Amethyst is just a fucking whore
Amethyst is just a fucking whore
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My fucking dick
where can i find these shorts i really wanna se this shit
I wish I was a whore.
As opposed to a whore that doesn't fuck?
Reminder that Amethyst canonically fucked Greg shapeshifted as Rose.
You ever seen her dances? She's an obvious slut. Probably was sleeping around with random humans even when she still had the little kid appearance.
there's no slut shaming on this board
Do you think in the 4000 year she's been on Earth Pearl has ever taken a penis inside her just to see what it's like?
Reminder: this is only head canon.
I hope they keep the shorts up. I love these little asides.
How can you have shorts for a show that already is short?
By making them shorter, duh.
incredibly unlikely
I want a daughter like Connie.
Steven is such an ugly pig-nose monkey looking fucker.
>implying she didnt have akward make up sex with greg
>Rose is sleeping with another human.
>What does she see in them?
>Perhaps I should try it myself to see.
>Yes, that's a perfect idea. If I also sleep with a human that will bring Rose and I closer together.
Really makes you think.
Makes me think Steven got fucked by the ugly stick.
Why does it seem like Amethyst wants to fuck Pearl?
I like Steven Universe
I wanna fuck that chick. Not even Steven's fat face could kill my hard on for her.
More like...
>Rose is sleeping with another human.
>What does she see in them?
>Eh, Rose does what she wants.
I want this to be real because it feeds into my drama boner.
Why does Garnet have such a group kink?
other news, water is wet
"Why does the person comprised of multiple people like togetherness"
You people are probably the same fags who threw bitch fits about "twerking" in the new PPG
Context is everything.