What was the point of this issue?
Waid made it seem like it was some kind of great shadowy mastermind taking out the champions. But it was just some Atalntians. And then Champions punch them away.
What was the whole point of this issue? I thought Champions was suppose to deal with REAL issues? And how many times are they going to solve everything with violence?
Champions #4
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Are they still in the boat?
Had any issue up to now a point?
In the first issue they talk as if they want to help people, but I don't see them doing anything of the sort.
Maybe they are the fodder of the next Avengers Arena.
Champions feels like one of those crappy side-team books.
I kinda hope it ultimately flops because it's not good, in any way.
I fucking refuse to read or even look at anything featuring that "Totally Awesome" asshole because it seems like a rehash of Professor Hulk and as I recall nobody fucking liked that either.
Is my hate justified or is he actually somehow a decent character?
I only just realized a couple days ago he's the new She-Hulk, considering his personality and sexualization while the current She-Hulk has become the actual Hulk with the engaging story.
Waid is a hack
>because it seems like a rehash of Professor Hulk
He's basically a male She-Hulk in terms of personality.
It was filler
>and as I recall nobody fucking liked that either.
You thought wrong
What? Professor Hulk was Best Hulk, and TAHulk has been good so far (except the current Space Jam arc which sucks).
Shouldn't you be mad about Ghost Rider or something?
Waid is and always has been a shitty writer
Waid wanted to do a classic young justice team building issue and was not really that successful,He built up a good dynamic with cyclops and ms marvel and ms marvel and cho,But Sam and Vivs relationship seems to rely on ruining her character development in the vision book.The problem is the book lacks the humour and energy that made young justice work plus the teams founding goals still haven't really been lived up too
Take that back he had his moments before his need for mouthpieces and straw men happened
better question is why is rightclops a kid?
It's his past self
Speed force was a mistake
I'm getting berserk flashbacks, only, this time I don't care about the characters at all.
The whole series has been so weird and poorly though out. First issue, the kids decide to form a new kind of superhero team, one that won't simply punch the bad guys and leave, one that will stick around to rebuild, address the bigger picture and show everyone how much they actually care.
This was immediately followed by punching a clown, checking twitter for that hot new hashtag while a dead sex slave lies at their feet. Maybe they could try to figure out how these girls were kidnapped, who else was involved? Nah, let's just fly over to the Middle East and provoke (but not defeat or capture) a bunch of islamist extremist and immediately leave, never mind those defenseless women the extremist were trying to kill in the first place. Then, their plane is attacked by Atlantians pissed off at surface dwellers invading their air space. The Atlantians want to have a trial to determine if the Champions were spies. Hey, that actually sounds like something that could be cool. Maybe the Champions will stay and face trial, trying to demonstrate their innocence while begging to heal human-atlantian relations! Nah, never mind, they just hit everybody and leave them on a damaged ship. Maybe they'll survive or not. Who cares.
>Want to make a team that cares for people and stays for rebuilding and diplomacy
>Nearly the entire team is superficial short attention span teens who either brood over their first world problems or love superheroing for the glory of kicking ass no questions asked.
I mean what the fuck were they thinking?
Recruiting Miles "How DARE they call me Black Spider-Man after I wore a black spider-man suit without the real Spider-Man's permission" Morales?
Recruiting that smug little shit Cho on a Hulk powertrip?
Recruiting Viv Vision who she herself states cares not for emotional crap?
Recruiting Cyclops but weaker and wrong?
Recruiting motherfucking Sam?
This all feels like Kamala trying to fulfill her utopic dreams by recruiting the worst people for the job, and everyone going along with her for some reason
>no Ghost Rider guest issue where they try to recruit Robbie and he tells them to fuck off and goes to actually be a responsible adult and care for his disabled bro
Because Marvel refuses to get rid of the O5.