We ever have a thread for this Australian cartoon? Premiered in November. I have a soft spot for Australian animation, but they always have such poor voice acting. The accents aren't the problem - it's the fact that the lines are delivered with the finesse of a semi-truck.
>Being identical twin sisters is an asset for 12–year–old detectives Lexi and Lottie, especially when it comes to cracking crimes in their country town of Appleton and its Animal Park. Everyone knows two heads are better than one! Add a little twin telepathy to the mix, a pet mouse with a nose for clues, and their smart comic journalist friend Fred… and you have a dynamic crime solving combination that leaves local crims scratching their heads… how can these kids out–smart them?
>Lexi, Lottie, Fred and Mozart the mouse leave no stone unturned when it comes to solving crimes … such as missing persons, animal theft, art fraud, diamond heists, animal poaching, sabotage and much much more.
The most recent episode, to my knowledge, was eleven days ago.
>Fed up with constantly being mistaken for each other and being referred to as 'the twins', Lexi and Lottie decide to change their appearances and stop working as a duo.
Caleb Thompson
I will watch this only for the geometrical art style
Elijah Williams
Jacob Martinez
Is this a Mary Kate and Ashley Mysteries cartoon that spent 20 years in production purgatory?
>telepathy OK. Requesting one twin trying to concentrate during a test in school while the other is having all of her orifices pounded while playing hooky.
Jordan Watson
Art style's kind of bland and the only screencap I could fap to was OP with the girl licking a fish.
Aaron Perry
It does look nice.
Nicholas Rogers
Oh no, she's sexy.
Christopher White
Got a download for your fellow degenerates?
Hudson Sanchez
I can't find any on YouTube. There's one episode on an Australian network's site, but I can't get around their geoblocks through my usual methods.
>Fred is always ready with his camera to catch all the action and it’s non-stop in the next ep of Lexi & Lottie when a large litter of ermines arrive at the Animal Park; Saturday 24th Dec 7AM on Eleven!
Joshua Hernandez
I swear there's a doujin about that.
Jace White
You know, when I first read the title I thought it said "Thirsty Twin Detectives". It made me think it was about preteen twins who solve crimes and who want to have sex with every older man they see.
Colton Robinson
This show is relevant to Sup Forums's interests.
Xavier Gray
Joshua Russell
do any cute girls get hypnotized?
Ayden Morales
I get wanting to change your look, but why quit working with your twin? It's not like one twin is better then the other, or maybe they are. I don't know, I haven't seen the damn thing.
Adam Hughes
It's not even on Kiss Cartoon. What the fuck?
Adrian Smith
>slutty little girls DELET THIS THREAD!!1
Michael Gonzalez
And when they fail to bag a man they have to comfort each other in bed
Grayson Hall
I would assume, since they took offense at constantly being misidentified as the other, they wanted to prove that they were capable of solving crimes independently. That they were their own person instead of just one-half of one.
Josiah Roberts
Odd since they're clearly distinct in this promo image; Do they spend a lot of time both wearing those tan working clothes?
Levi Allen
>A missing chimp, vandalism at the school and Fred wielding test tubes; Lexi and Lottie have their work cut out for them in tomorrow’s episode; Sunday 25th Dec 10AM on Eleven!
Jaxson Perez
It does seem to be their work clothes when they're helping at the zoo. When they're solving mysteries, it seems they wear the clothes they want.
Ayden Rodriguez
Still, the one seem to prefer a hat and ponytail and the other ties her shirt in front instead of tucking it in.
Oh, well. Even if your characters are twins it's good to give them some distinctiveness but you don't want to let that keep you from pulling out the "we're each our own person!" plot that every show with twins uses.
Jaxon Stewart
>a detective girl named Lottie Does John Allison know about this?
Brayden Moore
How did this thing become popular? Tween girls? It's better than average webcomic-tier, made me laugh maybe twice.
Josiah Wood
it's soap opera
Juan Allen
I'm giving up on that Australian site. Tried for about an hour but couldn't get the video to load.
Camden Richardson
>... a couple of cherries, to be exact
Parker Richardson
Charles Anderson
That storyboard art looks approximately 173% better than actual cartoon art
Gavin Evans
As usual.
Levi Kelly
It's the industry standard at this point Thank you cheap canadian flash animators
Landon Evans
You're imagining it. The art is simplistic and bland as fuck. The kangaroos actually regressed since Shezow.
Aaron Jackson
I'm not saying the storyboard art is good, but at least it has better expressions and a bit of shading.
John Walker
more like busty twin seductives
Dominic Barnes
Don't try bringing Venture Brothers quotes into this.
Ryder Taylor
they rebboot the olsen twin cartoon without the olsens?
Liam Lopez
>Beastie Boys starts playing in distance
Hunter Evans
>without You sure about that?
Cameron Roberts
Jayden Sullivan
This art style reminds me so much of that Chaotic show
Lincoln James
Is Fred our guy?
Parker White
And tween boys. It's like Scooby Doo with no dogs,eleven year olds,the monsters are real and the boys and girls work seperatly.
Juan Jones
Another waifu show?
Caleb Young
I read "Lusty Twin Detectives" so you should know you aren't alone on this dyslexia train.
Dylan Allen
Crossover when?
Lucas Thomas
Nah it's a manga by Yui Toshiki, might have been published as Hot Tails back in the day...
Ryan Taylor
Do Australian cartoons just not get uploaded? Makes me concerned for Kitty Is Not A Cat this fall. I know a lot of cartoons from Australia and New Zealand just go missing once they get cancelled because nobody bothered to record them.
Matthew Martin
SheZow was a outliner possibly.
Hudson Davis
Sad panda isn't sad anymore.
Oliver Wright
So, is it posted anywhere so I could download it from my snow-covered homeland?
Evan Powell
I've been looking but I can't find anything at all. When I downloaded/uploaded the Pumpkin Reports episodes from Spain, it was as simple as using a web proxy. However, nothing is working for the Australian site I linked to earlier.
Tyler Cruz
Good cartoon but where the broadcast on Australia?
Asher Davis
I'm found it, sorry.
Logan Wright
Alright, i'm dissapointed for nobody able to record the shows not only ones mencioned here but my fav. ones such Jar Dwellers SOS, Hairy Legs and Teenage Fairytale Dropouts for ABC Me. This is shame.
Jacob Evans
What's the show and source?
Zachary Hill
are pedophiles usually this needy?
Aiden Wright
Nathaniel King
No. I'm now only post on certain occasions.
Henry Evans
It's Goldie Blox. It's a marketing character for a toy. It's a stupid toy but they had a great commercial with a Goldberg machine and that lampooned the Beastie Boys. The Beastie Boys got butthurt and sewed them so they changed the song to some generic piece of shit song.
William Hall
The Goldie Blox does gotten the animated series?
Owen Gray
This is some cute stuff.
Evan Morales
Too bad it can't be found.
Jacob Cruz
>Lexi & Lottie - Trusty Twin Detectives
I read that as "Thirsty Twin Detectives" at first glance. I blame the OP's picture.
Carter Watson
Hey man nothing wrong with not wanting your art used for shilling. Also it was a counter-suit, the toy company were the first to file a lawsuit.
Angel Gray
Good luck reading this tiny text.
Jordan Rogers
Purest form of love
Jeremiah Thompson
Cameron Gutierrez
>tfw my twin and I never did anything cool like solve mysteries together What did I do with my childhood
Hudson Lewis
is she grabbing her sister's ass?
Austin Richardson
Keep those screenshots coming so I can add them to my reference folder...
Josiah Turner
>That storyboard art looks approximately 173% better than actual
Isaac Peterson
Do you want her to be?
Justin Brooks
Only so many screenshots can be taken from the trailer, and the other promotional stuff floating around aren't very abundant. Unless I can figure out how to get the Australian site to work, I'm pretty much at my limits here.
All of the Australian proxies result in the site still telling me I'm not in Australia.
Daniel Miller
>loli is illegal in Australia >Australia knows how to draw cute lolis
Jaxson Bailey
I said they lampooned the Beastie Boys. They were making fun of their sexist song.
Hudson Nelson
God damnit Sup Forums, where is the lewd fanart?
Daniel Hernandez
Now that's an Australian plot if I've ever seen one
Wyatt Kelly
Still curious on this one.
Jace Hughes
We don't even have an episode, let alone an episode guide. This Channel Eleven doesn't even seem to have a website, so there isn't even a show page with character information.
Easton Hughes
okay let's be real, now that it was brought to attention here on Sup Forums and all, how long until an artist makes porn of this (assuming there isn't)?
just from OP's pic i could imagine a couple getting in on it, including shad. hell even -8 could make a flash with them, he likes picking random character sometimes.
Hunter Miller
Wait that garbage is from australia?
Fuck we're worse than canada purely in terms of animated shows created and nothing else.
Even though canada produces a lot of garbage they at least make some good stuff.
Anthony Perez
Alright Simon and Splooge, where's the art?
Jonathan Edwards
twin detectives? Reminds me of Mary-Kate & Ashley, but I don't remember if they did any mystery stuff.