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How did Jimmy Neutron look so dated even when it first came out?
Because cgi animation has and always will be a shit medium
thats messed up
why would they put that in a kids cartoon? this show was marketed to like, ages 0-8
>theres a gaping anus on it
Reminder that the Jimmy Neutron movie is oscar nominated
Grandma its past your bed time
Fucking kekd
Because it came out the same year as Monsters Inc.
Keep it Sup Forums man
XCOM is a better punchline
Sup Forums pls
Please. If I was Sup Forums, the filename would be
Man just start a thread in Sup Forums
Found the Sup Forumslack.
needs a name
Who'd actually hold a avocado in their hand if they were going to do that?
Monsters had almost 4 times the budget and Pixar behind it, though.
>responding to a post 8 hours later
Clever grill
>Sup Forums.webm
"I told that idiot to slice my sandwich"