Will it win the Oscar?
Will it win the Oscar?
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Why wouldn't it?
Wait better question: Who cares?
Considering its message on improving racial relations, I think it'll give it an edge over the competition
I rerally hope it doesn't but Disney already has it in the bag because the voters don't even watch the movies, they just go by the brand name.
It will win the Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling. Even Pixar can't boast one of those.
I'd be more surprised if it doesn't.
It's a fucking Disney movie that all the kids loved.
Why are you even considering the possibility that it might NOT win?
Because it wasn't the only one?
Holy shit, Eric Schwartz drew that pic
They might all go for Obscure Chinese Cartoon instead.
1 billion dollars.
>tfw Zootope was your favourite movie of the year but you don't even care about the Oscar
I wasn't arguing in favour of either one. But Moana does have a Disney princess.
You know the academy judges for best animated feature are deranged anyway, though.
People like rabbit and fox saga more than Polynesian Fantasy Vacation
The academy judges view Animation as a joke of a medium so they vote for what their kids liked.
At least that's why Frozen won.
He posted a bunch of Zootopia things on his account over the past year.
>all the kids loved
more like all the furriesw loved and went to see it like 10 times per day
Either that or Moana.
About as likely as them giving it to Kubo.
Huh, so he can draw a different style after all
it's an Obscure Fuckin' Chinese Cartoon thank you very much
Not because its good, mind. Because the judges don't give a flying smelly fuck about animation and either decline to vote or just give it to whatever the most popular Disney movie of the year was, just so they can wash their hands of it and move on to the other categories.
If it does, everyone will think Disney bought the jury.
The academy almost always picks Disney for best animated picture. They snubbed Lego Movie and gave the oscar to Big Hero 6 instead. Zootopia should still win. I just wish the Oscars didn't favor Disney 24/7.
No because Your Name. was better.
This is true, but Moana is closer to the awards season and fresher in people's minds. Then again, maybe election-season fears will keep Zootopia relevant.
What's this anime about again?
A boy falls in love with a girl...
Why make this thread for a question you already know the answer to?
You don't know many furries then.
Of course. Everyone knows no one takes the Animation awards seriously.
Anthrocon user from the last thread
Finished uploading both videos of the AC Zootopia panel
Yeah, but just having the Thanksgiving time slot only means it's still in theaters during the Academy's nomination period, not that it's still big and everywhere. Frozen came out during Thanksgiving and was #1 at the box office first weekend of January. Moana also came out during Thanksgiving and is down to 8th place and the small auditoriums at the end of the hallway in theaters.
Reminder that Oscar Animation winners are just whatever movie their kids forced them to watch.
He probably just knows the young ones, either in college or fresh out.
>Honestly, if they did not have the animated category, Frozen would have easily gotten a best picture nomination.
I am once again reminded that there is literally no chance animation could be better than glorious live-action.
I am also reminded that Beauty and the Beast was SNUBBED
Who here /trash/ Sup Forums?
That first voter is a real shithead. Reminds me of someone I knew in real life that was a self-described movie buff that considered animation to be child's play. When me and a friend were having a discussion on which was better- Coraline or Up- Buffy chimed in and stated that no animated film could ever reach the heights of live actions and then cited The Blind Side as the pinnacle of cinema. I hadn't seen the film at that point and didn't know what it was.
>I actually didn't see a single one of these, but I will act as if I had.
Dare I?
daily reminder that Oscar judges are old-ass Jews who only like when a movie panders to "muh holocaust" or "mah broadway drama"
If it doesn't win, it will be an upset
Do it, and I will.
lasted until 1:40 when the faggot with the lisp started talking
Does it have the power of meme magic?
I'm still hoping for a miracle
>over these two obscure freakin' Chinese fuckin' things that nobody ever freakin' saw
Moana? No, if anything, they will give it to Finding Rehashing-the-same-formula-again.
It was really hard to watch, but at least they are having fun and socializing with people.
>Only the ones that everyone liked should have a chance of winning
Literally WHAT the FUCK
I'm with you friend but not even a blue lantern could overcome my lack of hope at it winning.
>channel full of furry convention videos and ponyshit
>also videos of Pope Francis visiting America
>He doesn't know about Christian furries
Some have online mass on IRC channels and all.
>Online Mass
Wait, did Keit-Ai really become a thing?
>Zootopia or Moana are the only realistic contenders
>Moana doesn't deserve it at all, but muh brown people meme gives it an edge
>Kubo deserves it but has absolutely not chance in hell
first post best post!
>Voter 1
Lol what a little bitch. No one asked for your "I'm a reeeeeal movie critic who only watches reeeeeal movies with reeeeeal kids who also only watch reeeeeal movies" comments, just say you didn't watch them and move on
Protestants have passed the point of caring. As have the catholics
>the voters don't even watch the movies, they just go by the brand name.
the oscars hardly give a shit about animation
I honestly feel like it has a good shot. Hollywood is still in full damage control over Trump and are willing to take every opportunity to say "Trump is literally Satan" and of all the contenders, Zootopia is perceived to be the most at odds with what they perceive Trump to be all about (right or wrong)
I like Zootopia and wish it the best but if by some amazing turn of events Kubo won it, I wouldn't be disappointed. If nothing else, I feel like Kubo not only deserves it but of all the candidates really needs it
I once say a confession from some judges that they still voted despite not seeing most/any of the nominees and just picked at random or "it's the only one I saw".
It doesn't matter why he didn't see them, his JOB is to watch the goddamn movies.
In the catholic church, you can make a mass on tv or radio count if you find yourself actually unable to assist physically, such as being bed-ridden due to old-age/illness. And you need to get a priest or minister assist to your home every time he can for confession and Eucharist..
Ha! Holy shit I made it onto YouTube. Never thought that would happen.
I'll be honest, Zootopia will win, but it shouldn't.
Kubo deserves it, but it has absolutely no chance. Here's my breakdown:
50% chance Moana
40% chance Zootopia
8% chance Finding Dory
2% chance they're feeling edgy and choose Sausage Party (I really fucking hope not)
>"Obscure Fuckin' Chinese Thing" made in Ireland
t. Academy
I mean everyone knows the animation category is bullshit but Oscar bragging rights is a thing and I'd be pretty damn annoyed if Sausage Party won
bcause of message or becuase its disney?
The thing is, some of the Academy members are just aware enough to know they brush off the category; so after getting the petty flak for it over a few years they see some convenient non-Disney adult thing to choose. Combine that with "first adult animated movie" (which it really isn't but they probably don't know that) and Rogen's up-your-asshole "social commentary," and I could see it having a weird little clique.
Which one where you?
Its odds are about 50/50 between it and Moana.
Depends on what movie Academy voters were forced to watch by their kids.
I'd say it's more like 60% Zootopia and 40% Moana now that Zootopia won the Golden Globe.
Academy Voters will likely take that as an excuse to give it to Zootopia over Moana
tame impala will
Nah, Zootopia is a shoe in, everybody saw it
If it gets it what does it mean for us?
Its disney, academy doesnt give a rats ass for any non-disney animation movie
Remember Frozen?
It's going to win because every retard makes the film an allegory about racism and diversity and it's the kind of shit liberals want in the wake of Trump being President
I would normally loath something like this but I'll take furry movies over generic princess shit if it makes the waifu faggots kill themselves
I'm still fucking pissed both Paranorman AND Wreck It Ralph lost to fucking BRAVE of all films.
Watched the movie over 80x and never noticed that Maui's magic hook is on Finnicks van. Below rear-left marker light.
Did you know Flash the sloth have a "cameo" in Moana? They ran out of time to create new monsters so they placed a mask on him and put him in the realm of monsters. They also put there snowball from Frozen.
That monster was freaky.
Heard he was but never spotted him. Olaf is apparently in as well, but no one has figured out where he is exactly.
if it won't I blame the rewrite
Voter 6 is all right in my book, fucking hell
You have to go back
This has never meant anything on Oscar night.
Kubo was style over substance.
It's the one animation they've seen so, it's probably going to win.
The voting process has a huge bias toward well-marketed films.
Does Your Name even qualify for nomination?
I thought there were rules about having aired in theaters in the US and I thought Your Name was still having trouble getting in US theaters
Zootopia really sucked. Just boring.
Was anything better than Sarusuberi: Miss Hokusai this year?
muh heart
first animuvee I'm gonna buy on DVD
Why do we have a animated section again(I know why we have it, it's to prevent disney appearing in the best picture awards). The critics don't want it. The kids don't care, The actual fans hate it cause the critics don't care. Just have separate award ceremony.
drumpf pls
I mean aren't there the Annies
or are those only for tv?
>two obscure freakin' Chinese fuckin' things that nobody ever freakin' saw
That he'd bother with the freakin's only to jam a fuckin' in there anyway makes it extra hilarious.
>No discussion, no argument, no nothing. The kids watched that one three times - what does that tell you?
You're SURE this isn't a masterfully crafted baitpost Sup Forums made up?