And we are back
what's with all the niggers?
That blue butt
Man I have MISSED this comic. K6BD isn't doing it for my fix anymore.
Don't giggle at Uiad's butt. You're naked too, water bitch.
Reminder this is Kasslyne and those mer-people eat human flesh.
And they drowned Sette's mom
Holy shit I forgot it was today.
Yeah well so does everything else in this damn comic.
Ahh, Ashley's fetish comic is updating again. I've missed kinkshaming her.
I promised myself I wouldn't cry.
look, ashley's got some weird kinks. but you're posting on Sup Forums, so who the fuck are you to judge
What if kinkshaming is one of her kinks?
>so who the fuck are you to judge
An anonymous person on the internet.
>weird kinks
Such as?
There is absolutely nothing weird about titbird ladies or undead husbandos.
little girl feet
we Avatar now?
I think I missed an entire chapter, but this seems like a nice scene change from where I left off.
You should read the last chapter, it was pretty dramatic. Lotta dead characters.
I've lost interest in that comic, I dunno why. I feel like it's one that works better when read in chunks rather then page by page. I'll go back later and catch up.
*gory undead husbandos
You are a beautiful soul.
Saw the update in my RSS. Ran here as fast as I could.
So it's just nonstop sexy in the ocean there?
about damn time, i missed this comic
That blue one has got it all.
Am I the only one put off by their gills/neck area?
I think they are all actually dead. Probably memories of people that have drowned in that area.
It looks like they had their throats cut and/or had their chests ripped open.
Ghosts of victims dumped into the river?
The one center pic barely has any neck at all, suggesting a botched decapitation.
From what I remember, they're actually some kind of Senet beast, I think? I don't know how that would gel with what appears to be their ability to reproduce. Perhaps I'm simply remembering wrong.
It's honestly hit a slower patch, kinda feels like it's in a transition.
It should pick back up... might be right about it being better when read in larger chunks.
Goddamn feels so good to have Unsounded back.
Bets on what our first scene will be?
Unless it's an establishing shot of Uaid stomping around, given who's been cooped up together with each other on him? Bickering.
They can't swim.
That's Minnow in the foreground, being the only one to look towards Uaid instead of to the waterfolk or whatever, right?
She a qt, though her earlier concept art might've been a little bit qtier.
So glad Unsounded is back, though.
Did the break help you refresh and put that buffer in shape, Ashley?
I missed you.
Sette isn't even on the page and we still fill our barefoot quota
Anyone have some of the older Minnow sketches Ashley posted?
Just got this one.
There are whole trains filled with my hype.
That's some creepy anatomy there
She can eat my meat whenever she wants
Kids are dead too
Tumblr pics from the break for anyone who doesn't follow Ashley on there.
I was deep into this art and it dawned on me I wonder if you will show up and guess what first line too. You're a perfect soul don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
You just know she got off to this one until it hurt.
I have a hard time imagining anyone who draws kids this cute to be a fapper. Cope is a sweet old granny.
Oh you poor ignorant child
Nah, she made it hurt and then she got off.
They're boots and there's snow on the ground, she could get frostbite.
I'm not saying I wanna fuck Sette, but damn.
Nope they're senet beasts so they aren't really alive or dead since they predate all that shit.
To be fair she is probably legal
Has looked like she is 12 for at least 6 years
Thank you. I don't follow tumblr so I appreciate you posting these
[undead serial killer husbando intensifies]