Is TTS Sup Forums material?I mean if you have RWBY generals

Is TTS Sup Forums material?I mean if you have RWBY generals

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An abreviation of the If the Emperor had a text to speech device.
It parodies the Warhammer 40k universidade and its made by Bruna Alfabusa

Holy shit I can feel the sexual tension between those two

Their hatefucks are so legendary that they scare Slaanesh.


Don't see why it wouldn't.
Honestly, as a RWBY fan, I've given up on the generals. /trash/ died and Sup Forums just lacks the same charm.

Isn't Kitten black?

Also, 40k End Times.

He's brownish.

Unlike the salamanders who are

He has a healthy mediterranean tan.

There needs to be more fanart of the two!
Or at the very least more of Kitten.


The series is an absolute goldmine for reaction images.
Dorn and The Emperor especially.

I love TTS. Wish I could get more of it.
It introduced me to "roller coaster of disappointment", which is my current favorite descriptive phrase.
It also taught me to love again, but that's beside the point.

>Hasn't updated in three months
It's a good thing my devotion to the Emprah keeps me going otherwise I would have given up.

Who is your favourite character and why is it Rogal Dorne?

Through the power of friendship, VULKAN LIVES!

The Emperor is always first in my heart, but I have a special affection for Magnus.

I prefer Leman Russ in all honesty.

Can we get one for "I suspect he was high on narcotics."?



When will we get Sanguinius corpse on the show?!


The Emperor: That is the last strike and you are fucking out. For the sake of all fucks in the space-time continuum, can you tell me anything useful??
Karstodes: (Beat) The Space Wolves are Space Marines!
Rogal: He is incredibly unknowledgable, father.
The Emperor: Thanks Rogal. I noticed that.

The idea of making the custodes Jojo characters was a really good one.

What in the wolf did you just say to me you milksop?!

Rogal: Father, are you familiar with the expression "you are what you eat"?
The Emperor: The fuck?
Rogal: Seeing as you are behaving like an ever-growing pile of screaming psychic children.
The Emperor: Wow, Rogal. Way to bring down the fucking hammer.

>Pillar Men theme starts playing
It cracks me up every single time.

It's the best thing to happen to WH40K since 4th edition. It is made so well and explains things in such a funny yet informative fashion, it made few of my friends interested in the world, lore and games.

Karstodes: From a quite reliable source I can say that - and I quote - 'THE FURRY FUCK DID NOT SUCCEED!'

Rogal Dorn: _______________________________________________I disagree____________________________________________________________

Legit and pure.

This is why.

The holy light of Sol can't deliver burns as brutal as his.


Rogal Dorn reviews the Codex Astartes.
Rogal: "5/10 It was okay."

One of the most hilarious things about Rogal is that even he admits that the Black Templars are a bunch of "absolute lunatics."


The first Black Templars were headed by Sigismund, who Dorn chastised heavily for buying into the 'Emperor is a God' thing.

Even before the BTs were BTs they were a bit 'off'.

Sigismund and Rogal need to have another chat apparently.

What episode was this from?


>What in the wolf did you just howlin' say about me, you little milksop? I'll have ye know I was throned at the top of my tribe in the Kingdom of the Russ, and I've been involved in numerous executions of traitor Primarchs and I have over 300 million confirmed kills! I am trained in wolf warfare, and I am the top C. Q. C. Expert in the entire Imperium. Ye are NOTHIN' to me but just ANOTHER NANCY LIONLOVER BITCH.


How will the Emperor react to the news from Cadia?

As shitty as the animation is, it is still one guy making half hour long episodes. Plus coordinating the increasing number of voice actors and writing the scripts and all that bullshit. I'm seriously impressed when he gets them out every month, if it takes him a little longer for some I won't bitch.

Every time he says "No." in that slow, bored drawl I crack up. His voice actor is top fucking notch.

Speaking of 40k, how has the least hyped comic of 2016 been going? I didn't even know it had started and now we're apparently four or five issues in or something?

>So you allied with this kleptomaniac robot who has stolen several imperial artifacts and who's entire species wants to destroy humanity
>In addition your plan involved not only crippling our psykers but also depowering your most powerful warrior
>ADDITIONALLY somehow you all ran scared from the Chaos marines even though they were depowered and you had marines and a metric asston of other troops
>And what happened to Cadia?
>'s kind of....
>Well that's just fucking peachy


Probably same as millions upon millions of Cadian shock troops fighting on all fronts across the galaxy when they hear how suddenly they became homeless.

Absolutely fucking livid.

>There is no such sauce product
>Magic pain glove
>He is incredibly unknowledgeable Father
>I did not wish to copulate with the book, I have only seen Lorgar do such a thing.
>A long time ago, I was me
>My normal calm had been compromised
>I am fully capable of the laughter
>Everything is on
He's simply extensively quotable.

Their chant shall be "Creed!" as they battle the traitors forces

We need more Exterminatus Man



Not small version

I wonder how Magnus and Kitten's Misadventures to accidentally fix the Imperium will continue

Also when will we get another Chaos Chat Room?

>How the fuck did you all survive for 10 000 years without me around ?

Jesus I love this shit


Actually their skin just changes colour depending on how much they need it.

If he stuck to a monthly schedule I feel like the quality of the episodes would decline. Most series like this tend to suffer from putting things out on a set schedule.


all I'm hearing is wolf wolf wolf wolf wolfwolfwolfwolf and wolf

>Jetboots, activate! Let's go, Draigo-go-go-go-go-go!
>Ordo Draigo present. We will provide the HAMS!
Russ' and Draigo's adventures in the warp are one of the most priceless things I've ever watched. I wish GW writers had at least half the creative ideas TTS has instead on constantly focusing on the grimderp and how can they make the stakes even higher. At this rate we will never get, say, another series like Ciaphas Cain.

God dammit Rogal, just go build a tree house or something.


They could address this in detail in some time in the series. A thousand psyker sacrifices a day is something worth mentioning openly.

Rogal: I do not have a hammer, Father. No.....wait, here it is

>tfw no 40k animations that aren't photoshopped pieces of artwork being moved around like puppets.



>Greetings, battle brother! What task are you to complete this day?
>Oh, just parade duty. Some Inquisitor is coming back to Holy Terra and we gotta make him look all fancy
>Ah, know that that goes. Ave Imperator, brother
>Ave Imperator

Speculation on who the next Primarch to return is? I'm assuming Corvus, since they already hinted at him a few episodes ago

I like it since it basically is 1d4chan memes the series

And the shitty animation is part of the charm.

You wanna know the odd part

I know this is a comedy series but the voice actors seem almost perfect for 40k voice acting and the entire cast are just die hard 40k fans.

>tfw no hyper violent cartoon of 40k
>The story doesnt even need to matter
>Just make the entire thing a battle between all the factions to make everyone happy
>Add in some plot but its literally just what 40k is
>Make sure it has a sick metal soundtrack with a few chants here or there

At this point, I consider this series canon to 40k

>You're a failllllure, Vulkan

>I bet ye lot don't even know what a daemon is, do ye?
>Do they steal jeans?
>Yeerrrr gonna die


>There are suns......In the Warp?

Love this shit

Draigo is fucking great

>We must go to the Gate of Khaine!

>Hello Internet!!!






In the most recent episode one of the Custodes said Khan was on top of a Razorback defending the Imperial palace.
That wasnt a joke

reminder that kitten is more ripped, oiled, and darker than the rest of the custodies

The fact Bruva Alfabusa took his character from "Trials of Draigo" and expanded on his insanity is amazing

>tfw they had a 40k comic going
>it died
>They also dont do 40k animations anymore

Imperial Guard bro team cartoon when?

apparently you can blame GW for the animation part


Clapping your hands is funny...

Floors do not speak, un-neutered one.

How likely is it that TTS can get hit by a cease-and-desist?

Its been going on for a while, and has gotten a good following. Offically GW hasnt done anything, and last i heard they sort of gave it a thumbs up

it seems that, so long as people aren't getting money for stuff related to their property GW will let people just do their shit.

Corgis are funny. They have small legs.




(Ere we go!)