She literally fucked an 80 year old man.
People that only Cartoonfags try to waifu
Terra did nothing wrong
She is a fucking cat
A Hot cat
Blond terra is shit.
best terra
Azula sucks, I love seeing her in pain and I want to see her beg for mercy
Homeless girls often don't have anything else to trade, user.
As a huge fan of the book, I can confirm that this is most definitely not true.
>Implying you wouldn't want to fuck Slade "Deathstroke" Wilson
The "I can feel this body dying all around me" version from the movie is pretty moe.
Yes but Deathstroke is a fucking badass bounty huner/assassin, what woman would not fuck him?
Is Deathstroke really 80 years old in the comics?
Because if he is, he's pretty spry for an octogenarian.
except a bouquet of STIs
You're a piece of shit that needs to be shot in the head,
A drawthread a few years ago.
I requested Terra offering her body to a man she doesn't know just to get a warm place to sleep out of the rain.
is there any more?
Sorry user, drawthread requests are usually a one-off thing.
aw well, I'll make do, thanks user
so have I.
frankly you can't be said to know anything about sex until you've fucked an experienced older man
At the time of Judas Contract Slade was probably younger since he dropped out of high school to serve in 'Nam so he was probably like 40 or 50.
So, I'm sure she'll fuck a 38-year old man.
Something off about that gif...
thats some terrible character design
to bad he was only interesting in TT and never again since
Her son is a better candidate anyways
Not the only thing she fucked. She has low standards. Some people are into that. It feeds their fantasy that their waifu might love them back if she was real.
I like the VA too. I think she's talented! Not, like, oscar-level or anything but she's pretty good at conveying frustration and desperation without just coming off at bitchy. Hoping Infinity Train gets picked up halfway just so we can get more of her.
why in hell is no one dumping porn of her
Blue board.
Better than a celibate cat.
Also voices Ellie in Last of Us. She's pretty good,
I don't understand, is this thread just asking us to name cartoon waifus? The fuck is a cartoonfag?
The latter half of the comics & cartoons board
He has a supersoldier serum.
Don't you mean
Terra-ble character design?
Too bad Terra is underage.
Get deported Carlos
>jubilee with a rock