Suicide Squad #9 storytime
DC backpeddled pretty quickly with that whole "nubo" thing.
Pretty impressive Storytime, OP
Here, let me do it for ya
Whered you go OP?
Oh baby
Nubo was around for like 2 years so I wouldn't call it pretty quickly.
What they did in today's Green Lantern book with him was pretty hillarious.
>Art by Riely Rossmo
Why hasn't DC put this guy on a new ongoing yet? He's one of their best artists right now.
Jesus that's some squirrel girl potato face Waller
So how does Johnny Sorrow's origin work now without the JSA? Or did they brought them back too?
The JSA exist, but Johnny Thunder had to do something that made everyone forget and now he's stuck in an asylum.
Damn, I know Waller is a cold piece of shit, but wow. If I was Rustam I'd be pissed too.
Just imagine a God-Lono. Jeez.
Huh, interesting to see the SS before the fucking neck bombs.
I think this is the issue I enjoyed most this week. Thanks OP!
Oh man, those giants. So pretty, I want to put them in a tabletop campaign.
Most of their main stuff is meh. I hope Young Animal gets another title, they can put him on something there.
Looks like Waller completely lost it and has gone full-on coocoo crazy bitch mode.
>One million hymns to the king of tears
That's basically human sacrifices, right?
Did.. Did Lobo just throw his arm into that dude?
What else was he going to do with it after Island guy ripped it off?
Because rebirth has been pretty terrible in terms of artists. Rossmo doesn't have an ongoing, they stuck two of their best artist(Ferreyra and Schmidt) on Green arrow and that titles still needs fill in since Ferreyra has been doing side jobs. Bagenda is going to be on that shitty GL/Planets of The Apes crossover. Fernando Blanco is only on a mini(but at least it's a good one). Ben Oliver only did a two part Batwoman centric arc for 'tec written by Bennett. Meanwhile Deathstroke has crap art and they got people like Jesus merino, Andrew Hennessy and Fernando Pasarin doing lots of work.
Waller literally had no reason to lock up Rustam and Lobo with the rest of them. She deserves a chain hook through the head.
Man, this event is nice.
>These demons and cosmic criminalsare locked up because they botched a mission, blew up an entire city and have kill counts on the thousands
>Oh and Rustam knew too much
Well fuck you too Waller.
Also Lobo followed her orders the whole mission. You know she just locked him up so they wouldn't have to pay him. Hence:
Why is she fat?
did she lose weight just to gain it back?
but really, I am not a fan of this trend of Waller being retarded. and causing 100% of her own problems, and just making more problems for everyone else.
>Waller literally had no reason to lock up Rustam and Lobo with the rest of them
She tricked Lobo into almost killing himself and Rustam was completely expendable to Waller. She had every reason to look them up because they would have been pissed and tried to kill her like they're trying to do in JL V SS
>Also Lobo followed her orders the whole mission.
Then she betrayed him. Nobody crosses the Main Man
Maybe I'm misjudging, but I feel like if Waller had just woken Lobo up after the Cyclotron explosion, told him it was necessary to take down the others, and given him his money, he'd have gone on his way without trouble. He does have his mercenary code. Instead she kept him in a cell for five years, that's why he wants to kill her.
no wonder they want her dead
>Si Spurrier
Huh. I wonder if this is a sign he has other DC projects or if he's just friends with Williams.
Pretty much. Lobo wouldn't have cared about being blown up, as long as he got his money.
Rustam might've held a grudge, but he did claim to be a professional, and was probably ready and willing to kill Cyclotron himself (and get blown up), he was just pissed about her getting Lobo to do it. A seemingly heart-felt apology would've gone a long way.
I still can't believe Johnny Sorrow was a good idea to her.
I mean how do you even get him to work with you. He can't be hurt, he can't be killed, and his only desire is to bring about genocide in service of his eldritch master. DOES THAT SOUND LIKE SOMEONE YOU CAN CONTROL, WALLER???????
I think the word for this is 'desperate'.
It still seems like most of these guys are too dangerous to be captured by the likes of Waller, and not vulnerable to the bombs in the first place.
Rustam face in the third panel.
She's gained some continuity lately, it does that to you.
Johnny of cuteness
Much better than the actual crossover
>Include Johnny Sorrow in the squad, a demigod whose only purpose in life is bringing forth genocide
Why don't you put Darkseid in the squad while you're at it, Waller?
He looks a lot like Pedro Pascal. Now that I think about it, I would like to see him portray Rustam in live action.
Dr Manhattan made Waller fat again
I can't help but think the same about Johnny Sorrow being in the Suicide Squad. How were you planning to control it? At the same time, he is my favourite JSA villain so i am happy to see him.
How the JSA defeated him?
I think that Jay Garrick and Black Adam punched him at lightspeed and trapped him in the speedforce or something like that. My memory is fuzzy.
You mean the chump who got BTFO by Harley Quinn? Yeah real scary lmao.
That sounds both absurd and amazing.
You know it's because these guys can't handle a twice monthly schedule right?
no, if I remember correctly Dr Midnight recorded his face using his goggles and used it against him.
>on squad
Be still, my throbbing dick
I assume you mean Schmidt and Ferreyra? because Bagenda can(or needs a few fill ins) and the rest of the post is a different point. Anyway, problem with that it that Ferreyra did short stories for a DC anthology and an Image one on the side so it definitely slowed the output down.
I want Lobo ongoing by Si and Rossmo
Because most artist can only do 6 issues a year And the twice a mounts shipping requires 24.
>Waller's face
Lobo is completely justified in wanting her dead. Rustam, too
Illustrated by Giuseppe Cafao (Santeria: The Goddess Kiss
>Task Force X's battle against the Justice League is almost over -- but the excitement continues in the pages of SUICIDE SQUAD as superstar artist John Romita Jr. jumps on board as the series' new illustrator with issue #11!
>Romita is joined by inker Richard Friend as well as the art team of Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira, who will contribute their own pages to each issue. Each issue of this five-issue run will feature 12 pages illustrated by Romita and Friend and eight pages illustrated by Barrows and Ferreira.
>The new epic "Burning Down the House" begins in SUICIDE SQUAD #11, which spins directly out of JUSTICE LEAGUE VS. SUICIDE SQUAD! Hidden somewhere deep within, the world is a burning flame. Its light is blinding. Its heat is deadly. It's a fire fueled by hatred, by rage and by vengeance. Used, abused and left for dead, the greatest foe the Suicide Squad has ever faced returns, more powerful than ever, to burn down the world Amanda Waller has given everything to protect.
>SUICIDE SQUAD #11 (DEC160309) is written by Rob Williams, with art by John Romita Jr., Richard Friend, Eddy Barrows and Eber Ferreira, and a cover by Romita and Danny Miki.
>This issue is on Final Order Cutoff on January 16 with an on-sale date of February 8.
>pic related was originally solicited as #13's cover
>Barrows and Ferreira out from Tec for the time being
>JRJR on SS by a month earlier
>new Kick-Ass book delayed indefinitely
Waller flashback? meh