I'm beginning to feel bad on Peter's behalf. Is it true Bendis is adamant in Miles replacing him and becoming the superior spider-man in the main universe?
I'm beginning to feel bad on Peter's behalf...
Yes, all of Bendis' creative bones turned to fat long ago. It's funny how all Miles is doing is going through the same stuff as Peter now instead of being his own person. Miles Clone Saga when?
Does Miles have any original enemies? Hear his uncle or father is a criminal, could be interesting as an arch nemesis.
The closest thing to originality Miles had was when he was still in the ultimate universe, bu that ain't a thing anymore. Don't think either of them has showed up yet
There was that wetback Scorpion in the Ultimate universe. But he was basically just a wetback Scorpion.
He was Scorpion in name only. There was really no point in even calling him Scorpion. The Peter clone of was more Scorpion than this guy.
His uncle was the Ultimate universe's Prowler. He was a decent villain but died immediately after he and Miles became enemies. We don't know anything about what he was like in the main universe after Secret Wars other than that he was still a criminal who eventually died.
I think I get why Slott is bringing back so many of Pete's clones.
He wants it to be a pain in the ass to replace Spider-man with his shitty donut steeele.
Still disappointed that the Peter that showed up wasn't that guy. Actually they could've probably done that if they didn't scrap the universe. That Peter could've just been the Scorpion clone but someone actually fixed him so he wasn't a fucked up cyborg or almost fixed him
But really don't feel bad for Pete in the end they can't do it because Miles' brand is both weak and completely reliant on Peter any ways. You can't replace him with Pete because Pete wallops him in sales and recognition.
>switching from past to present tense in the same thought process
What the fuck kind of writing is this? Fuck Marvel.
>promoting race mixing
Spider man is dead to me
But...shouldn't Miles remember her from Spider-Verse?
Or has Spider-Verse been undone cause Secret Wars?
God, fuck Bendis.
Nice double dubs, but where have you been for the last three months? I think it's just Bendis doing his thing about Miles taking Peter's mantle and that includes his past girlfriends even in different timelines.
Who the fuck cares what Bendis does? The last good thing he did was Ultimate Spider-Man. The original one. In the end he always makes Spidey too weak, anyways. Bendis's penchant for nerfing him makes his stuff infuriating. Remember the very first issue of ANAD Spider-Man? A joke.
As a black guy, Miles isn't so bad, at least, but I never asked for him and I've always preferred Peter. Even with Ben, I liked Peter more. That's the Spider-Man I grew up with, the one I want to see succeed (next to Kaine), but neither is going to happen. The WORST part is the cuck and memefags that crow BLACKED and shit like that.
Ironically enough, it's a white thing.
But damn, I'm becoming a fucking degenerate. I look at Gwen's shoes and can't help but wonder what a footjob from her would feel like.
>You will never get a footjob from Ult. Jessica/Gwen/Spider-Gwen/Mayday
I have no idea who remembers what and who in the new marvel universe.
Between various books peter is hanging out with DP in Uncanny Avengers, SM/DP kelly book, and all other stuff has probably saved pete from being in so many shitty marvel books and saved him from bendis moreso than hurt him.
>As a black guy
Sure, Tristan, I'll believe you. You just also happen to spew white talking points, that's all. Something tells me you're as black as Shaun King.
Should I talk in ebonics to sway you, user? Maybe talk about chicken or how much I like fucking white pussy, or love the 'black queen' so much? Oh, I know, maybe I'll do something stupid and deign to use ad hominem attacks to get my point across, or pathetic post-2010 lingo like 'hella' or 'real talk' or something to really get that urban persona down.
But seriously, I get it's hard to understand that black people can disagree. You made my morning, user.
I think you should try liking Miles more.
The past is the past. Peter died after One More Day.
>As a black guy
No one cares. Grow a pair and argue on even talking points.
Go suck the white man's dick if you want, others will keep fighting for your rights even though you'll never thank them.
And Miles never lived.
But Miles never lived.
>black guy acts reasonable, white liberal no true scotmans his black credentials.
this is some other reality shit right here.
>Or has Spider-Verse been undone cause Secret Wars?
Is that a bad thing though?
It's pretty common, or at least semi common in liberal circles.
Must be weird being black in America, the extreme right sees you as a threat and the loony left as a weapon.
Yes but it's not for any love of Miles or what story possibilities he brings to the table. The main reason is every time someone else uses him Bendis gets a check. So if Miles becomes the main Spider-Man then he won't have to write any Spider book ever again to make money off of it.
>why aren't you grateful for all those blogs I'm writing about racism in California??
I've rarely met someone with conviction in owning someone else's problems to point of absurdity.
Or falsely trying to seem as if that is what they're doing.
It's just sad to me that some of the easiest fixes for all lower income families in America could be helped but because of in-fighting will never happen.
I want Miles Spider-man to die in the next event. Seriously, he is so superfluous.
Bendis wanted to kill Peter during Civil War II but Slott told him to fuck off.
you mudafuckas still can't tell he was joking
This can't be true. Is he really that focussed on making his poc-oc replace everyone at Marvel. First it was Riri, if he did it with Miles too in the same event I highly doubt people would just let it slide.
Slott hates Peter, though. He wrote him out of his own book, twice and constantly takes any opportunity to shit on the character and have one his own OCs do something more important.
Remember, Slott even called Peter "Anti-Marvel".
>But...shouldn't Miles remember her from Spider-Verse?
They never spoke.
I really just wish Bendis would put some effort into making Miles make sense in the 616 universe.
Like, how the fuck did he get his powers? Where did he get his webshooters from? What parts of his past happened, what didn't?
He hasn't even tried to explain any of it, and probably never will.
I miss the Ultimate Universe.
That's the worst part. It would be interesting to see how much of Miles' history has been changed as a result of Molecule Man sending him to Earth-616, and how he's been coping with it all. But from the looks of it, Bendis just wants us to accept that everything's a-okay and not ask any difficult questions.
I'm pretty sure most everyone that meets Gwen wants to be with her forever.
>I think you should try liking Miles more.
Why would I do that? I'll follow characters that actually have personalities instead.
>He actually believes this
It's like you've never read a Bendis book.
It is true. It was all over comic news sites before Civil War II came out, when the rumors about War Machine dying first hit.
War Machine was who killed instead, after Slott told him off.
user Slott is a Peterfag, just because he loves Peter dosen't mean he wants him to be perfect in every book, he even writes Ben, Peter and Kaine as flawed brothers like a real family, because he understand that being Peter is eternal suffering
>user Slott is a Peterfag
I don't know how anyone could think this.
We're talking about a guy who:
>wrote Peter out of his own book. Twice (1st with Dock Ock and second time he basically had Silk one up Peter at every conceivable opporunity)
>He wrote an entire event about systematically murdering Peter (or Peter's stand in), universe-by-universe
>He writes Peter as an incompetant manchild
>During Spider-Verse, he has his own OCs do anything important (SpOck inspired the AU Uncle Ben instead of Peter; Silk figures out how to defeat the Inheritors, despite Peter having beaten Morlun TWICE already).
>He actively shits on Peter in interviews, calling him "Anti-Marvel" because he dated/married a super model and not a midget like his OC.
Yeah, clearly the actions of a guy who loves the character.
>he even writes Ben, Peter and Kaine as flawed brothers like a real family, because he understand that being Peter is eternal suffering
The fuck are you even talking about?
He turned Ben into the fucking Jackal and said this has been Ben's status quo since Spider-Island. Are you aware of all the fucked up shit JackalBen has done?
Under Slott's helm, Peter, Ben and Kaine aren't even close to resembling anything brotherly.
slutty feet posting
Doesn't she have spidey's powerset? She should be able to snap those off like they were toilet paper. Hell even if they're not, she should be able to overpower her even tied. Twist her head to the right and lift her with her right leg, trapping her with her body, smooshing her with her spider boobies as she struggles weakly underneath her squeaking pitifully.
God someone draw this.
I could draw this.
I should draw this.
But I won't
>Foot fetish
I never understood this.
It's almost like you'd have to read the issue to get the context.
Has anyone given the poor kid a personality yet?
Let me know when they try something interesting.
It's been explained a long time ago
>be beta
>stare at people's feel all day
>develop foot fetish
>mfw it's a choice between Bendis or Slott writing Spider-Man
Continuity is like an obstacle course for Bendis, he avoids it. As long as he's writing Miles you're never going to get an answer.
Apparently he's really close to snapping and going super-villain, but Bendis will never expand on that.
>Is it true Bendis is adamant in Miles replacing him and becoming the superior spider-man in the main universe?
Yes. The only reason he didn't is because the editorial vetoed it, and now he's throwing a tantrum and pretending Peter doesn't exist.
That isn't an excuse. Its bad writing.
No, because Ben Reilly will kill Peter and take his place as the Superior Spider-Man for like 2 years before Peter comes back.
It's actually brain hardwiring. There's evidence to suggest people with foot fetishes (including me) have the same sexual neurons interlinked with feet neurons, similar theory like how our Olfactory network is closely aligned with our memory neurons.
Footfags are also generally uber degenerates. My foot trigger was a thicc Persian girl (who crushed on me) who used to wear toe rings and henna liked to tease me by putting her feet up near my face, they smelled of Jasmine and mild sweat. I get hard almost 10 years after the event when I think about it.
>Has anyone given the poor kid a personality yet?
Not even remotely. He's just as bland as he was on day 1.
No. That's all fan discussion. Nothing has really been hinted at in the book. Just what readers have said they would like to see.
Not gonna happen, dummy.
His personality is making BLM references and being attracted to white girls.
With Marvel's main target audience being lefty white girls, that's all the personality they're interested in anyway
>and being attracted to white girls
Is he big enough to crash them with no survivors though?
Miles tries to seduce Spider-Gwen.
Except she gets wet for Ganke and his Legos.
I'd much rather take Slott over Bendis, Slott has actually written more than one comic with Spider-Man in it that I enjoyed, Bendis had to be in a completely different universe before he made a Spider-Man worth reading (one of the one two books of his worth their salt), and promptly killed him off to replace him with with half Hispanic half Black copy of Peter.
Meanwhile Slott wrote shit like Big Time, Ends of the Earth, New Ways to Die, Spider-Island, and didn't rely on an All New Ultimate Universe tag to help them be enjoyable.
Now, it is true that both duck right now, but Bendis is MILES worse than Slott. How much has Bendis ruined in the last five years, and how much as Slott ruined in the past five years?
I'll take the lesser of two evils.
>Meanwhile Slott wrote shit like Big Time, Ends of the Earth, New Ways to Die, Spider-Island
All really mediocre stories. Don't even pretend those were actually well written. They weren't complete shit, but nor were they anything special.
Also, you and I both know that Slott could never write anything like those stories again. He has gone completely off the deep end and is too focused on rewriting every piece of Spider-Man history in his own image to bother writing anything good.
>All really mediocre stories.
This is especially true for New Ways To Die. Literally, the only not-shit story Slott wrote during the BND stuff.
I don't necessarily think you're wrong, but at the very least... its clear that Bendis is a fan of the characters he is writing. He is actively shitting on them in his own books and in interviews.
>becoming the superior spider-man
So Otto's going to be a Black-Hispanic teenager now?
Otto just stealing every Spider-Man's body from now on would be hilarious
>So Otto's going to be a Black-Hispanic teenager now?
Hey, at least Miles would have a personality then, right?
And I suppose that we're also going to pretend that everything Bendis has written since killing off Ultimate Peter has been anything but struggling to be mediocre and failing to do so miserably? And that Bendis will be able to ever produce anything as entertaining as his Daredevil or Pre Miles Ultimate Spider-Man again?
No, the mere fact that Clone Conspiracy has been 100% more enjoyable than Civil War 2 (not really a bar set that high) is all I need to know that if I had to pick better the two I'd take Slott over Bendis without a moment's hesitation.
In my view, Bendis writing Cage is him writing a character he's a fan of, his OCs (Jones and Miles) don't count, everyone else was either getting a movie deal or already had movies he could work with. I refuse to believe that he was an Ironman fan or a Guardians fan before he herd about the films, and it's pretty evident by the way each of his comics seems to ignore everything that came before it, you'd think a fan would want to continue a story, instead Bendis rewrites them. And now he's got Defenders, which just happens to have a Netflix series right around the corner. No, I don't think Bendis is a fan of any of these characters aside from Cage.
>O5 Jean - Miles
That didn't happen though
she kissed him
>and it's pretty evident by the way each of his comics seems to ignore everything that came before it
Bendis was doing that before he wrote those books, though. Bendis is notorious for dropping plot points entirely just issues after introducing them. He's pretty much been doing that his entire career.
The only reason USM was good as it was, was due to the colorful supporting cast. If they weren't in the book, it would have been just as shit as all of his current stuff.
USM was good in spite of his shit writing. It was almost a fluke. Same is true for his Daredevil run.
>Dagger x Cloak
You're not the only one.
top kek
>can't read
>clearly says "Ult."
They say that feet is an undercurrent fetish. A compenent that, added to the grand picture (that is in straight porn[per A Billion Wicked Thoughts]), amplifies it. Not talking about that weird, disgusting dirty/smelly feet shit though. Specifically curvy feet, arches. Curves are feminine, thus it adds to the feminine appeal of women. Like that. The act of doing anything with feet, or being stomped on and tread upon is not an arousing thought for me.
Bullshit. There's also the matter of association. You see something arousing that also has something else, eventually the something else will cause some amount of arousal.
Only for the more extreme stuff. Liking women's legs and thighs all the way down to their feet because of how immaculate it looks in stockings isn't degenerate, its aesthetic. However, wanting them to fucking hurt you, leglock and/or crush you between or under them is degenerate.
Ultimate C&D were a thing though
Exactly, he's not a fan of these characters that he's writing and it shows in his writing, it always has.
Read above, dingus.
Get fucked.
Nice meme!
So? It's an upcoming series
It's not "race mixing", it's specifically a BM-WF fetish:
I actually want this.
>Black Woman
>White Man
>No Storm x Wolverine
I know it's just a trollgraph but at least put a little effort into it.
Thought it ended a while ago?