Would you a virgin Peggy?
Seriously, how come she's so hot with her hair down?
Would you a virgin Peggy?
Seriously, how come she's so hot with her hair down?
It makes her look like not a 45 year old woman.
hair is a masculine display. a woman's should always be low and plain, instead of the style peggy cultivates which can only be described as an attempt at imitating the crest on a male gorilla
Peggy, Mihn and Luanne are best girls.
>tfw you realize Hank got cucked by a literal faggot.
Peggy was always a guilty fap.
I know she has a hairy pussy and that always gets me. Plus she has big tits and only had one kid.
she does has a nice body
I just find it hot when she says "Ho Yeah". that said every other aspect of her personality is kinda garbage. She's fun when she's kickin' ass or fuckin' but she's also way too into herself.
It's not like that's an uncommon trait in women anyway.
She is a cut above your average narcisissit. I still like her though. I can see why Hank doesn't mind her. They still fuck. The relationship can't be that bad.
I know if fuck Peggy. I bet she likes anal.
i love her terrible big al impression
i also like how she brushes off Bill
wrong picture
Choose one.
Choose 1
"Old ma'am" curly hair is always so nasty and gross looking, no matter whether 2D or 3D. Any of them would be cuter with a simple straight hairstyle.
>Would you any Peggy?
Not with a rented dick.
Choose numero uno.
Untapped virgin pussy
Shes got that over 45 body where everything is starting to sag but somehow its hot in its own kinda way thing.