All-New Wolverine #16 Storytime
>all new wolverine
>literally rehashing the major story elements of wolverine
There's some flowchart for legacy characters which eventually ends with just trying to turn them into exactly the same character as the one they're replacing and when that still doesn't hit they bring the other guy back or float the role into the aether if they're not that big. (Barry amusingly is suffering from this from his legacy character Wally in the Flash)
Whelp there goes another obscure waifu.
Thanks preacher!
The end
You welcome user.
Long time
Holy shit. Gambit and Laura shenanigans!
Can you story time Deadpool or Spidey/Deadpool?
Where the hell did Gambit come from? What's he doing there?
Deadpool 24
Gabby called in Gambit someone Laura trusts.
Spider pool 13
Right. The phone.
Aw, Remmy is back. The feels.
...it should have been Jubilee. Fuck. Maybe her next?
I hope
> the SS Yost infirmary
The little things.
Laura, what's wrong with your faaaaaace?
Is it because you spent 2 weeks in the pain-tank?
Did that LMD smell like trigger scent as well?
Gambit, was it really necessary to kill everyone on that floor?
does Gambit even know Gabby has a secret healing factor?
Fuck. That's actually a good cover.
Why does this keep happening? What's wrong with this fucking world?
Comic or show?
Thanks OP.
Does anybody think Laura would look good sleeveless?
Like, keep the Wolverine hood (maybe shrink the ear's a bit) and colors, but just remove the sleeves.
Maybe give her some short riding gloves for color balance, but otherwise sleeveless.
>Does anybody think Laura would look good sleeveless?
Not sure that would help. The whole costume just doesn't work for some reason.
It's the mask. It really, really doesn't work with her and throws everything off.
The costume looks fine on her otherwise.
>Gambit, was it really necessary to kill everyone on that floor?
Laura already took out everyone. Guess Gambit's timing is a bit off and waited until after everyone's dead to stop her.
I dotn keep up with X-23.
Theres two SNIKT girls now?
And Laura is under Kimuras control AGAIN? Christ. Fuck character development. You are forever an assassin slave set off by trigger scents.
the people that made X-23 made a batch of replacement clones, ones that didn't feel pain and had no healing factor intended to be uses as disposable assassins.
Most of them died either trying to kill Laura or trying to escape with Laura. Gabby is the only one who got away.
A few issues ago Old Man Logan got cornered by SHIELD and shot up with hulk tranquilizors. He went berserker and stabbed Gabby but her healing factor activated, sort of implied that by that point she had managed to live longer than whatever they'd use to suppress it was designed for
There were 4 clones of Laura, the others died and now Gabby is the only one left. Laura looks after her like a sister.
what's the deal with SHIELD using animal sidekicks as moles anyway?
So I guess Lauras going to escape Kimura for the n-th time now, and try to re-integrate into society all over again with Logan/Xmen?
Gambit probably knows it's better to stop Laura from a distance rather than up close
If her healing factor is back, why does she still have scars?
>ones that didn't feel pain and had no healing factor intended to be uses as disposable assassins
And instead of doing something interesting with them like pre-square enix hitman series or ultimate clone saga, everything is instantly explained and resolved in the dumbest way possible, and the kid clone is now Laura's wacky sidekick.
I wanna pop X-23's cherry.
if she had her whole face burnt off she'd possibly lose them, but as is they're scar tissue, not a wound.
she never had one. Logan wasn't a virgin when they cloned him.
Bad guys attempted to clone Laura, but their process was flawed and couldn't replicate her mutation. So they instead created multiple clones and engineered out their ability to feel pain, so they could be used as disposable weapons.
Two died, the oldest surviving one left during an earlier arc and ended up being in the employ of Kimura, the youngest one (Gabby) Laura took in and basically has completely accepted as a youngest sister because she's a genuinely good kid.
Who, it eventually came out, had been concealing that Laura's mutation *did* manifest in her. So she has healing and (single) bone claws.
What if they cut the scars out?
He didn't have a vagánia either.
he sure as hell didn't birth Daken out of his ass
>If her healing factor is back, why does she still have scars?
Guess her scars work the same way Laura's hair does
Why isn't Laura as hairy as Logan is? I be she's hiding a rainforest down there.
because its a mutant power, derived from the X-Gene. and the X-Gene is a quasimagical nugget of Celestial reality warping
I certainly hope so.
Not so wacky, really.
We saw her once when Laura wasn't looking, intimidating a guy that had wronged her.
Make no mistake, she's still trained Wolverine spawn.
and after that maybe big brother Daken show up to help too
I keep getting confused when she talks about her wolverine, whether she's talking about Laura or her pet.
Plus once scar tissue is there, it's there, it doesn't go away by healing, just regular old cell replacement. She isn't gonna flay herself justfor cosmetic purposes.
she's looking a little droopy eyed there, ave they been putting morphine in her food?
Seems like Taylor just wants to blow ghrough this arc to get back to Laura having wacky adeventures - maybe with Gambit this time.
Oh well. She now knows where her family lives though so that's interesting. Maybe she'll pay them a visit.
Of she had a rwal wolverine in an apartment block she wouldn't be able to hide the smell, they're like a cross between a skunk and a nuke. Literally worlda stinkiest mammal
Fuck right off the bat, first line, they're telling people that they're wrong for being irritated at a change.
Fucking cock suckers I want to mail bendis my feces after a bender on cheap, retarded strong canadian beer. Black Ice specifically.
I'm sure Laura doesn't smell that great either most the time.
>making out with white spiderman
Her fit slutty ass should've stayed with x-men. But I guess marvel knows better than to tie their experimental girly books to the real ones.
Shut the fuck up bendis, you fat ivory turd.
That just shows how depraved Laura is.
The correct answer is she was a teen whore
Don't know if they retconned that out
>Shhh, it hides the smell
Hell, she promised to murder Logan if he ever hurt Laura again.
It would just grow back.
Laura hates that guy.
She's a well-known tsundere.
we've been over this a hundred times, that's not how it works