Inhumans vs X-men #2
Story time
did Cable/Liefeld invent the Muscle Daddy with a shiny eye trope?
Pretty Thanos has been pulling the shiny eyes for longer.
So Magik does portal right? Not Bamfs, and she can do more than one at a time.
You're not Kitty kat blue
Ah poor Inferno
damn, that art is shit
fits the event very well
oops lost track of which page I was one
This is why you can't have more than one fire guy on a team. Someone always has to be the weaker fire guy.
>we're trying to work with you!
>by...Stopping you from stopping the death cloud!
I think she means the trying to find the cure and picking mutants out of towns the cloud hit.
Isn't Limbo a bit dangerous to be sending people you don't want to hurt? Then again Storm sent to school there so it must be fine. Also them pouting is silly as shit.
What's the timeframe for Laura being here but also being in Ghost Rider?
>Tell your war forces to not harm civvies
>AFTER contact
That's why Cyclops handled all the strategies.
Comics don't take place concurrently just because they're getting released at the same time. They could be weeks or even months apart considering most arcs only take place over the course of a couple days but take 4-6 months to come out in full because they're monthly issues.
>So Magik does portal right? Not Bamfs, and she can do more than one at a time.
It's a teleport disk, and yes, it's AoE.
What the fuck, Eldrac is still on the beach?
It's a hell dimension so yes, they'll have to spend a day fighting demons, but I guess they figure that they're all capable enough to fend off the demons.
I know that but is there any sort of indicator which is first chronologically right now?
So are all Marvel events just heroes vs heroes now?
Did they run out of villains or something?
No, and it largely doesn't matter more often than not. You can use context clues to piece it together, but if there aren't any, then it could be before, could be after, doesn't really matter. Let's say the Ghost Rider arc takes place... 10 days before this.
It's been like that for like 8 years.
Yeah, you'd think Medusa would have brought him back to new attilan and just created a cell for him or something.
>Laura going right for the kill
Oh wait, Charles "I let Laura watch when her friend is murdered" Soule co-wrote that shit
No surprise, then
Whelp, that is the end. Time to reread it and look to see if Yu drew and good booty.
Marvel's very first event comic was hero vs. hero. It's been part of their DNA for over 75 years.
Quick question about the inhuman city.
Why did they decide to put it so close to new York city.
Is it its own country or not
Wouldn't the US government have anything to say about them just setting up shop right there.
>Magneto and a Sentinel are literally putting people in a concentration camp
This is really one-sided.
Yeah, doesn't really make sense. Also a reminder that an inhuman royal in that city 9/11'd Stark Tower right in the heart of NYC. Like no way would the US government tolerate that shit.
Same reason why everything's near NYC. Maybe Manhattan just happens to be on top of some mcguffin deposit idk
keikaku doori
>Why did they decide to put it so close to new York city.
It landed there after BB blew it up, and since it can't fly, they can't move it.
>Is it its own country or not
>Wouldn't the US government have anything to say about them just setting up shop right there.
Seems they worked out some type of deal. Most we know is Attilan has established trade with them and such.
Remember when we all loved Soule for the good work he was doing on Swamp Thing? I 'member.
I wish Kamala wasn't an Inhuman so she wouldn't need to be dragged in to this stupid mess.
I never "loved" him, don't speak for me, cunt.
Time is nonlinear in Limbo. It can easily result in years or decades if you plop a person in for only a second from from an outside perspective.
One of the inhuman probably mentally manipulate them.
Missed opportunity to have Kurt call her Fuhrerin desu
Isn't this giant tower of high tech guns in NY Harbor or some such?
>This is really one-sided.
Yeah, to the point that I'm actually really bored. Not even really any cool fights in here. Just ports and interrupted fights. Now next issue we see the inhuman nigglets fight back. *yaaaaaawn*
Yes, during Inhumanity several people tried to illegally salvage the wrecked ships in the harbor.
You mean like the time the X-men stole San Francisco Bay?
Or the time Zeus decided to move an entire mountain into NY? (Whatever happened to that?)
I'm sure there are dozens of other examples.
The US government apparently just likes to keep it's head down when shit like this happens.
I hope trump tells these guys to fuck off or start paying taxes
That would not go well considering that every time they've tried it and every alternate future where they've tried it has resulted in a spectacular failure.
Talk about bad luck.
Is that it? Just one big fight for the entire issue? What is this, Secret Invasion all over again?
Anyone is willing to summarize it for me.
I don't want to read it.
Read it faggot.
>Expecting a plot
>from THIS
This is just a segway for the next relaunch
I hope Moongirl dies.
Of course she wont. Fuck Marvel. Fuck Moongirl.
I don't want to.
Just tell me what happens and I'll leave
>29th Jan 2027
>article on CBR
>Best Forgotten: That Time When X-Men Were Gassed to Death by Inhumans
Yeah, except she planned for war on day one with preemptive strikes if they found that the cure was impossible
Fine, I'll go somewhere else for spoilers.
X-Men attack. Magik ports every non-generic inhuman to Limbo, except for two of the new ones. Those 2 escape into some jungle (probably the savage land) and find Old Man Logan there.
That's it.
I'm glad I didn't read it
What is it with this hatred of a children's comic?
Hell yeah it is. They're just brutalizing the Inhumans. And they haven't even started whipping out the big guns. Magneto is just flying around making fences. Storm hasn't done anything, we haven't even SEEN Colossus. They brought in fucking Dazzler to take out the heaviest Inhuman hitter. And where the fuck is Evan? You can tell that when fighting really starts, it's just going to be a fucking massacre.
That's literally the power set of one of the nuhumans. Swain emphatetically infleunces people and Medusa has her on PR 100% of the time
Why do I have the feeling that a lot of mutants will die, while not a single inhuman (that wasn't nameless) will die?
They must really have reached the "sick and tired of being near-death every week" and having a specific foe that can be punched.
If anyone Emma is the most likely the only one to die.
It stands to reason, now that the event is in full swing and by the second issue it's just a complete teabagging swirlie of a fight.
Definitely. They've been training for shit like this and they never got to do much of anything with it because of how often their fights have just been fist fights.
Yay, another major mutant. Meanwhile Ulisses, that guy from DoX, and IvX, the earlong waifu of shills, and the nushithumans will live.
Yay marvel.
Not really.
Weak b8
I forgot, what did Eldrac do again?
Teehee. I wouldn't be amazed if Cronin was already considering that article.
is the cringy era.
Teleported Medusa into a death trap
is Eldrac /ourmugga/?
No, fuck off.
Angel you useless fuck! Literally the only power you have and a fucking machine does it better.
okay, sorry for asking
>What's the timeframe for Laura being here but also being in Ghost Rider?
Doesn't matter. Laura inherited Logan's secondary mutation of being in every book at once.
I'm rooting for the muties to finally kick these ayylmaos off our planet.
who doesn't?
only Ike "I'll take care of veterans" Perlmutter