What would the Simpsons have been like if the characters actually aged and developed as the series went on, instead of the constant end of episode resets?
What would the Simpsons have been like if the characters actually aged and developed as the series went on...
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Are we still retaining the cartoonish vibe, or is every character having to deal with the fallout of previous episodes? Because the simpsons would be an emotional interpersonal hellscape by the the end of each season if it didn't retain it's cartoonish vibe.
Cartoonish vibe, but with some permanent changes and character development.
Marge would have a shitload more fanart, that's for sure.
The series died when it failed to change with the times. It used to dictate pop culture, now it's lagging behind and referencing stale memes.
You think it would have been a good idea at some point to age up the characters and, like, Bart and Lisa could be in college or someshit like that? Just from a purely hypothetical standpoint.
For example Maggie and Eric is a site dedicated to a simpsons spin off that takes place twelve years after the original takes place. I think that it's an excellent idea. maggieanderic.com
Well teenage Bart and Lisa probably would've produced a lot more storylines.
I never got why they didn't age them at least once every couple of years like they do with South Park and Pokemon.
Or maybe they should have just stuck with the rule that no showrunner gets more than 2 seasons because fuck Emperor Palpajean.
Nownownow, Al Jean has a lifestyle to maintain. He used to have a $3.3 million house.
No, that would have been dumb, what should have happened is that they should have always been a modern family with modern problems, instead of stuck in a time warp. Who even goes to Church outside of small towns in the Bible Belt? And no one sees nuclear energy is evil either. Burns and homer should have gone into banking. Bart should have become a hacker. Marge should have become a modern woman with at least a part-time job or out of home small business instead of just a housewife. Lisa should have been involved with real and important modern causes like corporate responsibility and state transparency instead of memes like feminism and social justice.
>Marge should have become a modern woman with at least a part-time job or out of home small business instead of just a housewife
I'll give you a little tip: That wasn't the norm for many American women in 1990 either. As the writers explained a couple of times, "Marge and Homer aren't necessarily supposed to be 90s parents, but like our parents in the 60s-70s."
Go back to bed, Simpspin.
Even if they were a "conservative family dealing with modern problems", they should be more modern by now. They should have problems people can relate to. Bart is a POSITIVE role model now for fuck's sake: parents would be thrilled if their child would go outside, ride a skate board and draw graffiti AKA urban art.
Get lost, Simpspin. Go and write a 50 page essay on how the writers stole the idea of Milhouse being a steroid junkie from you.
>Even if they were a "conservative family dealing with modern problems", they should be more modern by now. They should have problems people can relate to. Bart is a POSITIVE role model now for fuck's sake: parents would be thrilled if their child would go outside, ride a skate board and draw graffiti AKA urban art
That's not a problem with more modern problems, that's just the writers being incompetent as fuck.
If they had aged as the show went along, then it might give the writers some impetus to have more modern problems.
The floating timeline wouldn't have been a problem if the show didn't last so long.
>Lisa should have been involved with real and important modern causes like corporate responsibility and state transparency
Reddit: The Post
holy ufck Marge's VA is getting so shit
Bart and Lisa would be reaching middle aged, Bart would have a kid of his own, possible a single dad due to the mother running out on him. He'd have a fairly decent job despite dropping out of collage in some blue collar field. Lisa can't hold a job down because she's always fighting with her employers for not doing their job right, probably makes ends meet via publishing an occasional book on 'why everyone in X field is doing everything wrong'. She regrets getting a degree in political sciences.
Homer is retired and fairly content thanks to his big fat superannuation from the power plant. He was probably made to retire due to an injury in some kind of industrial accident at the plant so also got a big fat wad of hush money on top of his compensation not to squeal to the authorities which would have gotten the plant shut down. A couple times a year he takes the whole family on vacation.
Maggie is near the end of highschool and feeling the pressure to pick a college but just wants to bum around with her band. She has a thing for Kearney Zzyzwicz, Jr who is her band's drummer and the one who buys them booze but he turns down her advances because of the age difference and having already done time for statutory a few years prior with a sixteen year old.
You try doing that raspy voice for 20 years and see how you fare.
>Maggie is near the end of highschool and feeling the pressure to pick a college but just wants to bum around with her band. She has a thing for Kearney Zzyzwicz, Jr who is her band's drummer and the one who buys them booze but he turns down her advances because of the age difference and having already done time for statutory a few years prior with a sixteen year old.
The whole Maggie musician meme the writers try to force rubs me the wrong way.
lyl you should have seen what Clarence Nash sounded like at the end
Probably much better, episodes after season 8 wouldn't be as shit
These ideas suck.
here is your answer
Brought to you by someone who really, really loves King of the Hill.
what is this reddit tier shit? were kek and lel not edgy enough for you?
Well, Bill Burr is a man of taste then.
Basically a different show.
Because of how long the Simpsons has been on, no one could have planned out an arc to this long, ergo the show would probably have ended already.
Beyond that, eventually the show would have felt like a completely different show. You can't just give Simpsons modern day jobs and problems like suggests, because at a certain point the show itself would change so much in style that it wouldn't resemble the original anymore.
At a certain point it makes more sense to make a new show.
Also faggots they already made a Simpsons young adult work comedy, it got cancelled 3 years ago.
I think the art style is too bland and over-realistic myself, though I agree that the resemblance to KOTH is uncanny.
>Bill Burr
>Hank Hill
First and last names are both 1 syllable long, and both start with the same letter. Both have a single vowel; the second letter in each name.
This isn't a coincidence.
Better than Maggie being a roided muscle girl if you get my drift.
It wouldn't have had the same appeal because watching episodes out of order in reruns would have been jarring.
Fox is well known for discouraging their shows from having continuity or story arcs so they can rerun them out of order.
He'd have a fairly decent job despite dropping out of collage
Almost 30
Because aging them in south park and pokemon was pointless
>ash still borderline retarded and still the same person
>south park kids dont look older and the grade based episodes were not that memorable. they even reference nothing changes when the 5th graders bully the now 4th graders
Lisa and Milhouse end up having a shotgun wedding because she just can't escape her genetic heritage. They have four kids, but Lisa has a secret affair with Nelson for years. One of their kids is actually his, but Milhouse never finds out. He's an almost suffocatingly affectionate husband, but at the same time an idiot who can't hold a stable job.
Maggie marries the unibrow baby. They have two kids and a home business selling electric heaters and electric heater-related accessories.
so no Maggie rock star crap?
No. That's bullshit and just a vehicle for the hack writers to make stale Maggie doesn't actually talk jokes.
I've heard this about a number of shows but I don't understand what the advantage in airing them out of order is except that you don't have to bother to keep them in order. Is that such a big deal?
Allowing the audience to watch them out of order with little/no continuity isn't exactly the same thing.
Also Jessica Lovejoy tries to seduce Milhouse, but he won't do it. He also doesn't know that she sexually molested Lisa years earlier in a drunk college frat party.
Going too far, dude.
Si it's just I Married Marge all over again.
Kind of.
>I have no idea how the world outside my basement works: The post
Not terrible fanfics, but British Simpsons fans always seem to not understand how an American show like this works.
Why does Mary Spuckler look like an adult shrunk down? Why is a 10 year old girl getting hired as a SNL writer? And why was Bart filming a very suggestive looking video with Mary in the barn?
I'm sure you're a real trailblazer yourself, virgin
Because Zombie Simpsons is why.
The Breakfast at Tiffany's and Taxi Driver references implied some rather dark, dirty stuff.
>aging the show
>making the show hard to watch, then
>it losts fans
>simpsons ends
Why are anons so fuckin Dumb? The only reason this didnt happened its because of comercial values
You're giving the writers too much credit here. It's far more likely they just slapped in some lazy references to movies set in NYC.
It would be even worse.
Continuity impairs comedy.
Lisa would be the 3th female president of the USA, since Trump's run was so bad America decided to never vote for a man again
Teenaged Maggie would find she's actually a pansexual non-binary gender queer and would date a asexual transgender woman
Margie would still be married to Homer, but as an independent woman she's allowed to explore her sexuality without being shamed for it, and has affairs with every man in Springfield. Homer don't complain
Bart would realize as a middle class yellow boy he was privileged in that racist, misogynistic society, and his rebellion was a form of protest against his own privileges. So, in order to make the world a better place for minorities, he became a Sociology teacher at the Springfield Elementary School
Homer is chauvinist pig, so his role would be reduced to only make some racist remarks time from time.
Mother of fucking God, I am so very tired of these Bart gets a gf episodes. Why not just go all the way and show Bart actually having sex and be done with it.
The kids aged 1 time in South Park and it didn't have a single long lasting consequence. Stan being a cynical asshole is never referenced and only impacts his character if you really want to see it that way. Even Garrison came back as their teacher.
I guess there is all the kids getting more into girls last season, and Cartman not having stuffed animals anymore.
It's like you want Lisa to actually have a point. That would be out of character.
He's got a micropenis, unless he's taking Thrillho in the ass then there's not much to show.
Because they needed to plug Zooey Deschanel's Fox show.
How about when they did this creepy-ass episode based on a movie with lesbian undertones?
It was funny the first time. That's it.
One of the things I miss about classic era Bart and Lisa is that although they were clever for their ages (Bart in a manipulative, street smart way and Lisa in an actual smart way), they still had some innocence or were naive or unaware of more adult things.
one of the things i hate the most is that queer relationships are automatically determined to be more sexual than straight ones. if 8 year old Lisa has a crush on a girl it is no different then if she had one on a guy. she's never going to act on it, she's 8.
homer would be dead or at minimum brain damaged to the point he doesn't do much.
bart would be a criminal.
lisa would be an insufferable liberal doing well in politics.
marge would still be a suffering in the quiet wife who hates homer and wants to leave but won't.
maggie would be a delinquent and a punk rocker.
basically what they show you in the future episodes.
if she's not going to act on it than its most likely pointless to the plot and would serve no purpose. it would probably just come off as an insincere attempt by the writers to pander to an increasing more accepted demographic. not that there's anything wrong with that.
The future episodes are trash anyway, I can even come up with some better ideas than that stuff.
It's almost like it's called homoSEX and not homoromance.
Not saying it's fair but gay relationships are defined by their preferred sexuality, the difference in sexual orientation is what separates them from hetero relationships.
There is only one small step that divides a feminist and a lesbian. It's only logical for Lisa (given her character traits) to try "things" with other women.
I also wouldn't be surprised if she started doing drugs, to be honest.
I think there's plenty wrong with insincere attempts to pander. Sincere ones, too, come to think of it.
Like, who the fucking fuck thought Heavenly Creatures was an appropriate movie for the Simpsons to parody?
This is and will always be the best Simpsons /u/ ship.
Lisa is clearly a lesbian. She has consistently expressed a hatred of men ("they're pigs"), chiefly her father and brother, stoked by her lesbian aunt. Her competition with Alison in "Lisa's Rival" can be much better explained as a manifestation of repressed sexual attraction. "Bye Bye Nerdie" makes much more sense if you construe it as the "Butch" Francine expressing her feelings toward Lisa that she herself doesn't understand yet, but which reflect a vibe she gets from Lisa. Lisa has also portrayed suspected lesbian Joan of Arc and has also portrayed a princess so confused about her sexuality that she attempts to grow a penis. Also, like many young lesbians, to the extent she forces an attraction to boys on herself due to social pressures, she either picks safe, unattainable boys like Corey from the Corey Hotline or Jesse from Dirt First or boys where she knows it could never work like selfish brutish Nelson or a boy from a Dude Ranch she'll never see again. Meanwhile she escapes to an "alternative" to her current life with her very close friend Juliet. It's as clear as day. Lisa is a rug burner.
Bart drops out of college, drifts between jobs while studying law, and gets a degree and eventually becomes Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.
Lisa and a few friends from college form a jazz band and go around the world during tours. She's moderately successful, is married to Milhouse and has a liberal blog that she updates from time to time.
Maggie becomes a mob boss.
SP in 4th grade episode they use a defective time machine and create a space-time bubble in South Park, Colorado.
This why they never aged, when the world change to actual jokes (twitter and JJ Abrams)
I was shocked when I actually ended up liking this show.
Bart and Jessica Lovejoy elope after graduating HS. They go on a wild cross-country journey in a van committing minor crimes. Eventually Jessica cheats on Bart with Ralph and he dumps her. He spends his early 20s drifting and trying to "find" himself, eventually he runs back into Mary Spuckler and they get married and have two kids, but she proves a pretty much controlling bitch. Bart hooks up with Jessica behind her back and has a secret affair with her for years. Jessica eventually drinks herself to death at only 51.
Bart eventually works his way through law school and the Supreme Court many years later.
Bart kills himself. He later becomes Chief Justice.
>Maggie marries the unibrow baby. They have two kids and a home business selling electric heaters and electric heater-related accessories.
Should add. Her and Gerald fucked back when they were teens. After graduating college, they start dating again, but Maggie says she won't give him anything again unless she gets something in return (ie. marriage). She also likes spanking/femdom kinds of sex.
And...I really don't know who Bart should lose his V-card to. The idea I had was that him and Lisa both have their first time when they're 15, Maggie is a year older. It's already basically canon that Lisa and Milhouse fuck when they're teens anyway.
>eventually he runs back into Mary Spuckler and
why the actual fuck would you want anyone to remember the existence of this character
Because this character is much, much worse and I refuse to even acknowledge its existence.
Amy Poehler does suck though.
>Somebodies never been to an evangelical megachurch in Southern California.
I also had some good ideas that could be done with Allison.
all of them lewd, right?
Bart becomes Supreme Court Justice and i wont here anything else.
No, I'm pretty sure gay kids would have their own strictly hand-holding cheek-kissing relationships if they could get away with it. is right. Most shows written from an adult perspective only contain an adult perspective on homosexuality, which like most other adult relationships, has a huge emphasis on the sex. For some reason the Simpsons can't even dial down the undertones of romances between children.
>For some reason the Simpsons can't even dial down the undertones of romances between children
For a while around the HD switch, they had a lot of creepy Bart/Lisa incest vibes but it seems to have been toned down since the last few seasons of the show.
Of course. While Lisa has a relatively miserable life of being Milhouse's blow-up doll.
Well, not _all_ of them.
Just 75% of them though?
bart simpson takes over for his dad after unlocking his hidden power, and quits to become a "scholar"
i wish she kept those tits
i would have cared another 1% more about marge than i already do, which is 0%