Why is Carol in Cancer hair mode part of this shit again?
Seems like a waste of space
Why is Carol in Cancer hair mode part of this shit again?
Seems like a waste of space
>Cancer hair
People with cancer are bald dude.
Also because Marvel is pushing Carol and she has a long history of space shit. Obviously. The real wast of space is America.
but short hair takes up less space
minorities follow me
It should have been these 2
Carol's meme short hair is disgusting
She is a closet lesbian she counts as a minority.
Marvel wanted her in more than 2 books, so Ewing went "k" and then used Ultimates to quarantine her and the rest of her fag squad in 1-2 pages per issue while he wrote his Galactus ongoing.
Sauce on image please?
I got it here form an Avenger comics storytime thread
>complain about memes
>post meme characters
cunt shud wer a AMERKN flag & so shud th othr cunts & it shud covr al of her lik HESUS seed or she shud b fkn shot & so shud th nigs SEMOER FIE
Captain Marvel with curves
very rare to see
In this days, only Frank Cho and Terry Dodson can draw women looking like women
Goddamn you got triggered HARD.
Is she a super sayian?
She looks like a twink there
space is infinite tho
>It's okay, brown people, I'm here to be your voice and the face of your cause
Literally Tumblr: the Superhero
To trigger normies who dont like sexy hair
>Literally Tumblr: the Superhero
If this is true why hasn't she made sweet motherly love to Kamala yet? Checkmate atheists.
cause Captain Marvel protects Earth from space born threats since 1969
You know some phatass twinks