his ass any day though
That picture is priceless.
>50-something guy sporting a Beatles mop top to show how hip and down with the kids he was
>also that's a toupee/dye job without a doubt
At least Bob by the 60s was off doing new stuff instead of burning and pissing on the Looney Toons stable like Chuck and Fritz were by that point. The later era shorts were awful.
Which is sad; we need these madmen of history, but their madness makes them shunned.
>a shitshow
Most of it was, and Pinky and the Brain was the only solid skit they had.
That is true. Animaniacs honestly wasn't that great and it has so many topical jokes that it's aged like dirt.
How do we know this? Did Katie Rice actually just tell people, or is this one of those "read the obvious between the lines" things?
Billy West does come off as a douche though.
John and Billy or both old assholes. Billy is just the more successful asshole because he know when to keep his mouth shut and is willing to bend over when need be. John is the other end of the spectrum. He has too big an ego to listen to anyone and goes ape shit when he's questioned.
One asshole lives inside his ass (John) the other circles the butthole (Billy)
>Cow and Chicken
>better than Japan's entire output from the '90s
John K.'s dad probably abused him in other ways, but feeding him 'cans without labels' isn't one of them. Poor parenting, maybe, but if it's technically legal to sell this awful shit, it's legal to feed it to your children.
>John is the other end of the spectrum. He has too big an ego to listen to anyone and goes ape shit when he's questioned
Just like Al Jean.
His dad basically thought that he was a fucking little bitch sissy who would never be a MAN cause he was too obsessed with little baby cartoons.
John is way too nostalgia-fixated and lebornintheronggeneration for his own good. Yes, the 1940s cartoon stuff was very good for its time but all art is a continuously evolving medium and what worked then does not necessarily work now, or is viable and cost-effective now.
More specifically, his father and grandfather though he was a pussy for not wanting to be a truck driver or a construction worker or some other he-man career.
Animaniacs was never cheap, the Kids WB episodes were cheaper but they still put everything else to shame
That is a lie and you know it.
But that was after 1964 and they are still light years better then Avatar.
Japan says otherwise and all of the major studios there pay at least 2000 yen a month.
I rewatched some episodes of Animaniacs recently with some friends and was let the fuck down. There was some funny bits, but nowhere as good as I loved them when I was a child. It happens dude.
its a wild fantasy from Sup Forums
john k seems pretty socially awkward
animaniacs is so weirdly self-referential to the industry, it's not very appealing from the outset because of that
Japanese animators are literal slave labor though. No American/European animator will put up with that shit.