Whatever happened to badass superheroes?

Whatever happened to badass superheroes?

But those are anti-heroes

>hairy alcoholic manlet canuck
Besides user, if you want badasses, supervillains are where it's at

Punisher isn't a superhero, he's an antihero.

The MCU happened, us people who grew up in the 90s are a minority around here, just look at all the fucking morons saying "WERENT THE 90S GOOD? REMEMBER TEEN TITANS AND JUSTICE LEAGUE?". but we're still here

Wolverine is probably the least badass of them, but the point stands. It used to be common for superheroes to be hard motherfuckers. Now (most) superheroes are goofy wimps.

Quesada was a pussy and made a whole bunch of mandates because he was a pussy. Like, Marvel characters aren't allowed to smoke anymore.

People just stopped liking cool things.

Those so called badass characters were a product of their time. When hacks, fueled by their adolescent fantasies wrote characters as being 'cool' or 'badass' without understanding what made those characters so likable in the first place.

Take Wolverine for example. In the Claremont era, Wolverine was a character who struck out on his own and was willing to kill, like modern Logan. However, the difference between that Logan and modern Logan is that neither of those traits were seen as admirable. Wolverine's willingness to kill and the fact he could act like animal was something that people found disgusting, not cool. In fact, Claremont made it clear, time and time again that Logan was not a character to be emulated. In fact, he developed Logan into a team player, showing that as being good.

Ghost Rider meanwhile is something that should be feared. The whole idea and motif of his story is the battle for one's humanity and soul. Having him kill and attack indiscriminately and showing his host having no issue so long as it saves lives, showing no awareness for the amorality and the damage murder does for one's soul undermines the entire idea of that.

As for the Punisher, I honestly don't understand why Frank ever was called an 'anti-hero'. He at best, is an 'anti-villain'. The whole 'he does what no one has the guts to do', is a child's understanding of morality and ethics.

People have woken up to it and the 'badass' stuff has really died down, thank god. Now we are just in the age of the 'quirky' and 'flawless' characters who will be forgotten in a decade like most 90s abominations.


Lobo definitely isn't a hero.

People in universe may have found Wolverine distasteful, but the readers felt otherwise.


god you are so fucking lame dude

>Sup Forums unironically likes the edgy bullshit from this era

You're no better than Liefeld and all the other hacks who took all the wrong lessons from watchmen and tdkr. If you're older than 14 you have no excuse.


Censors, S.J.W's, feminist and bloodthirsty soccer mum's.

>The MCU happened
No the 2000's happened where one company was pumping out nostalgia and the other was embarrassed by superheroes

Morality is subjective, grandpa. Kill yourself pussy boy

Enjoy your Kamala and Miles crap ya fucking homo

Why am I a lame fedora edgelord who is difficult to understand. I am pointing out that characters who do nothing but act cool and badass are incredibly flat and uninteresting. If you don't believe me, read some of the early Spawn, Youngblood, Punisher and Wolverine stuff of that era.

This was the biggest problem. Those readers became writers and put in their ideas for these characters. It's why Wolverine became one of the most unlikable characters in Marvel.

But hey, feel free to prove me wrong.

VIOLENT ass kicking superheroes need to make a comeback. PERIOD. FAGGOT.

>read some of the early Spawn, Youngblood, Punisher and Wolverine stuff of that era.

I have, it's all awesome. Way better than most of the crap that came after it to counter it, awful Dad comics like Kingdom Come

Ghost rider NEVER would take a human life and the one time he did made him cry like yo pussy ass

I have hopes for that new Youngblood series, since Rob isn't drawing it. Once he moved to digital his art lost all appeal to me

hnnng so manly

Wolverine is the most likable character in Marvel, you're just a fucking Mary faggot who probably relates to Cyclops for being a square boring nerd like you are

Bet you listen to fucking Nickelback and Puddle of Mudd, dipshit


Moralfags are the normies of comic books

People grew up and stopped thinking edgy characters who don't need no rules are cool.

Best types of superheroes.

This is the end result of badass, edgy Wolverine. It wasn't pretty.

Way ahead of time, glad he got a ending.

They got softened up by fatherhood.

Their asses were so bad that they just plain blew out. Total anal collapse.

Super heroes by default have no rules, they act outside of the law...otherwise they wouldn't be super heroes, they'd be soldiers or policemen

The entire point of a super hero is somebody who takes the law into their own hand and ignores what's allowed, also Batman originally killed people too until it was banned

Being embarrassed by superheroes has been Marvel's stock and trade since the 60s.

As you can see already in this thread, a horrible, cancerous word found it's way into the hearts of the insecure and retarded. You know these four letters better than you ever wanted to by now. It's because people would find it too EDGY.

Batman only ever killed vampires and zombies. Everybody always forgets that. He never actually killed people.

All still here in theory but the writing and art evolved away from their 90s glory.

Modern superhero comics more or less try to appeal to college kids with disposable income, a bunch of subs, who like longer storylines, and who want an illusion of higher brow material instead of adolescent kids who have a few bucks and want their fix of superhero action in two dozen pages.

> 90s kids who grew up on edgelord shit are now old enough to shitpost in Sup Forums

How long until Sup Forums unironically misses Limp Bizkit?

First damn story you fool.

You say that like dolla dolla bill yall wasn't a solid album.

Sadly, this has become the level of discourse of Sup Forums.

>still waiting for the obligatory Linkin Park memes

>I get all my knowledge of characters from shitposts and wikipedia articles

By your retarded logic, Alfred is not Batman's butler, but is a bumbling detective used for comedic relief.

kys faggot

You do realize that, to be a 90s kid you had to grow up during the 90s, meaning your formative years....meaning you had to be born in the 80s or very early 90s at the earliest

How fucking old are you? In your 40s? How did you even discover Sup Forums, anime wasn't a thing when you were a kid in any mainstream way, in fact anime got big in the US during the 90s

Three dollar bill was a good album


Much of it written by accused paedophile Gerard Jones. There were also books by James Robinson and Steve's Englehart and Gerber.

Excessively violent and pervy, tightly interconnected superhero universe. Perfect for 12 and 13 year olds.

Kek be praised.

I forgot to mention that most characters were written as inherently badass as possible or at least questing to become more so. The second year of Prime has him completely change his look and demeanor to reflect a grizzled old Dirty Harry/Punisher type he meets.

All three of those characters are still incredibly popular, what exactly is your point?

> I got BTFO'ed by a primary source so I'll say it was from Wikipedia

Not how it works. Accept your loss gracefully. Lurk more. Here's another 4U by the way. Have a nice night.

I'm 33. Been here since 06.

he fell

that's an accident

wasn't that a monster thing?

It's nice to see Frank having friends.

He's criminal; a mass-murdering serial-killer.

>super edgy 90s heroes
at least you had the decency to post the ones who survived the 90s


None of these characters came to prominence in the 90s

although they predate the 90s, they do exhibit traits very similar to the standard 90s action hero

OG Bat-Man slaughtered people.

Rogue Prime was actually not taken postively oddly enough. Basically the main character going through his rebellious teenage phase.

Better than nutshot buckshot.

More like 80s desu, 80s was the era of uber violent action and shit, but the heavy metal XTREME aesthetic carried on into the 90s


user. A kid born in 1997 is old enough now to post here.
That means most 20 somthings grew up with Xbox 360, PS3 and 2008 Iron Man was a defining childhood/adolescent movie. (someone who is 19 now was 10 when it came out)
You have passed 90s kids by nearly a decade you fool, death becomes you!

did you say THE 80s?

>The whole 'he does what no one has the guts to do', is a child's understanding of morality and ethics.
Right, because letting mega-criminals go is tottally a cool thing to do because they totally won't do it again after they get out of jail early.

In the case of smalll time murderers, these people don't have morals and prison won't fix them. If they do get out, they're gonna do the same thing again, and now your morality caused some more death that wasn't needed.

To be accurate anyone born 1999 is old enough to post here.

But user, you don't understand! The Joker can be rehabilitated! We just have to talk to him real nice and ask him to be good!
Or failing that, rape him.

How about this?

I still say the only way Batman keeeping the joker alive makes any sense is that he feels responsible for creating him in the Ace chemical plant.

Last I check in the comics Bruce never discovered that. Now in every major TV/film yeah he knows he made him.

Which would mean he values the Joker's life above all of his victims put together.
Just fuck him already.

>because they totally won't do it again after they get out of jail early.

The reason why they get out of jail is because writers want to use them. There is no in-universe excuse for super-villains to be released or escape more than once (or twice, tops).after having shown themselves yo be unrepentant recidivists.

You either accept that the comic-book universe doesn't abide by any rules other than "Try To Be Entertaining", or find a new hobby. I suggest SCRABBLE, or collecting snails.

And thus, Joker was born...

that's a fucking awesome piece, whose the artist?

I love when artists reinterpret the Punisher's costume as body armor.


no, it isn't


He's MY hero.

New Youngblood is so generic it looks like a parody of modern superhero comics, it looks exactly like All-New Ultimates

If Image plays that book straight it's going to be terrible, I'm expecting an extreme twist, Rob is a smart cookie.

>Rob is a smart cookie
Liefeld get off Sup Forums right now.

apparently is some random painter dude named juan martinez

the pose is probably inspired by this cover

>the ending
I wasn't ready for that.

mine too

bro do you actually read current punisher?

Not OP but I don't, what's he up to? Hunting cis-scum for their microaggressions?

I love friendly Frank.

But where's the proof?

Same holy fuck.



Who cares about badasd heroes? What I want to know is why aren't there superheroes like Goku.

Define "like Goku."


You know like Goku. A naive strong battle genius idiot that will help people but still have thirst for a good battle. Not goody two shoes, not dark and gritty and not genre savvy.