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Tarzan and Jane
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It somehows manages to be worse than Kong.
A mulotto girl from Victorian England... Yeah fucking right.
is there porn yet?
> victorian england
> Sup Forums bitches about things they don't even read the summary of
She was originally American stupid
How? Does it also have cheesy environmentalist messages?
can we still waifu her
>his pecs wrap over his shoulder
She's from Baltimore, you retard!
Can't you tell by her accent?
It has cheesy anti capitalist messages and the 3 models are far worse than Kong's.
Maybe he can unfold them like wings.
Its there some kinda King Gorilla or something that has amassed some wealth or a Hunter King.
Are we talking "greedy loggers and miners are destroying the jungle" or WE MUST EXPEL THE RUBBER BARONS AND SEIZE THE MEANS OF PRODUCTION?
its clearly poop
The first, with a dose of "they must never know of our super medicine because they'll abuse it!".
no thx, this is disgusting racemixing propaganda, much worse than disney's pussified version of the epic tarzan book
Sorry, I'm not a fucking netflix normie. I was going by actual Tarzan.
Hate it because it looks like dull as dishwater CG shit to pacify normie kids. Racemixing is a good thing for a veriety of reasons, one of which is that i like to laugh at butthurt racists.
Poor fucking baby.
He looks like that kid from High School Musical.
I feel sorry for you that you watch enough hsm to know that.
>see "Tarzan and Jane" on the list of January releases
>get excited because I think it's the old cartoon series
>go to watch it
>greeted with this CGI garbage
>preview has a witch doctor mixing fluids from jars labelled with animal faces together to give to baby tarzan
You couldn't pay me to watch this horseshit, man. Sorry.
Giving Tarzan actual magical powers is really missing the entire point of the character.
And in "actual" Tarzan as written by Edgar Rice Burroughs Jane was a nice girl from Baltimore! They didn't British her up until the movies.
>acting like it's other people's fault that you complained about a show you haven't seen
>black Jane
please stop this nonsense. Why don't they make her Asian (east Asia) or fucking Hindu?
"actual Tarzan" Jane was american. The british thing mas movies only
I hope your future daughter brings a black guy to prom.
Wow buddy. Sup Forums is two doors down.
>human raised by apes and ape raised by humans buddy comedy
Literally what could go wrong?
He came pretty damn close to fucking Teeka.
>muh forced diversity
>brownwashing a white character
It's fucking shit.
is this fabio?
ew a NIGGER! a smelly, dumb NIGGER! ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *holds nose because smells like POOP!* get rid of that bad gross NIGGER!!!
This, but unironically
At least they got the yell right enough, but the rest looks like garbage.
if you have to ask, the answer is no. True waifu love will cross any social or legal boundary.
The race swap isn't a problem compared to the rest of the things wrong with it.
>she's got spunk
I bet she does.
I found it funny that despite being called Tarzan & Jane, she's not even in the first episode. Tarzan having literal superpowers reminds me of Superman/Tarzan: Sons of the Jungle where Kal-El landed in the jungle and was raised by apes.
>reverse colonization
this is my fetish now