What now? I'm not giving click to that website.
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Leeching content from Sup Forums
>Ultron Revolution is ending its series with a 4 part story with a large cast of Marvel Comics characters. But can we read anything into the character choices regarding what other shows may be on the way?
>Go on, why not?
>Excluding the characters that are in movies already, we have Black Bolt, Medusa, Kamala Khan’s Ms Marvel and Songbird.
>The first two are lined up for the Inhumans TV show, Ms Marvel is rumoured to be in the New Warriors sitcom being shipped around broadcasters now, which leaves just Songbird without any show to call her own.#
>Could that be a shot in the arm for that rumoured Thunderbolts TV series from last summer? Marvel Studios does love its synergy…
>the New Warriors sitcom
From October 2015:
>The show Marvel ordered to be cancelled was John Ridley’s project,not Iron Fist. Iron Fist has problems but they aren’t related to the feud. John Ridley apparently pitched a villain-based show like Thunderbolts (not sure if it actually was a Thunderbolts adaptation but the pitch was along those lines) and apparently Marvel wasn’t having it.
>Apparently one of the leads was a pretty big name villain who Marvel wants to introduce in the films instead. I guess either Ridley wouldn’t budge or said character was critical to the pitch, but either way it’s dead now. Ridley moved on to American Crime and his other projects at ABC and his Rodney King biopic.
>Rich did it again!
Paid his back taxes?
No he didn't. Fucking bankrupt limey prick.
>Ms Marvel is rumoured to be in the New Warriors sitcom
Yes New Warriors sitcom with none of the New Warriors in it plus Squirrel girl!!
And after she disses them in Nova #2, what a time to be alive.
This must be the only time Songbird was ever mentioned on Bleeding Cool.
You should see what happens when you go to Bleedingcool on your phone.
Rich the mudafucking leach
>Marvel Studios
>Marvel Studios
Fuck off
ABC chief said he is working on a revision of the project today.
>Wow its fucking nothing
I thought this was actual news we've known Marvel's pushing Thunderbolts for a year now.
>none of the New Warriors
The roster is supposed to be:
>Night Thrasher
>Squirrel Girl
>Ms. Marvel
So it's the New Warriors with the female members swapped out for SG and Kamala.
>actual news
Seriously? All Rich does is repost shit he read on Sup Forums. There's nothing he posts on his site that you wouldn't have first read about weeks prior just by casually browsing here.
This is bullshit tho
>All Rich does is repost shit he read on Sup Forums
Then we can discuss what he reposted, can't we?
Nah Squirrel Girl is in that Archie Show right now playing Ethel.
>New Warriors sitcom
No, because you're just falling for his blatant shilling and clickbait.
>Norton Security
Top kek, indeed.
I like Bleeding Cool just for the sake that Rich isn't afraid to call out assclowns like Bendis or Slott publicly, like every other "news" outlet appears to be.
And even funnier, it really, really rustles Slott's jimmies anytime Rich does.