Would you watch an Adult Swim "throwback night" with a schedule something like this?
FOX Block >8:00 King of the Hill >8:30 Bob's Burgers >9:00 American Dad >9:30 Pre-cancellation Family Guy Pool bumper era >10:00 Home Movies >10:30 The Brak Show >10:45 Sealab 2021 >11:00 Harvey Birdman >11:15 Aqua Teen (Seasons 1 - 3 only) / More Birdman >11:30 Space Ghost (Seasons 1 - 3) >11:45 Space Ghost (Seasons 4 - 8) >12:00 The Oblongs (rotate with Mission Hill or Baby Blues if they can get the rights back) >12:30 Cowboy Bebop (Uncut HD version that is sitting the Toonami archive right now - only aired 3 episodes back in 2015) B&W Text bump era >1:00 The Venture Bros. >1:30 Stroker and Hoop/TGTTM x2/PHF x2 >2:00 The Boondocks (Seasons 1 - 3) >2:30 Moral Orel >2:45 Frisky Dingo >3:00 Xavier Renegade Angel / 12 Oz. Mouse x 2 >3:30 The Big O FOX rerun repeats >4:00 Pre-cancellation Family Guy repeat >4:30 American Dad repeat >5:00 Bob's Burgers repeat >5:30 King of the Hill repeat
Xavier Thomas
I don't know, does half this site have a weird fascination with feminine dicks and or are secretly into men.
Jacob Wilson
They're already planning some kind of retro block.
Gavin Perry
You mean the one on Sunday? That's only an hour long and it's just Brak, Sealab, Harvey Birdman, and Space Ghost (which already airs on weeknights)
Asher Wright
No, and neither would anyone else. Sorry that this hurts feelings but old AS shows pull shit ratings. The worst episodes of Cleavland do 2-3x better than old AS shows. That little block they are gonna do on Sunday will likely be dead by the end of the month. The weekly episode of Space Coast is already bombing hardcore
Brandon Garcia
Yeah but Space Ghost airs at 1:15 AM.
Other originals have done alright in the DVR Theater block before.
As long as they can average ~650k - 750k in the 8:00 slot, and ~700k - 800k in the 8:30 slot (and ~600k - 700k in the 5:00 and 5:30 repeats) they'll be fine. That would put them on roughly on par with what King of the Hill gets each Sunday.
Owen Bell
Leo Sanchez
No old Samurai Jack?
Gabriel Perez
>Bob's Burgers That's not a throwback, nigger. The show is awful.
>Pre-cancellation Family Guy Family Guy was always dog shit
>Stroker and Hoop / TGTTM / PHF All fucking garbage
>Frisky Dingo Fucking kill youself
>Xavier Renegade Angel / 12 Oz. Mous Fucking kill yourself
Evan Gray
Samurai Jack isn't classic Adult Swim though
Alexander Garcia
Fox block isn't part of the throwback. Why are you so angry?
Justin Edwards
If it isn't part of the throwback then why list them with it you dumb faggot
Thomas Cox
Just trying to be realistic in what Adult Swim would actually do. Also the throwback part goes is chronological order. First the pool era shows, the the black and white bumper era shows.
Evan Gutierrez
The only trouble with this- it is all stuff I've seen before. Reruns will not draw me back to traditional tv viewing. So the answer would be no.
Unpopular personal opinions: I liked pre-cancelled family guy when it originally aired. Haven't had a desire to watch anything Seth made since.
Pool Bumper AS has been my favorite. With the exception of The Oblongs, I thoroughly enjoyed the premise of clever dialog with cut pieces thrown together. Would rather have more episodes of this made.
B&W Text bump era- stopped watching TV in 2005/06. Not really interested.
Hunter Roberts
I'd say drop the second FOX block and replace with some late night cult anime.
Do a month of running through the entirety of shit like Bebop, Champloo, Afro Samurai, FLCL in that late night block. I know Toonami does that but man I don't wanna wait till Saturday.
Alternatively run live action shit like Eric Andre, Tim n Eric, MDE.
I just don't really like those FOX shows. Bob's Burgers is good n wholesome, but Family Guy and American Dad are just so goddamn formulaic and flat.
Nolan Edwards
It begins
Jason Sullivan
>Moral Orel >rerunning ever
Brandon Wright
Anthony White
It's rerun plenty of times. It last aired in 2015 iirc.
Lincoln Johnson
yee boi
Dylan Martin
That's not an unpopular opinion, most people think pre-cancellation FG is pretty milquetoast.
Cooper Miller
It was decent filler programming back in the day and sure looks great in comparison to modern FG that's for sure.